Official I quit as a fan because of TO *merged*

This thread is hilarious :laugh2:

First we got folk that say they are finished with the whoring of this franchise...

Then we have demonic worshippers saying they are glad they are gone...

then we have a Commander fan providing counciling...

then we have a bunch of folk running around telling others folk how to be a "true fan"

Dogs sleeping with cats

It couldn't get much better than this

God I love anarchy...

Hey Y'all let old Zaxor have a go at that ole bee hive...

Question: is TO a divider or a uniter WHACK

Zaxor said:
This thread is hilarious :laugh2:

First we got folk that say they are finished with the whoring of this franchise...

Then we have demonic worshippers saying they are glad they are gone...

then we have a Commander fan providing counciling...

then we have a bunch of folk running around telling others folk how to be a "true fan"

Dogs sleeping with cats

It couldn't get much better than this

God I love anarchy...

Hey Y'all let old Zaxor have a go at that ole bee hive...

Question: is TO a divider or a uniter WHACK


Dogs and Cats sleeping together...Mass Hysteria!

That makes me laugh everytime I hear Murray say it.:D
LaTunaNostra said:
I also noticed in the pc he called JJ. "Jerry', not "Mr Jones", and referred to Coach Parcells as Parcells.

I love the Owens Signing so no big deal to me...But I did notice that.

I was thinking Just say Mr Jones and Coach Parcells or People will say what you said and worse.
Zaxor said:
This thread is hilarious :laugh2:

First we got folk that say they are finished with the whoring of this franchise...

Then we have demonic worshippers saying they are glad they are gone...

then we have a Commander fan providing counciling...

then we have a bunch of folk running around telling others folk how to be a "true fan"

Dogs sleeping with cats

It couldn't get much better than this

God I love anarchy...

Hey Y'all let old Zaxor have a go at that ole bee hive...

Question: is TO a divider or a uniter WHACK


Zaxor said:
This thread is hilarious :laugh2:

First we got folk that say they are finished with the whoring of this franchise...

Then we have demonic worshippers saying they are glad they are gone...

then we have a Commander fan providing counciling...

then we have a bunch of folk running around telling others folk how to be a "true fan"

Dogs sleeping with cats

It couldn't get much better than this

God I love anarchy...

Hey Y'all let old Zaxor have a go at that ole bee hive...

Question: is TO a divider or a uniter WHACK

Post of the day.
SultanOfSix said:
Yes. I swear to all of you that TO is the devil incarnate. I have felt it in my bones. Everytime I see one of his dances, I know he's holding seance with one of his demon buddies. He has caused destruction wherever he has laid his receiving hands. The luster of 49ers' gold, he blackened. The illustrious Eagles - the symbol of our beloved country - he downed from their magnaminous heights with his flaming pitchfork. The power he reaks is devastating, and now he has set his eyes on our star!! Oh, the horror!!

Judgement day has cometh!!!!

Apparently some people missed the sarcasm of your first post.

Get your popcorn ready.
iceberg said:
i'm just passing on what she noticed. we also had aikman and smith.

most people who casually watch football can't stand billp and his constant "bashing" of reporters and people. they view that low class. many people view jones himself low class.

i can't tell you what people will and won't see as "classy" but i do think even with what happened in the early 90's, TO is worse.
it's how i feel and no comparison or analogy is going to change it. TO needs to be a TEAM FREAKING PLAYER *then* things may turn around. but i've never heard him even close to doing that.
WOW. Cocaine, marijuana, adultery, prostitution, free-basing, alcohol abuse, etc. but the signing of T.O. is WORSE than what happened in the early 90s? :lmao2:
Personally, I hope all the idiots that are boycotting the team while TO is in Dallas never come back.

The team doesn't need "fans" like you and is better off without your type.
These posts are really funny vern!

T.O will lead us to the Super Bowl!

Don't hate participate........
well, by your long standing tenure in this forum, then you know me well enough to make such a statement. as for falling, nah. i flush like everyone else dude. i just hope for the day fans quit attacking other fans because of how they feel about the team.

it's pretty obvious there's a huge divide in opinions. why that should be so "painful" i'm not sure. why that means we must now attack each other, i'm even less sure. there are a lot of times in life people just need to agree to disagree but due to the "passion level" of this one, we just can't seem to do that.

instead we need to say people are not fans unless they're fans like "me". that alone is crap. if people feel passionate enough to not want to watch because of this, that's their right and not any less of a fan or person because of it.

if people feel this is the 1 player that will take us over the top, hey - i disagree but that's why they watch football and i respect that - even if i disagree.

