Official I quit as a fan because of TO *merged*

iceberg said:
worse yet, people keep acting as if the "star" is the real issue or even *an* issue.

Well, we can agree on that.

I rather debate with someone like yourself, who has reasonble reasons than a debate over him standing on the star.
the star is representative of the entire Cowboy Nation and his mocking it was intended as an insult (ie dumping) to all of us. you can't see that?
ArkCowboy said:
the star is representative of the entire Cowboy Nation and his mocking it was intended as an insult (ie dumping) to all of us. you can't see that?

I can see the (id dumping) but some poeple act like he actually took a dump on it. That is what I cant understand. Get over it. It happen almost 6 yrs ago. Peolpe praise Teague for defending the star. I'm not saying I didnt enjoy him giving TO a shot but if he or any other Cowboy would had defended TO that day he wouldnt had to defend the star.
Little Jr said:
I can see the (id dumping) but some poeple act like he actually took a dump on it. That is what I cant understand. Get over it. It happen almost 6 yrs ago. Peolpe praise Teague for defending the star. I'm not saying I didnt enjoy him giving TO a shot but if he or any other Cowboy would had defended TO that day he wouldnt had to defend the star.
still a very classy act, you are. Good to see you again.
Who ever leaves is not a true Cowboy Fan. Don't come back when they start winning.
marsbennett said:
still a very classy act, you are. Good to see you again.

Sorry about the Fantasy football leauge man. I lost my job and along with it internet connection. So I didnt have access to a PC from Sept-Jan.
Little Jr said:
Sorry about the Fantasy football leauge man. I lost my job and along with it internet connection. So I didnt have access to a PC from Sept-Jan.
that sucks. hope you are hanging in there. happened to me 4 years ago with my business and twin 1 year olds. I made it to the public library a few times a month that year, but other than that all I did was stress about money.

As an aside, I caught ol' Dargon with a zone buddy at paradise poker running up bets on .02/.04 tables. Whatta tool. They hauled arse as soon as I exposed his schtick.

Anyway, don't worry and I hope the worm turns for you always does.
iceberg said:
worse yet, people keep acting as if the "star" is the real issue or even *an* issue.

Ice I know that the Star thing is not why you dislike T.O. ............... but alot of people on here dislike mostly for that reason ...........

Your reasons make sense ........ he is a jerk and a cancer.

But the Star thing is just silly
marsbennett said:
that sucks. hope you are hanging in there. happened to me 4 years ago with my business and twin 1 year olds. I made it to the public library a few times a month that year, but other than that all I did was stress about money.

As an aside, I caught ol' Dargon with a zone buddy at paradise poker running up bets on .02/.04 tables. Whatta tool. They hauled arse as soon as I exposed his schtick.

Anyway, don't worry and I hope the worm turns for you always does.

Everything is fine now. I have a new job and making more money. Just trying to catch up what I fell behind on.

Yeah, dragon kind of screwed that league up from the beginning.
ArkCowboy said:
the star is representative of the entire Cowboy Nation and his mocking it was intended as an insult (ie dumping) to all of us. you can't see that?

He was a player on the opposing team, he's supposed to do that sort of thing.

I cant wait to see what he does when he scores a TD in philly

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