Officiating, the fix is in, Mega I hate you Refs thread **merged**


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Listen end of the day we had a chance to win the game. I know the penalties were even in the game....But it's flat out disgusting how they helped Philly second half. The ticky tack stuff they called on our secondary, meanwhile.

-Picking up a flag on a clear illegal hands to the face.

-Tolbert's jersey gets pulled on our previous drive.... but they make that call on gillmore.

-Micah parsons held several times.... No Call.

-Can we talk about dak getting with a shoulder to the helmet on that last drive. That the definition of roughing. No call.

I'm not one to usually complain about officials. It evens out... but you can't have minimal calls in the first half and call it different in the second. Awful


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Anyone after watching the flag frenzy refs refusing to throw the flag against Philly in obvious holding penalties on Parsons and identical holds on receivers blocking with shoulder pad holds (as was flagged on Dallas) cannot say the fix is in, I have no idea what a fix would look like. This is just more proof that there is a clear effort by NFL officials to screw Dallas. It has been going on for years.


Rising Star
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The PI on Gilmore was a joke that led to a scoring drive.

The spot on the first drive gave them 4th and a half yard instead of 4th and 2 which led to another scoring drive.

Picking up the flag for illegal hands to the face on Gallup on 2nd down led to a drive killing sack

But in the end, we still had a shot to win the game but for some reason, our coach went empty, which led to Steele getting roasted again and caused chaos.


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Listen end of the day we had a chance to win the game. I know the penalties were even in the game....But it's flat out disgusting how they helped Philly second half. The ticky tack stuff they called on our secondary, meanwhile.

-Picking up a flag on a clear illegal hands to the face.

-Tolbert's jersey gets pulled on our previous drive.... but they make that call on gillmore.

-Micah parsons held several times.... No Call.

-Can we talk about dak getting with a shoulder to the helmet on that last drive. That the definition of roughing. No call.

I'm not one to usually complain about officials. It evens out... but you can't have minimal calls in the first half and call it different in the second. Awful
The missed BLATANT penalties against Philly by a flag happy crew is all the evidence you need not know the refs are crooked and have been for many years. The bias has been so blatent it is ludicrous. And they are apparently missed at the point of attack where all eyes should be. So the fix is in. Period!!!!!


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Losing franchises like ours love to blame the refs when we all know why we can’t win. There are 31 other teams who ***** about refs but our fans take it to another level.

We’re not a better organization than Philly this century. They have a better owner, better gm, better roster, and have actually experienced deep playoff runs (remember those?). Oh and their gm made their team better before the trade deadline.

Losers blame the refs, winners look at the man in the mirror and focus on how they can be better.

It’s still business as usual in Jonestown, with the fuhrer simply rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
The fix is in and has been for years. How does a flag happy crew miss that holding penalty on Parsons? You would have to be blind or criminally motivated to miss that.


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For Real Doe ! How do you flat out molest Micah right in front of the ref and It is not called ? I mean the ball carrier ran past as Micah was being assaulted !!!!
The fix is in. The same holding calls against dallas completely ignored when philly was doing the holding. The refs are criminals and should be charged as such.