hopefully soon we can quit picking at each other simply because our views are different. i always thought that was supposed to be ok here. : )

welcome to the forum and hopefully we'll find something we can agree on soon enough.
5mics said:
WOW. Cocaine, marijuana, adultery, prostitution, free-basing, alcohol abuse, etc. but the signing of T.O. is WORSE than what happened in the early 90s? :lmao2:

to an awful lot of people, apparantly so. grow up a bit and try to respect the other opinion vs. sitting there being what seems to be insecure in your own.
for me it is not about the attitude
it is not even about the arrogance or the mouth
it is about TO taking a big fat dump on each and every one of us
he dumped on me
he dumped on you
he dumped on emmitt
he dumped on the ENTIRE COWBOY NATION

when he pulled his stunts in texas stadium it was a personal insult to all of us
if you people want to lick it up now and thank him that is your business
but as for me, i am disgusted as i can possibly be
spin, spin and spin again, but it changes NOTHING
you make the best of it, i am going to HATE IT & HIM
and i won't be happy till his contract is over or he is put out of the game

i would rather lose without him than win with him - PERIOD!!
have you people ever heard of PRINCIPLE?!?!?!
you people who are TO apologist's for the sake of W's HAVE NO PRINCIPLE'S
iceberg said:
my mom - who's almost 70 - told me last night the cowboys just don't seem to have class anymore. kinda hard to sum up better than that.

I can argue with that by saying when has the Cowboys ever had class?

The 70's teams and especially the 90's teams all had players with character problems not to mention crack and adultress problems. They also had great character guys as we still do.

People will stop watching the Cowboys because of TO but have no problem with Mike smoking crack in a hotel room with a couple of ****** while is wife and kids are at home. I just dont get it. I like Mike, always have and always will. I'm glad he's got his life straighten up.

Mike was great teammate but the media frenzy that came with Mike and the rest of the Cowboy players did cause a problem. There teammates were constantly getting questions from the media that they shouldnt be having to get.

Like I said, Mike was a great lockeroom guy but he did cause problems by his off the field issues.
Little Jr said:
I can argue with that by saying when has the Cowboys ever had class?

The 70's teams and especially the 90's teams all had players with character problems not to mention crack and adultress problems. They also had great character guys as we still do.

People will stop watching the Cowboys because of TO but have no problem with Mike smoking crack in a hotel room with a couple of ****** while is wife and kids are at home. I just dont get it. I like Mike, always have and always will. I'm glad he's got his life straighten up.

Mike was great teammate but the media frenzy that came with Mike and the rest of the Cowboy players did cause a problem. There teammates were constantly getting questions from the media that they shouldnt be having to get.

Like I said, Mike was a great lockeroom guy but he did cause problems by his off the field issues.

why people don't see by now that it's painfully obvious any comparison of older cowboys just isn't going to change anything, i'm not sure.

all those players we drafted, not brought in - save deion. now add in deion and none of those players were ever *so* problematic that they were kicked off the team.

so add it all up and feel free to make the comparison if you're trying to support TO, but those who just don't like the man and think we're a lesser team now are not likely to change their mind with such "reminders".
iceberg said:
i can't tell you what people will and won't see as "classy" but i do think even with what happened in the early 90's, TO is worse.


A cry baby WR who calls out his QB and wont play becasue he wants more money.

A crack smoking, ***** screwing adultress.

Just dont see it.

Like I said in my previous post, I like Mike and always will. I just dont see what TO has done was any worst than what Mike did.

I do know on thing though. If Mike was on a different team and did the things that he did and Dallas wanted to sign him. There would have been a lot of Cowboy fans against it. But since he was a big part of 3 SB's people look the other way and defend him becasue he was a Cowboy.
Little Jr said:

A cry baby WR who calls out his QB and wont play becasue he wants more money.

A crack smoking, ***** screwing adultress.

Just dont see it.

Like I said in my previous post, I like Mike and always will. I just dont see what TO has done was any worst than what Mike did.

I do know on thing though. If Mike was on a different team and did the things that he did and Dallas wanted to sign him. There would have been a lot of Cowboy fans against it. But since he was a big part of 3 SB's people look the other way and defend him becasue he was a Cowboy.

and maybe that goes back to us drafting irvin before he was *ever* a problem.
ArkCowboy said:
for me it is not about the attitude
it is not even about the arrogance or the mouth
it is about TO taking a big fat dump on each and every one of us
he dumped on me
he dumped on you
he dumped on emmitt
he dumped on the ENTIRE COWBOY NATION

when he pulled his stunts in texas stadium it was a personal insult to all of us
if you people want to lick it up now and thank him that is your business
but as for me, i am disgusted as i can possibly be
spin, spin and spin again, but it changes NOTHING
you make the best of it, i am going to HATE IT & HIM
and i won't be happy till his contract is over or he is put out of the game

i would rather lose without him than win with him - PERIOD!!
have you people ever heard of PRINCIPLE?!?!?!
you people who are TO apologist's for the sake of W's HAVE NO PRINCIPLE'S

He STOOD on the star.

Jesus, people act like he actually took a leak or a dump on the star.
Little Jr said:
He STOOD on the star.

Jesus, people act like he actually took a leak or a dump on the star.

worse yet, people keep acting as if the "star" is the real issue or even *an* issue.

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