Official Tashard Choice Thread **MERGED**

Star4Ever;3743901 said:
For what? I didn't see Garrett asking Reid to autograph his drawers. That was sportsmanship. Choice acted like a 14 year old girl going after a pop star. If I were him, I'd be extremely embarrassed when I see it on TV and read about it in the paper. "I just lost a game, but I damn sure got a prized autograph. It was a good night".
heck it looked like VICK himself was embarrassed a little!!
RoyTheHammer;3743898 said:
Did you not notice Garrett yucking it up and grinning like a school girl when they met at midfield, or...?

If you're upset because of Choice not being upset enough at the loss then you should be upset with Garrett's actions.

99.9% of the time coaches meet at midfield, and unless one of them has blatantly run up the score on the other, thats the result you see.

I've never seen a player ask for another team's player autograph on the field after a game like that.
wileedog;3743885 said:
This is so stupid. Newman was 10 yards away from him. If Jackson doesn't stop to pull his ridiculous 'look at me' act we are not even talking about this, he runs into the endzone without Newman having a chance of even touching him.


Newman was 5 yards away. Newman also pulled up and turned off the jets at around the 25 yard line or Jackson wouldn't even have had the time to pull that BS move.

Newman gave up on the play.. not suprising considering he didn't give much effort all night though. I don't understand how that goes unnoticed. If he's hurt then why is he on the field in the first place? If he's one of our best players like some believe, why are we risking him playing hurt? Might as well throw Tony in there as well then huh?
RoyTheHammer;3743734 said:

So much oversensitivity here its unreal. Choice goes from "should have been starting for years" to "clearly not in the Cowboys plans" in just one week!


I think alot of people are just pissed off that Choice would act like a freaking teenage girl begging for an autograph from a dog killer.

Every does remember that Vick killed dogs by slamming their heads into cement until their skulls busted open and electrocuting the others. Yall still remember that, correct???

Yea, I want an autograph from a POS dog killer like Vick.:mad:
dbair1967;3743905 said:
99.9% of the time coaches meet at midfield, and unless one of them has blatantly run up the score on the other, thats the result you see.

I've never seen a player ask for another team's player autograph on the field after a game like that.

Rewatched the video, wasnt as bad as i thought (had to look away originally). At least Choice wasnt smiling ear to ear after a loss like the HC.

But i do remember Owens getting asked by Holt (i think) from the Rams for his jersey after the game.
dbair1967;3743905 said:
99.9% of the time coaches meet at midfield, and unless one of them has blatantly run up the score on the other, thats the result you see.

I've never seen a player ask for another team's player autograph on the field after a game like that.

I didn't see Andy grinning as big as Garrett. I don't see coaches grinning like that after a tough loss at midfield even half the time. Not sure what you're watching..
dbair1967;3743852 said:
Yeah ok.

Again, I've never seen it done once. Doesnt mean it definitely hasnt happened, but not ONE SINGLE TIME in all the games I've seen.

Maybe because we don't see every shot and every post-game situation on television.
sacase;3743893 said:
Here is the thing, NFL players are oftentimes playing for teams who are not their favorite team. Fans have the luxury of rooting for one team for their whole lives. Players more than likely will play for multiple teams. Hell I bet if some of you had the talent to play in the NFL and you were drafted by the eagles, you would try to get Romo, Ware or Wittens autograph after the game.

No you would....

I am a grown man. I wouldnt ask any player for an autograph if they were standing in a room with me hosting an autograph session.

They are men who have athletic ability that exceeds mine. Thats all.

I'd sooner ask the neighbor across the street from me who fosters orphans. He actually is doing something commendable.

But maybe its just me.
idk if other teams do this or not, seems like the good ones do not, i really don't like seeing it, no matter who it is, whether it is ware or TC, just leaves a bad tast in my mouth and i understand where those that are saying cut choice are coming from, but after thinking about it, I think it is ok.

