Oh Commish your double standard is showing again

BoysRule2;1741060 said:
Have you ever heard of "harboring and aiding a fugitive"?

No, they're not the exact same thing, but they're not any different, IMHO.

Terrific-- now, can you prove that Reid knew ANYTHING about the drugs his kids were keeping in the house??

When I lived with my parents for a time in my early 20s (we'd just relocated to take over a golf course, I needed a couple-three months to find a suitable apartment), my room was my sanctuary... they simply never went in there, I was responsible for keeping it clean enough to suit me... I could have had a kilo of weed in there and they would never have known about it...

It's called respecting the privacy of an adult child, and while it proved to be a mistake with Reid's kids, it is the right way to go...

I will say that those kids keeping their drugs in their parents' house was an ultimate sign of disrespect... besides their drug issues, those kids do not seem to be decent, or honorable... in my experience, having drug issues and being indecent or dishonorable do not necessarily go hand in hand, but they seem to be inextricably intertwined in this situation...
Nors;1741346 said:
It's a problem when a drugged up Reid slams your car running a red light on heroin or another in a roid rage points a gun at your head. I don't get all the Reid sympathy on ESPN and media. These kids live in his house.

And they then get arrested again after this. putting them in jail These are menaces to society that need to be jailed and away from mainstream people.

I have it from reliable sources that the kids have been punished by a judge.
So, to bash the father whose crime is that he was not strict enough and didn't want to toss his sons out of the house is not in the best tradition of the American spirit of fair play and decency.

btw: my best bud learned last year that he could not just toss his grown kid out after they had an altercation. He was told he'd have to write out a document evicting the kid and then wait 30 days until he could enforce it.
Meanwhile he was at the mercy of the kid inside his house

I do understand the sympathy for Reid
He's failed and his family, through their own actions, have turned his world upside down.
Hope he can right his ship once again.
silverbear;1741369 said:
Don't be that way, pal... yeah, BZ's embarrassing himself with this thread, but he's generally one of our better posters...

yeah, what's going on here? that's what I want to know, 1st you have another great poster, Inmanroshi, and his ridiculously insane analogy, and now BZ w/ this

has the world gone mad?

is this Bizzaro CowboyZone?

the Twilight Zone?
silverbear;1741366 said:
You don't know what the league is or isn't doing, son... kindly stop acting as if you're privy to all their private workings...

And again, Reid isn't accused of doing ANYTHING, his sons are... so, you're suggesting the league suspend him for not being a particularly good father??

I said it before, I'll say it again, with emphasis-- that's just STUPID...

Unless NFL can link Reid and his doctors to prescribing drugs illegally to his kids, he can't be in trouble with NFL for being a bad/absentee dad.

Hoodies 19 year old was arrested on pot charges last year. These coaches are not role model parents. THEY WORK 18-20 HOUR DAYS AND NARY SEE THEIR KIDS OR WIVES.

Parcells when in Dallas is rumored to have not seen his Pioli Grandchild for TWO years after birth - working. Also divorced.
silverbear;1741373 said:
Terrific-- now, can you prove that Reid knew ANYTHING about the drugs his kids were keeping in the house??

When I lived with my parents for a time in my early 20s (we'd just relocated to take over a golf course, I needed a couple-three months to find a suitable apartment), my room was my sanctuary... they simply never went in there, I was responsible for keeping it clean enough to suit me... I could have had a kilo of weed in there and they would never have known about it...

It's called respecting the privacy of an adult child, and while it proved to be a mistake with Reid's kids, it is the right way to go...

I will say that those kids keeping their drugs in their parents' house was an ultimate sign of disrespect... besides their drug issues, those kids do not seem to be decent, or honorable... in my experience, having drug issues and being indecent or dishonorable do not necessarily go hand in hand, but they seem to be inextricably intertwined in this situation...

FWIW-I was secretly doing business with Amway in college. Somehow, I THOUGHT my parents didn't know(I even kept all my Amway products stashed away in places where my parents wouldn't even know about).

But somehow-they KNEW off the bat I was just doing that-dealing with Amway.

