This week the French scientist figures out that the invaders did not travel from another planet, they traveled from another time. This is a theory of course. And it is not much of a reveal because we kind of figured this out already from other clues over the previous 5 episodes this season. It has something to do with quantum mechanics and quantum computing although it is not really well explained. We still do not know why the came to kill almost every human being on the planet and continue to hunt them down without mercy. We kind of understand that the aliens are probably humans from the future but the characters in the show need a little more time to catch up. The fact that their DNA is human apparently is not enough for them to draw any conclusions.
Also revealed this week is the writers are running out of clever twists and ideas for the weekly episodes. This was demonstrated by a confrontation between a human scientist and a captive alien. They fight, the human wins but leaves the alien - and the gun! She picks up the gun and threatens to kill him. Here is a tip for humans. Never give up your gun - ever. This alien tried to kill this human at least 2 times while he had her captive and yet he let her live and left her the only gun he had.
But there is more. In this episode a father and son go hunting for insulin (don't ask) and of course they separate (intentionally) and the son is captured by two aliens (go figure). This is odd because up to this point the aliens have never taken prisoners and have always killed humans without mercy. This sets up an entire segment that does nothing to advance the story but does fill time. The father, to save his son also gives up his gun and they are both captured. Again, very inconsistent with the show. Also again, never give up your gun. Take the stalemate or shoot someone. Pro tip: Shoot the apparent leader in the head. Corbin Dallas knew this!
So where is this all going? I think the French survivors (all 3 of them) are going to meet up with the London survivors. What are the odds! Then something is going to happen, or maybe not. I was thinking that the French scientist is going to figure out a way to send the virus that the British scientist (Gabriel Byrne) has created into the future to wipe out the alien race before it can come back in time and kill all the humans. That will reset history and everything will go back to the way it was before the initial invasion. Or maybe it will just be a threat to stop the aliens on earth from killing anymore people. The whole thing is becoming a convoluted mess and I don't see a rational explanation for any of it. This is the problem with time travel. If you step into this concept you better have a good plan to get out of it.