For anyone here that played sports and played against players on an opposing team frequently you know that after the competition is over you generally talk to the other team (of course there are those you do avoid). But even from a young age all athletes are taught that after the game is over go and shake hands whether you win or lose, and matter of fact not shaking hands after a loss is bad sportsmanship.

Just something to think about.
Beast_from_East;3743912 said:
I think alot of people are just pissed off that Choice would act like a freaking teenage girl begging for an autograph from a dog killer.

Every does remember that Vick killed dogs by slamming their heads into cement until their skulls busted open and electrocuting the others. Yall still remember that, correct???

Yea, I want an autograph from a POS dog killer like Vick.:mad:
That's the worst part. I would still be mad even if it was Roger Staubach's autograph he wanted, but at least you could understand a little. That was not the time or place...and it sure as heck was not someone I want to see a Cowboy getting an autograph from. You want to do that do it in private.
Air Force One;3743903 said:
an autograph for some mythical sick child, because sick children all over the country are clamoring for a dog killer's autograph


There's no excuse for what happened there.

And I agree that a lot of folks wouldn't be too keen on showing off a Vick autograph this soon.
I'm just simply amazed that we actually have people on here that think this is no big deal. Guess I'm just from a different time. Pretty much shows why this country is going to crap. No pride, no common sense, no sense of duty or loyalty, and no work ethic. I'm a Federal Agent. Guess I need to try to get the autographs of the top 10 Most Wanted as soon as possible. Afterall, they're among the best criminals.
I'm just simply amazed that we actually have people on here that think this is no big deal. Guess I'm just from a different time. Pretty much shows why this country is going to crap. No pride, no common sense, no sense of duty or loyalty, and no work ethic. I'm a Federal Agent. Guess I need to try to get the autographs of the top 10 Most Wanted as soon as possible. Afterall, they're among the best criminals.

Sorry bout the double post.
RoyTheHammer;3743908 said:
Newman was 5 yards away. Newman also pulled up and turned off the jets at around the 25 yard line or Jackson wouldn't even have had the time to pull that BS move.

And he knew Jackson was going to pull that stunt how?

He's one of the fastest guys in the league. If he's already 5 yards past you and 5 yards from the endzone, what do you think is going to happen?
Star4Ever;3743938 said:
I'm just simply amazed that we actually have people on here that think this is no big deal. Guess I'm just from a different time. Pretty much shows why this country is going to crap. No pride, no common sense, no sense of duty or loyalty, and no work ethic. I'm a Federal Agent. Guess I need to try to get the autographs of the top 10 Most Wanted as soon as possible. Afterall, they're among the best criminals.

Aikmaniac;3743877 said:
You sound like it's me or you asking for an autograph.

Guys get stuff signed after games all the time. The point is that it was very embarrassing for a Cowboys player to ask for an Eagle player's autograph right there for the ENTIRE WORLD TO SEE.

C' have to agree it wasn't the best judgment.

It doesn't bother me. You lay it all on the field, and then after the game, you show sportsmanship.
Beast_from_East;3743912 said:
I think alot of people are just pissed off that Choice would act like a freaking teenage girl begging for an autograph from a dog killer.

Every does remember that Vick killed dogs by slamming their heads into cement until their skulls busted open and electrocuting the others. Yall still remember that, correct???

Yea, I want an autograph from a POS dog killer like Vick.:mad:

U :mad:?
DandyDon1722;3743933 said:
I would hire you tomorrow! I'm serious. Never lose that fire.
:laugh2: Flattered haha...I'm actually surprised you think that way. I'd think that it's the older fans who don't care becuase they have mellowed out some.
superonyx;3743931 said:
No you would....

I am a grown man. I wouldnt ask any player for an autograph if they were standing in a room with me hosting an autograph session.

They are men who have athletic ability that exceeds mine. Thats all.

I'd sooner ask the neighbor across the street from me who fosters orphans. He actually is doing something commendable.

But maybe its just me.

Yeah sure tough guy. :bow:

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