Hey-I would go balistic if my parents searched my room-but in the long run, I'm THANKFUL for the things they do that's kept me in line.
Nors;1741063 said:
I think the Reid who smuggled all those drugs into Prison will be arrested again and face 5 new drug charges - just heard it and looking for it on the net - not out yet in print

It never ends

One of the few giggles in this sordid spectacle came out of the reports of these new charges... seems the Reid kid smuggled his stash into jail in his rectum... his cellmate saw him retrieve the pills, then Reid offered to share them...

I'm pretty sure the only appropriate response to "hey, would you like a coupla these pills I just pulled out of my a**??" is "Uhhhh, no thanks"... :D
Nors;1741376 said:
Unless NFL can link Reid and his doctors to prescribing drugs illegally to his kids, he can't be in trouble with NFL for being a bad/absentee dad.

Hoodies 19 year old was arrested on pot charges last year. These coaches are not role model parents. THEY WORK 18-20 HOUR DAYS AND NARY SEE THEIR KIDS OR WIVES.

Parcells when in Dallas is rumored to have not seen his Pioli Grandchild for TWO years after birth - working. Also divorced.

FWIW-Don Shula's kids may have turned out to be crappy coaches, but AT LEAST they turned out to be successful in their own rights.
GimmeTheBall!;1741374 said:
I have it from reliable sources that the kids have been punished by a judge.
So, to bash the father whose crime is that he was not strict enough and didn't want to toss his sons out of the house is not in the best tradition of the American spirit of fair play and decency.

btw: my best bud learned last year that he could not just toss his grown kid out after they had an altercation. He was told he'd have to write out a document evicting the kid and then wait 30 days until he could enforce it.
Meanwhile he was at the mercy of the kid inside his house

I do understand the sympathy for Reid
He's failed and his family, through their own actions, have turned his world upside down.
Hope he can right his ship once again.

My point was as a parent you have to set expectations for your kids at age 12/13 and they know at 18 they go to college or get a job and move out.

To fund punks and give them a free pass to your house opens you up to this bs. And to then fund it for 3/5 years is crazy....
BoysRule2;1741379 said:
FWIW-Don Shula's kids may have turned out to be crappy coaches, but AT LEAST they turned out to be successful in their own rights.

Don Shula strikes me as a guy that was there for his family. Reid, Gruden, Holmgrom, It always struck me as odd them talking about sleeping at stadium's and not going home during season.

Thats no way to raise a family.
What is it with all these "Reid sympathizers" here? Wasn't he the same guy who ran up the score on us a few times? Wasn't he also the same guy who put Winston Justice on an island by himself, so he could justify his own ego how his prized '05 first day steal would become the highly touted impact player, like he was at USC?

The guy's an arrogant SOB-why the mediots on BSPN don't see this is beyond me.
ok, I think this thread has run it's course, it's been proven that Reid shouldn't face punishment, Goodell isn't being hypocritical in this instance, and his kids are thugs, the 1st time the word "thug" has been used properly on this forum I might add, because he's an absentee father
mickgreen58;1741212 said:
It is my contention that Andy Reid does not have to know that a plethora of guns and ammunition were found on his property. Furthermore, I do not believe that Andy Reid has to be aware of the fact that illegal drugs are being used and sold on property he owns.

My thoughts are based on parts of the conversation Mr. Goodell had with Michael Vick prior to the 2007 NFL Draft.

I don't remember the exact words the commissioner used when speaking with Michael Vick prior to the 2007 Draft, but the crux of the formal meeting was that a player is responsible if members of his family use said player's property to commit crimes.

To add, it was very interesting for a Dallas Local like myself to listen to 610 WIP over the Internet all this week. Appearantly, last week a couple of callers closer to the situation called into the show and told the hosts that it was pretty much common knowledge on the street that the Reid boys were participating in extremely illegal activity. Those same callers called back to throw out a big "I told you so" to the hosts after the story broke.

I know things can happen, but I would like to think that if my house had become a "Drug Emporium" and my kids had a stash of guns on my property that I would eventually find out about it. Now if my house was as big as Andy Reid's, it would probably take me a little longer :D .

