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They got me. Just as I was getting into it and things were getting interesting - BOOM! - show’s over and the closing credits appear!

One thing should be obvious but I must have missed it.

Jennifer received her custom wardrobe. Her blue dress expanded and shrunk as designed. Her superhero costume has not been revealed yet. I am sure she has additional clothes made for work, etc.

Here's my question though. Was her bridesmaid dress special made too? Perhaps I missed that being said during the episode. It will be a blooper though if the bridesmaid dress WASN'T a custom job since it should have been ripped when Walters hulked up before her Titania faceoff.

I should probably go back and review the episode again. :p
One thing should be obvious but I must have missed it.

Jennifer received her custom wardrobe. Her blue dress expanded and shrunk as designed. Her superhero costume has not been revealed yet. I am sure she has additional clothes made for work, etc.

Here's my question though. Was her bridesmaid dress special made too? Perhaps I missed that being said during the episode. It will be a blooper though if the bridesmaid dress WASN'T a custom job since it should have been ripped when Walters hulked up before her Titania faceoff.

I should probably go back and review the episode again. :p
Maybe you were just hoping? ;) But hey, if Bruce's pants always shredded in the legs, but never at the waist, I think we can allow for some room to grow in a dress. :laugh:
One thing should be obvious but I must have missed it.

Jennifer received her custom wardrobe. Her blue dress expanded and shrunk as designed. Her superhero costume has not been revealed yet. I am sure she has additional clothes made for work, etc.

Here's my question though. Was her bridesmaid dress special made too? Perhaps I missed that being said during the episode. It will be a blooper though if the bridesmaid dress WASN'T a custom job since it should have been ripped when Walters hulked up before her Titania faceoff.

I should probably go back and review the episode again. :p

Regarding She-Hulk’s 6th episode:

I’m more interested to see if we ultimately see The Leader as the head of Intelligencia and the person trying to get Jen’s blood sample.
Regarding She-Hulk’s 6th episode:

I’m more interested to see if we ultimately see The Leader as the head of Intelligencia and the person trying to get Jen’s blood sample.
That whole story has been cast so far to the side, I feel like them getting the sample is going to be the ending of the first season...or maybe a scene in the end credits, in which they report finally getting the sample, and the boss makes his/her first cameo, the way Thanos did in the Avengers credits.
That whole story has been cast so far to the side, I feel like them getting the sample is going to be the ending of the first season...or maybe a scene in the end credits, in which they report finally getting the sample, and the boss makes his/her first cameo, the way Thanos did in the Avengers credits.

It’s definitely been a slow burn, happening in small increments among the Ally McBeal bits. And it’s likely a reason for another series getting a ‘ho-hum’ reaction from the masses.
House of Dragon get's it own
Red Wedding Episode

I am losing interest in House of the Drag-on. Seriously, this show has a much higher bore factor than GoT. Maybe it is unfair to compare the two but it is unavoidable. I don't see this one lasting 8 years. Is there even a story we want to follow in this series? I'll keep watching but if it continues this way, I don't know if I will care much about a second season.

Episode 5 was 3 minutes of story movement and the rest was more or less like counting sheep. When Daemon killed his wife it lacked effect since she was a character we never met before. She actually seemed like she might be a good character to have in the show too, based on the 30 seconds of screen time. What made GoT great is the character development. Killing off characters before we know them gets no reaction one way or the other.
Just finished episode 1 of Star Wars: Andor. So far, the writing, acting, directing, costumes, and sets are above any other Star Wars product I've seen. It's much more realistic and natural, with a good flow to the story.
After the first 3 episodes of Star Wars: Andor, I have to say: :clap::clap::clap:

I wonder what the punishment is for inciting the rebellion. Or does he go on to become one of those painfully annoying, sniveling commanders in the Empire's fleet?
Just finished episode 1 of Star Wars: Andor. So far, the writing, acting, directing, costumes, and sets are above any other Star Wars product I've seen. It's much more realistic and natural, with a good flow to the story.
The opening of Andor gave me a "Bladerunner" vibe, I liked that.
Started watching "House of Hammer" on Discovery+.

Who am I to question another man's sexual fantasies, and so far the documentary is one side of the story, that of his accusers. Of course they have all kinds of text messages to back up some of their accusations so it is somewhat damning. I suspect there is a lot of abnormal stuff going on in Hollywood. My initial reaction is these women were enamored with the idea of being with the actor Armie Hammer and stayed with him even after red flags were popping up all over the place. They provide text messages to show what kind of thing he liked but stayed with him and some even let him engage in his fantasies at their expense. There is no doubt he is a creep and has evil thoughts about women. He may have committed rape, but I still have to ask, why did these women stay with him and indulge him after he basically let them know he is evil? I guess fame is a powerful drug.
Is anyone out there actually enjoying "House of the Dragon"? I mean really enjoying for what it is and not because it is a GoT spinoff with a GoT look and feel? We are six episodes in and I find it a colossal bore.

Is the storyline interesting? I don't think so. I care little about any of the characters, and I care less about who wins the political battles because they have not gotten me invested in it. The occasional mention of one of the houses that was prominent in GoT is not enough to make this show interesting or compelling.

In epsiode 6, we jumped ahead 10 years out of nowhere. Why? Is this an admission that nothing happened for 10 years, i.e. the story is boring? The episode was more than an hour long, but for reasons I cannot fathom. And after we move forward 10 years there are clearly some changes to the appearance of some characters (replaced by new actors), some new kids are involved and some characters appear to have passed or were just written out, but the storyline is the same. Why should I care more now 10 years forward in history than I did 10 years ago? This series has the feel of a dairy farm, where GoT viewers are being milked weekly by HBO.
Been watching Magic for Humans on Netflix. I don't see how this guy is actually doing some of these illusions live, without camera tricks and actors, but if he is, he's friggin' amazing. Either way, it's pretty funny stuff.
Is anyone out there actually enjoying "House of the Dragon"? I mean really enjoying for what it is and not because it is a GoT spinoff with a GoT look and feel? We are six episodes in and I find it a colossal bore.

Is the storyline interesting? I don't think so. I care little about any of the characters, and I care less about who wins the political battles because they have not gotten me invested in it. The occasional mention of one of the houses that was prominent in GoT is not enough to make this show interesting or compelling.

In epsiode 6, we jumped ahead 10 years out of nowhere. Why? Is this an admission that nothing happened for 10 years, i.e. the story is boring? The episode was more than an hour long, but for reasons I cannot fathom. And after we move forward 10 years there are clearly some changes to the appearance of some characters (replaced by new actors), some new kids are involved and some characters appear to have passed or were just written out, but the storyline is the same. Why should I care more now 10 years forward in history than I did 10 years ago? This series has the feel of a dairy farm, where GoT viewers are being milked weekly by HBO.
Yeah, I’m into it.

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