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Looking forward to the what if series.
One of the best things for me about Captain America: The First Avenger was Hayley Atwell playing Peggy Carter. I enjoyed her Agent Carter television series too. Atwell will (sort of) reprise her role on the What If..? series providing Captain Britain's voice. Can't wait.
Loki to me is the best Marvel series on + so far.

Wanda comes in at #2.

Looking forward to the what if series.

I’d flip those two. Wandavision was my favorite so far. But Loki has brought some glorious insanity to Marvel also and I’m looking forward to the future setup as well.

Marvel is making sure to plant seeds for new projects with everything they’re doing.
I’d flip those two. Wandavision was my favorite so far. But Loki has brought some glorious insanity to Marvel also and I’m looking forward to the future setup as well.

Marvel is making sure to plant seeds for new projects with everything they’re doing.

Yea, it was tough for me. Wandavision to me has had the best story line to build upon. SWORD, White Vision, Wanda herself coping and seeing how powerful she really is, Rambeau etc. Then seeing repeat characters like Woo, Darcey, and where they are at post snap was cool.

Not sure how the Loki series will impact the marvel universe at this point. But from start to episode 5 I've caught myself really enjoying it.
Yea, it was tough for me. Wandavision to me has had the best story line to build upon. SWORD, White Vision, Wanda herself coping and seeing how powerful she really is, Rambeau etc. Then seeing repeat characters like Woo, Darcey, and where they are at post snap was cool.

Not sure how the Loki series will impact the marvel universe at this point. But from start to episode 5 I've caught myself really enjoying it.

I think what tipped my vote was the nostalgia feel that Wandavision brought. I love the old stuff with the homages to I Love Lucy, Dick Van Dyke, etc. I personally love the 50’s style and aesthetic and that era of music too so I loved that aspect.

And now we have TV leading into movies and movies leading into TV, blending the two genres into one huge tapestry.
And now we have TV leading into movies and movies leading into TV, blending the two genres into one huge tapestry.

One would think DC/AT&T (I should start saying that combo since AT&T is the parent company of HBO Max, Warner Bros., etc.) could easily mimic what Marvel and Disney have done but I have not witnessed any cohesive correlation made towards that end. Except for a brief and weak Ezra Miller/The Flash appearance, nothing on broadcast, cable or streaming television connects with the DCEU.

Sure, DC/AT&T pump out tons of cartoons and Western anime style content. They have made their television products have become more organized and accessible (i.e. HBO Max) to consumers but that is basically it. Unfortunately, what has/is eventually hitting the big screen is divorced from what is seen on the small screen. The DCEU is completely split in that regard.

One would think DC/AT&T (I should start saying that combo since AT&T is the parent company of HBO Max, Warner Bros., etc.) could easily mimic what Marvel and Disney have done but I have not witnessed any cohesive correlation made towards that end. Except for a brief and weak Ezra Miller/The Flash appearance, nothing on broadcast, cable or streaming television connects with the DCEU.

Sure, DC/AT&T pump out tons of cartoons and Western anime style content. They have made their television products have become more organized and accessible (i.e. HBO Max) to consumers but that is basically it. Unfortunately, what has/is eventually hitting the big screen is divorced from what is seen on the small screen. The DCEU is completely split in that regard.

Warner Bros simply can’t find a ‘Kevin Feige’ of their own to run their DCEU. That’s why they desperately hire a guy like Zack Snyder and give him free reign for his failed vision. That’s cost them years in any race with Marvel. And it’s now clear that unlike Marvel, they lack a cohesive, thought-out, long term plan. Now it’s one, disjointed, unconnected, hit-or-miss project after another. A hit like Joker followed by a flop like Harley Quinn.

Now they pin their hopes on the Rock and Black Adam or yet another Batman reboot. The biggest crime in my opinion is having a perfect Superman candidate with Henry Cavill and simply wasting it on the sidelines.
I don't do this often, but after 2 episodes of Season 5 Van Helsing, I gave up. If there was ever a series that went from bad to worst it is this one. I understand a lead character got pregnant and they had to do something to get her out of the show for a while but this abomination is just awful. The acting, which was fair at best before, is comedic now. I think they brought in some amateurs, maybe high school kids, to wrote the show - and then let them act in the lead parts! I think they best thing the actors do is deliver their lines without breaking our in laughter. The dialogue is silly. Part of the problem might be watching it n demand with commercial breaks. Good shows can't capture my attention once the commercials begin. Bad shows lose me altogether.

Anyway, it was too much for me to take. Maybe when it is on Netflix commercial free I will give it another go.

I started Black Summer. Watched one episode - I have a few minors bones to pick but I can see this might be a little entertaining for a while. It has a little Dawn of the Dead vibe. I'll have to see where it goes.

Yep. I am getting ahead of myself. YEARS ahead of myself but do not spoil my anticipation. :thumbup:

Disney/Marvel are geniuses. And Marvel keeps on kicking DC's butt.
I watched the season finale for Loki. I now understand the show's "Glorious Purpose" on the greater MCU. If you've been waiting to binge watch it, all episodes are now available. I highly recommend it.

