I obviously have no problem with players shaking hands after the game and congratulating each other. That's sportmanship. However, that doesn't mean I wouldn't still want to smack the crap out of them (but wouldn't do it). As someone else posted, Roger Staubach, Randy White, Harvey Martin, etc. wouldn't have done this. Losing should make you sick to your stomach. It should hurt. The LAST thing that should be going through your head directly following a loss is "hey, this is my opportunity to get an autograph of one of our hated rivals". Maybe it's just me, but this is clearly a sign of some of the things wrong with this organization. It seems that losing doesn't really bother some of our players. It use to make me physicall ill. Guess people just aren't the same these days. Why should they be when all kids are given awards for just participating and are given a good grade because afterall, they tried. LOL:bang2: