Official I quit as a fan because of TO *merged*

nathanlt said:
I can’t believe Terrell Owens is a Cowboy. He’s actually not, in my mind, but the DIRTBAG will be wearing the uniform. Because of his acts of defiance and mockery of our organization, our fans, and our star, I will no longer watch the Cowboys as long as his name is on the roster.

I have been a diehard Cowboy fan for 27 of my 32 years, beginning at age 5 while living in Dallas, and though I’ve been all over the world since then, the Cowboys have always gone with me. I am as diehard as they come.

This PUNK we have on the team is as different as any NFL player can be from Tom Landry’s persona. T.O. hated the Cowboys, and now wants to bilk money from us while driving the team into the ground with his cancerous attitude and 2 year old mentality. We’re paying millions for cancer?? I can’t bear to watch it and I won’t.

That is why, effective immediately, I am not watching the Cowboys, or posting on this board, until T.O. is gone. I request that the mods send an email notifying me when he is no longer on our roster, so that I can resume watching the games, and following the team. I love my Cowboys, I won’t watch them be torn apart by this spoiled brat.

It doesn’t bother me that people think I’m doing this for attention, or that my statement will make little impact among other fans. I’m doing it because I cannot stand him.

To others who feel this way, please add your comments.

Mods, please sticky this so that there is a record of who has left. Don’t forget us. We love the Cowboys!!! See you later.

Also, can we only let only the "No T.O." people post? This is their last post until T.O. is gone. Please.

The list of who’ve had enough
Shotgun Dave
Jack Magist
Sultan of Six

Mr Melodramatic!

Oh come on You'll watch and read this Forum...No matter what you say!
I would never "quit" the team, but it would help if you TO apologists would concede that this is a dark day in Cowboy history.
bbgun said:
I would never "quit" the team, but it would help if you TO apologists would concede that this is a dark day in Cowboy history.


Funny how 2 years ago when TO signed with Philly, not only did Philly fans(and their sports media) were jumping for joy, but they even JUSTIFIED why he behaved the way he did toward Mooch and Garcia in SF.

At least alot of Dallas fans here are very concerned over him coming here.
the die hards stick thru thick and thin no matter if your a fan from the 60's or 60 mins ago lets just support the team man i bet first time he scores he will go to midfield and kiss the star :)
Ill keep tabs on Nathanlt. He lives here in Anchorage somewhere close to my pad. If I see him show up at any of the local sports bars then IM GONNA SNITCH MY BUTT off on him.

No worries... I got your backs Real Cowboy fans.

What's to keep these so called fans from coming back with another handle/info?

Sorry, not buying any of this I'm leaving crap.

TruBlueCowboy said:
Didn't some folks promise to leave the Cowboys forever if they signed TO? Just wondering if anyone intends on keeping that promise and forever dropping the Cowboys as a team because of Terrell Owens?

Hey, it happens. I know folks who left the Cowboys forever when they dropped Landry. Most came back, but there were a few stubborn ones (mostly the part-time football fans) who never came back to Big D.
I think I promised to put something in my sig line if TO was ever signed...just can't recall what it was supposed to read.

Props to you TBC, for making the TO call back way back when. Pretty clear you know your Jerry Jones, while I was once again stunned by Tuna's mercurial personality.;)
LaTunaNostra said:
I think I promised to put something in my sig line if TO was ever signed...just can't recall what it was supposed to read.

Props to you TBC, for making the TO call back way back when. Pretty clear you know your Jerry Jones, while I was once again stunned by Tuna's mercurial personality.;)

Well well well.....certainly good to see you Barb. :bow:
Glenn Carano said:
Shotgun Dave
Jack Magist
Sultan of Six

Yes. I swear to all of you that TO is the devil incarnate. I have felt it in my bones. Everytime I see one of his dances, I know he's holding seance with one of his demon buddies. He has caused destruction wherever he has laid his receiving hands. The luster of 49ers' gold, he blackened. The illustrious Eagles - the symbol of our beloved country - he downed from their magnaminous heights with his flaming pitchfork. The power he reaks is devastating, and now he has set his eyes on our star!! Oh, the horror!!