Previous Disney+ Marvel shows entertained and impacted the MCU, but Loki...

Yep. I am getting ahead of myself. YEARS ahead of myself but do not spoil my anticipation. :thumbup:

Disney/Marvel are geniuses. And Marvel keeps on kicking DC's butt.

It may not be as far away as you think. Marvel clearly has a multiverse plan that they’re intently putting together. And like you, I can’t help but to think it’s how they will introduce their reclaimed characters like Fantastic Four and X-Men into the MCU. This way, the characters already exist and don’t need to be ‘rebuilt from scratch’.

I also expect them to connect the prior Spideys in the next film. Then who knows what craziness we might see in Doctor Strange?
My weekly "War of the Worlds" rant. Don't get me wrong, I love the twists on the old HG Wells story about an invasion from Mars. I loved "Independence Day" when that was new and original. But this series on Epix has a lot of flaws and I can't just let them go. As others have posted, season1 was slow. I think they were relying on constant tension and anxiety to create interest. It worked. The shows does capture a sense of desperation, fear, and near hopelessness. But the plot does not move very quickly. It feels like some weeks we learn nothing new. Season two 2 started off with a lot of new news about the "aliens" and the survivors, but after the first episode, the show seems to have settled back into a slow pace, maybe not as slow as season 1 but it still seems to drag on. We see some new stuff, but the explanations of what we are seeing are not coming as quickly as we'd like

I have so many questions for the writers. Through the lives of the survivors we are not getting the impact of the invaders having killed billions of humans in the initial attack. In week 5 we see one character showing sympathy for a captured "alien" after a surviving soldier subjects her to brutal beatings. The "aliens" kill children without mercy, including the 6 year old daughter of the soldier survivor. My question is why is this captured alien even alive? The show does not explain why the soldiers took her prisoner rather than just killing her. They handcuff her to a radiator in an apartment building but don't even question her for information. In asymmetric warfare, prisoners are a burden that restrict movement. Kill them or leave them.

After 13 episodes, we still do not know why the "aliens" invaded. The captured alien is asked by the sympathetic survivor, who by the way, is being hunted by the aliens, "why do you hate us?" Seems like an odd question. I probably would have asked her something more general like, why did you kill billions of people? And what is it you want? "Why are you here?" Seems like a pretty good question to ask. Then again, does it matter? They are here. They kill without mercy. And they are intent on wiping out all of mankind. Asymmetric warfare; kill them one by one until they are no longer willing to pay the price in blood. After killing billions of humans is there any point of negotiation?

Behind all the little stories is the main theme. The aliens are not from another planet. They are actually humans from the future, or maybe another dimension exacting revenge on humanity for something we did but the show seems intent on hiding from the viewers. My gut is telling me I will be disappointed when I find out the answer. What could we have done to warrant the merciless killing of billions of men, women and children?

If they are from the future, the many paradoxes of humans from the future changing the course of history by traveling to the past come into play. If the aliens wipe out all humans, how will they be born to come back and invade earth in the 21st century? I think I know the answer, but it still won't make sense. There are 3 episodes left in season 2. I suppose they could answer a lot of questions in 3 episodes, but judging from the first 13 I am guessing they won't.
My weekly "War of the Worlds" rant. Don't get me wrong, I love the twists on the old HG Wells story about an invasion from Mars. I loved "Independence Day" when that was new and original. But this series on Epix has a lot of flaws and I can't just let them go. As others have posted, season1 was slow. I think they were relying on constant tension and anxiety to create interest. It worked. The shows does capture a sense of desperation, fear, and near hopelessness. But the plot does not move very quickly. It feels like some weeks we learn nothing new. Season two 2 started off with a lot of new news about the "aliens" and the survivors, but after the first episode, the show seems to have settled back into a slow pace, maybe not as slow as season 1 but it still seems to drag on. We see some new stuff, but the explanations of what we are seeing are not coming as quickly as we'd like

I have so many questions for the writers. Through the lives of the survivors we are not getting the impact of the invaders having killed billions of humans in the initial attack. In week 5 we see one character showing sympathy for a captured "alien" after a surviving soldier subjects her to brutal beatings. The "aliens" kill children without mercy, including the 6 year old daughter of the soldier survivor. My question is why is this captured alien even alive? The show does not explain why the soldiers took her prisoner rather than just killing her. They handcuff her to a radiator in an apartment building but don't even question her for information. In asymmetric warfare, prisoners are a burden that restrict movement. Kill them or leave them.

After 13 episodes, we still do not know why the "aliens" invaded. The captured alien is asked by the sympathetic survivor, who by the way, is being hunted by the aliens, "why do you hate us?" Seems like an odd question. I probably would have asked her something more general like, why did you kill billions of people? And what is it you want? "Why are you here?" Seems like a pretty good question to ask. Then again, does it matter? They are here. They kill without mercy. And they are intent on wiping out all of mankind. Asymmetric warfare; kill them one by one until they are no longer willing to pay the price in blood. After killing billions of humans is there any point of negotiation?