- Mike G.

The difference being that Vick's relatives were running a criminal conspiracy out of his house (it has since been proven that Vick was fully aware of the criminal behavior, but that was not established when Goodell met with him)...

Got any evidence that the Reid kids were running come kind of criminal conspiracy out of Dad's house?? Absent that, your analogy runs aground...
BoysRule2;1741388 said:
What is it with all these "Reid sympathizers" here? Wasn't he the same guy who ran up the score on us a few times? Wasn't he also the same guy who put Winston Justice on an island by himself, so he could justify his own ego how his prized '05 first day steal would become the highly touted impact player, like he was at USC?

The guy's an arrogant SOB-why the mediots on BSPN don't see this is beyond me.

I don't care if he ran up the score on us.
Everyday humanity should dictate that we wish him the best re this terrible family predicament and not judge
To justify our mocking Coach Reid as getting back to him for running up the score is just so juvenile
Be glad your family is safe and sound and let's extend some humanity and sympathy to the man. We should be better than what is being put forth here.
dooomsday;1741219 said:
They found only prescribed meds and registered guns which throws your entire argument out the window.

I think we can agree Garrett Reid deserves at least 4 games.

Naw, 4 weeks tethered to a buried car axle by a chain in Ron Mexico's back yard...
Stuff like this makes me appreciate that Wade has never let coaching step on time with his family. He's always said that no matter what, Friday nights are "date night" with his wife. Why other coaches don't do something similiar is beyond me.

I'm not sure what hours 75-80 are going to give you during a week that the first 75 didn't.
GimmeTheBall!;1741403 said:
I don't care if he ran up the score on us.
Everyday humanity should dictate that we wish him the best re this terrible family predicament and not judge
To justify our mocking Coach Reid as getting back to him for running up the score is just so juvenile
Be glad your family is safe and sound and let's extend some humanity and sympathy to the man. We should be better than what is being put forth here.

I know-but 2/3 of Zoners have continued to call him a class-act. I'm surprised, that's all.
Nors;1741247 said:
If he didn't know he is a really, really poor father.

That's what 75 hour work weeks will do to ya-- make you a stranger in your own home...

Yes, it's pretty clear that Andy Reid will not be winning any Father of the Year competitions...

So, what punishment do you reckon Goodell ought to hand out for the high crime of being a piss-poor parent?? :D
silverbear;1741373 said:
Terrific-- now, can you prove that Reid knew ANYTHING about the drugs his kids were keeping in the house??

When I lived with my parents for a time in my early 20s (we'd just relocated to take over a golf course, I needed a couple-three months to find a suitable apartment), my room was my sanctuary... they simply never went in there, I was responsible for keeping it clean enough to suit me... I could have had a kilo of weed in there and they would never have known about it...

It's called respecting the privacy of an adult child, and while it proved to be a mistake with Reid's kids, it is the right way to go...

I will say that those kids keeping their drugs in their parents' house was an ultimate sign of disrespect... besides their drug issues, those kids do not seem to be decent, or honorable... in my experience, having drug issues and being indecent or dishonorable do not necessarily go hand in hand, but they seem to be inextricably intertwined in this situation...

These kids were in rehab for years. There were drugs everywhere and emporium. And needles and syringes. Guns in house and mommy car. They were at best remiss in not structuring these adults that lived in their hose, with 3 minor kids observing.
BoysRule2;1741258 said:
I'm actually quite surprised by how many people say "Reid is a GOOD man".

Uhhh, saying he's not responsible for his adult sons' criminal problems is hardly calling him a "good man"...
BoysRule2;1741410 said:
I know-but 2/3 of Zoners have continued to call him a class-act. I'm surprised, that's all.

do you know how many zoners there are on this forum? I don't know the exact number, but it is in the thousands, so I doubt 2-3 people constitutes 2/3s of the forum

exaggerrating will never get your point across on here

and I'm suprised that people expect someone to be held accountable for another man's actions, that he had no direct involvement w/ and probably no knowledge of

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