Judgement day has cometh!!!!
LaTunaNostra said:
I think I promised to put something in my sig line if TO was ever signed...just can't recall what it was supposed to read.

Props to you TBC, for making the TO call back way back when. Pretty clear you know your Jerry Jones, while I was once again stunned by Tuna's mercurial personality.;)

Welcome back LaTuna!

Your boy Glenn is about to have the best season of his career. :cool:

And nah, I didn't call it, I just have a big mouth and was one of the early ones who was able to drop the grudge and accept the possibility that maybe we'd be a better team with him. Now don't screw this up TO! :mad:
I'm not quitting the Cowboys, but boy, do I feel sick to my stomach with his signing. I've never felt this low in a Cowboys' off season as I do now.
LaTunaNostra said:
I think I promised to put something in my sig line if TO was ever signed...just can't recall what it was supposed to read.

Props to you TBC, for making the TO call back way back when. Pretty clear you know your Jerry Jones, while I was once again stunned by Tuna's mercurial personality.;)

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with B. ;)

Thanks for posting. :)
Rack said:
Shotgun Dave said he was gone till TO leaves.

There was another but I can't remember who it was.

Shotgun Dave never was a fan if he can just up and leave because we signed arguably the best WR in the league. :rolleyes: What a moron.
We just lost our first fan. Some guy called into The Ticket and disowned the Boys.
Duane said:
If I can stay when Jerry booted Landry, Campo had three 5-11 seasons and chutch was our QB, I can stay with TO.

Right. If they wanted to leave in protest it should have been when the Cowboys hired Campo. Remember when JJ was trying to tell us he was a hot coaching prospect, yet not one other team had ever interviewed him for a job?
MichaelWinicki said:
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with B. ;)

Thanks for posting. :)
Mikey, I don't remember what it was, but the other day I saw a stunning quote by Owens.

Apparently at one time he said (of himself, of course), "I love me some TO".

A whole new level of third person reference.

I think I might put THAT in, along with the aiuthor's name.

just as a reminder of how truly WACKED this dude is.

I also noticed in the pc he called JJ. "Jerry', not "Mr Jones", and referred to Coach Parcells as Parcells...can't say I felt he came off as disrespectful or arrogant because the only man on earth capable of making TO look like a gentleman was sitting directly to his right.

Had to keep reminding myself Rosenhaus recently saved a child from drowning.

Tho I am convinced Owens is flat out nuts, I am down with this signing as a Boys fan, and will enjoy the circus. Jerry rocked, imo, during the CBA negotiations, masterful and balanced in his public pronouncments, a voice of reason, firmn yet fair. Now he deserves the recreation/limelight..if JJ can somehow turn this to his financial advantage via marketing jerseys, or make it work for him in the very important new stadium venture, then great.

But as a Parcells devotee, I can only see this signing as a desperation move, and as the stamp of failure on Bill's three year tenure here. This reeks of last gasp for Bill, who COULD have gone the Joe Gibbs offseason route, admitted he had been unable to put together a good enough offensive coaching staff, and turned the nuts and bolts over to a fine offensive mind like Saunders. And stood back to function as more of an executive.

Instead Bill was unwilling to give up ANY control, in fact, took even more onto himself, and countered the loss of Payton with minor staff signings. Now it appears Tuna will be calling the offensive plays again, and he is simply not good enough measured up against the good OCs in the game. No amount of TOs on the team is gonna compensate for lack of creativity and high level Xs and Os in game planning and play calling, I fear.

Let's see if Nutcase is athlete enough to bail Bill out, but I doubt it.
TruBlueCowboy said:
Your boy Glenn is about to have the best season of his career. :cool:

Good enough to me making one-fifth of what TO will make this year, I reckon..:mad:

Well, at least your 'big mouth' rings in correct more often than not. LOL

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