Behind all the little stories is the main theme. The aliens are not from another planet. They are actually humans from the future, or maybe another dimension exacting revenge on humanity for something we did but the show seems intent on hiding from the viewers. My gut is telling me I will be disappointed when I find out the answer. What could we have done to warrant the merciless killing of billions of men, women and children?

If they are from the future, the many paradoxes of humans from the future changing the course of history by traveling to the past come into play. If the aliens wipe out all humans, how will they be born to come back and invade earth in the 21st century? I think I know the answer, but it still won't make sense. There are 3 episodes left in season 2. I suppose they could answer a lot of questions in 3 episodes, but judging from the first 13 I am guessing they won't.

I stopped watching after the first two episodes. And now based on your comments I’m glad I did. I now have no intention to return to it.
Warner Bros simply can’t find a ‘Kevin Feige’ of their own to run their DCEU. That’s why they desperately hire a guy like Zack Snyder and give him free reign for his failed vision. That’s cost them years in any race with Marvel. And it’s now clear that unlike Marvel, they lack a cohesive, thought-out, long term plan. Now it’s one, disjointed, unconnected, hit-or-miss project after another. A hit like Joker followed by a flop like Harley Quinn.

Now they pin their hopes on the Rock and Black Adam or yet another Batman reboot. The biggest crime in my opinion is having a perfect Superman candidate with Henry Cavill and simply wasting it on the sidelines.
I like the guy who plays Superman in Superman and Lois. I like the show a lot too, though she's one of the less attractive Loises, which is saying something.
It may not be as far away as you think. Marvel clearly has a multiverse plan that they’re intently putting together. And like you, I can’t help but to think it’s how they will introduce their reclaimed characters like Fantastic Four and X-Men into the MCU. This way, the characters already exist and don’t need to be ‘rebuilt from scratch’.

I also expect them to connect the prior Spideys in the next film. Then who knows what craziness we might see in Doctor Strange?

While I LOVED this series - it's very hard to explain to my kids who have never read the comics. Ages 7 and 12. They loved the character Loki, and couldn't wait for this. My son who has every Marvel character toy and plays with them everyday, lost interest about 4 episodes in. My daughter (12 yr old), loved it, screamed in excitement in parts and then at the end of it - looked at me and said "What in the world just happened and I'm so confused....please help". I went down the rabbit hole with her and probably just made it worse.

I wonder how many other kids are going to have this same issue as they get into the Multiverse aspect of things.

This MCU has been so fun with them at this age. My daughter still cries at the end of Infinity War and Endgame. I just hope they don't make it too confusing for the younger kids to wrap their head around. As far as my wife, she is a lost cause - I don't even try with her.
I stopped watching after the first two episodes. And now based on your comments I’m glad I did. I now have no intention to return to it.

Same, struggled to get through the first two and haven’t even thought about returning.
While I LOVED this series - it's very hard to explain to my kids who have never read the comics. Ages 7 and 12. They loved the character Loki, and couldn't wait for this. My son who has every Marvel character toy and plays with them everyday, lost interest about 4 episodes in. My daughter (12 yr old), loved it, screamed in excitement in parts and then at the end of it - looked at me and said "What in the world just happened and I'm so confused....please help". I went down the rabbit hole with her and probably just made it worse.

I wonder how many other kids are going to have this same issue as they get into the Multiverse aspect of things.

This MCU has been so fun with them at this age. My daughter still cries at the end of Infinity War and Endgame. I just hope they don't make it too confusing for the younger kids to wrap their head around. As far as my wife, she is a lost cause - I don't even try with her.

My best advice for the kids would be - rewatch. Even for me, I think I got more out of that final episode than I did seeing it the first time. There were just too many small details to catch all at once. And feel free to pause a lot when questions come up. That’s helped me to get my whole family (and then done) to love the MCU. We all just made a day of it to go and see Black Widow.

The multiverse is a tough thing to truly grasp and it’s fun to speculate and talk about. It adds a layer if enjoyment after each episode. But I don’t overly worry too much about it and try to more or less ‘let it come to me’ and enjoy the madness of it all. Marvel will ultimately do with it what they want.
Warner Bros simply can’t find a ‘Kevin Feige’ of their own to run their DCEU. That’s why they desperately hire a guy like Zack Snyder and give him free reign for his failed vision. That’s cost them years in any race with Marvel. And it’s now clear that unlike Marvel, they lack a cohesive, thought-out, long term plan. Now it’s one, disjointed, unconnected, hit-or-miss project after another. A hit like Joker followed by a flop like Harley Quinn.

Now they pin their hopes on the Rock and Black Adam or yet another Batman reboot. The biggest crime in my opinion is having a perfect Superman candidate with Henry Cavill and simply wasting it on the sidelines.

IMO the major problem with Superman is that he is too straightlaced (card board; AKA Capt America ) and just too powerful with no weakness except for kryptonite. The combo does not make for a lot of options for enemies except other worldly beings
IMO the major problem with Superman is that he is too straightlaced (card board; AKA Capt America ) and just too powerful with no weakness except for kryptonite. The combo does not make for a lot of options for enemies except other worldly beings
His biggest weakness is his concern for people, especially those he loves, as well as his reluctance to kill his enemies.

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