Oh Commish your double standard is showing again

blindzebra;1741017 said:
The kid was living in his house, he's accountable.

That is totally dependant upon the age of the kid.
5Stars;1741671 said:
Just for clarification to everyone...that is know as your "prison wallet".

Making the day in the life of a pickpocket a complete and utter nightmare.
Nors;1741422 said:

Reid like most NFL coaches works his *** off at the detriment to his family. Such a cruel choice career wise.

There ya go... I'm surprised more coaches don't have family crises crop up...

Me, I decided my family was more important than my "career arc" and have been at all my sons games and home to be a hands on dad. Thats priceless to me.

Then you did what I did, evaluated your priorities and reorganized your life to reflect what's more important to you... I walked away from the 75 hour work weeks of your average everyday golf (club) pro, and the money that went along with it... now I make considerably less, but I can do that because I paid off my house when I was still making nice coin working in the golf biz...

I love golf, but got really tired of watching everybody else play while I was ringing up greens fees and selling tees in the pro shop...

I am actively involved as a dad, and they know that and also know or will know that they have to fly at age 18. Thats where the Reids of the world fail, filthy rich kids that have no incentive to leave house or provide for themselves.....

I've seen you repeat that "throw 'em out of the house when they hit 18" theory before, and have to tell you it's beyond ignorant... my sister-in-law did it to her son, my nephew Michael, when he turned 18... he wound up homeless for a time, literally sleeping under cars... I had no idea until some years later...

This was not a "lazy" kid, he is in fact well-regarded in the company we both work for because of his work ethic... he moved in with me shortly after my Mom died six years ago, and has been a joy as a roommate... I don't charge him rent, he's family, but he pays his share of the utilities, and he's working on the house constantly when he's home...

Some kids are ready to face the big, bad world when they're 18, some simply aren't that early... I do hope you reconsider this position before your kids hit the "magic age", lest you needlessly put them through the same kind of hell poor Michael went through (he's still haunted by the sense of desperation he felt back then, and he was THIS close to winding up in jail when he fell in with a bad crowd)...

I can clearly see that being a good parent is very, very important to you... well, even though I've never been a parent, I'll presume to offer you this one bit of advice-- there is no "one size fits all" approach to raising kids... they're each unique, they each require a different approach to maximize their potential...

Don't ever let one of your kids wind up sleeping under a car because you have this rigid notion of how to raise them up properly... I went away to college, then when I dropped out to turn pro, I moved back in with the folks for like a year... by then, I was READY to get out of their house, I had the income to afford an apartment of my own... I've lived on my own ever since, except for a coupla years when Mom moved back in with me before she got sick and passed away...

To me, families support each other, and kicking your kid out of the house when he turns 18 isn't always "tough love"... my folks supported me when I was 20 years old and trying to find my way, I supported my Mom when she was old and sick, and needed help... in the end, it all works out...
Bob Sacamano;1741426 said:
as Lord High Muckety-Muck of the Viligante, Draconian, Justice Squad, you should know what to do


you navy guys should know what I'm talking about

We're gonna need a LOT of yardarms... :D
Nors;1741535 said:
Sure - it's his house. He has 3 teenage kids living there. To allow a drug emporium environment,

It's kinda stupid for you to parrot what some fool of a judge, who has never been in the Reid home, says about their family life... particularly when there are reports that no drugs were found in the house...

I guess you think judges are infallible, and their pronouncements the undisputed truth... like the judge who just got kicked out here in Virginia for literally flipping a coin to decide a custody dispute, I guess you think he was right to do that, too...

guns and ammo in his house

There was always guns and ammo in MY house growing up, too... we called my Dad "Bwana Bob, the Great White Hunter", for his passion for hunting...

My Dad was a GREAT Dad, strict as hell, but always supporting anything me and my brother might turn our minds to... I think the happiest I ever made him was when I told him after quitting college that I wanted to follow in his footsteps, become a golf pro...

And yet, my late brother Ron developed serious drug and alcohol issues, that killed him at 41... but I didn't... same house, same parents, one kid "goes bad" (he was a really good guy, well-liked by everybody he knew, WHEN HE WAS SOBER), the other doesn't...

How does that fit into your theories on parenting, Nors??

And what did Reid do last 20 years? Work 20 hours a day most year round. Those kids had no dad growing up. And when or if Reid showed up it was likely a mob scene of "There's Andy Reid" and all the fringers that want to revere/know the coach, I don't feel so sorry for Reid. He made a choice.

Same with Belichick who's son was arrested with pot last fall, these guys are not good husbands or fathers for the most part. How can they be? They are most never home. Parcells never saw his new Grandkid for 2 years when he was coaching in Dallas. Coaching is a brutal grind, look at what Dungy went through.

So, ALL football coaches make "questionable parents"??

Interesting theory...
5Stars;1741671 said:
Just for clarification to everyone...that is know as your "prison wallet".

Prisoners hide drugs, shanks, kites, and anything else that the can fit into their "prison wallet", and it takes x-rays at times to find out exactely what they have in their "prison wallet".

Carry on...


LOL... suffice it say that if it comes out of the "prison wallet", it's not goin' in MY mouth... not even if it's my OWN "prison wallet", even though my s*** don't stink... :D
cowboyed;1741866 said:
Whether the league comes down on him or not Reid is suffering at the hands of his family and the media. The comparatives will be cruel, you can manage a team but not your own family?

Yeah, it would be hard for the NFL to match the pure hell he's goin' through now... no matter how much he's to blame for his problems, if you can't feel sorry for the guy, you have no heart...

Unless, of course, you assume that Andy Reid doesn't love his kids... I rather doubt that's the case...
mickgreen58;1741334 said:

Also, as I stated before it is just hersay and I will admit that, but according to some on Philly Talk Radio who claimed to be alot closer to the situation, Reid's sons not only sold dope in impoverished areas but were also selling it in their own neighborhood.

Anonymous persons on talk radio doesn't provide an iota of credibility but there have been several cases in which well off kids buy and sell drugs in the inner city and then return to their natural surroundings and distribute those drugs.

- Mike G.

I think that about sums it up. Now everyone lineup apologize to 'Zebra.:laugh2:
if i went out and did heroin i wouldn't expect my father to get punished, that would be my decision.

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