Ohio St. vs Texas Preview

devman90 said:
A very very poisonous nut.

and I'd rather be a nut than an ovary but thats just me...;)

You're right... if they were the Texas ovaries, then you'd have a point.
HeavyHitta31 said:

I don't know what's funnier... That Ohio State has almost become a bigger rival of Texas in two years than eATMe, or the fact that an eATMe fan is posting pictures of guys with National Championship rings saying they suck. It's like a Houston fan's jealousy of Dallas. Run along now.
peplaw06 said:
You're right... if they were the Texas ovaries, then you'd have a point.

Or if OSUs Mascot was simply a nut. But it's a Buckeye
devman90 said:
Or if OSUs Mascot was simply a nut. But it's a Buckeye

Yes, but what is a buckeye?? A nut right? You could argue it's also a tree, but your mascot's head (Brutus) is actually a recreation of the nut.

Is a Longhorn an ovary?? I don't see how you can argue that one smart guy.
peplaw06 said:
Yes, but what is a buckeye?? A nut right? You could argue it's also a tree, but your mascot's head (Brutus) is actually a recreation of the nut.

Is a Longhorn an ovary?? I don't see how you can argue that one smart guy.

It strongly resembles an ovary. I think I already posted the diagram.

Smart guy
Doomsday101 said:
Texas at home will take over the #1 ranking once again as they dispose of OSU. Texas may not have young but they still have one of the best defenses in the nation and running game that is going to cause a lot of problems for an inexperienced OSU defense

I dont really like either team. Both looked good in their respective openers. I think it's going to be hard for OSU to go into Texas' house and walk away with a W.
devman90 said:
It strongly resembles an ovary. I think I already posted the diagram.
That's just the logo. When you define a longhorn, you don't use the word ovary.

And actually the logo doesn't even resemble an ovary. The ovary actually looks more like a Buckeye than a Longhorn. But I wouldn't expect you to know your way around a female.
peplaw06 said:
I don't know what's funnier... That Ohio State has almost become a bigger rival of Texas in two years than eATMe, or the fact that an eATMe fan is posting pictures of guys with National Championship rings saying they suck. It's like a Houston fan's jealousy of Dallas. Run along now.

First of all, Roy Williams does not have a National Championship ring. He has a few Holiday Bowl losses on his resume, however.

Second, Vince Young does suck as far as NFL QB mechanics go. The man throws like a 4 year old girl.

Third, this:

Is quite possibly the worst attempt at smack. Ever.

And to answer your question, the funniest part of the whole thing is bandwagon t-shirt fans such as yourself who think they have some right to talk smack to anyone who actually attended one of said universities.
HeavyHitta31 said:
First of all, Roy Williams does not have a National Championship ring. He has a few Holiday Bowl losses on his resume, however.
My bad on that one, I saw the 4, and assumed it was Limas Sweed.

Second, Vince Young does suck as far as NFL QB mechanics go. The man throws like a 4 year old girl.
Yes, but he's on a NFL 53 man roster as a QB. Ah thank you.

Third, this... Is quite possibly the worst attempt at smack. Ever.
And "tu" is sooooo much better :rolleyes:

And to answer your question, the funniest part of the whole thing is bandwagon t-shirt fans such as yourself who think they have some right to talk smack to anyone who actually attended one of said universities.
Actually the funniest part of the whole thing is the fact that you aggies get in here on an OSU-THE University of Texas thread trying to get your shots in now, because you know you have no shot later on this year, and it's been sooo long for you, it's gotta hurt.

And I could give a **** whether I went to one of "said universities." I'll talk smack when i damn well please. You didn't go to one of "said universities" of concern in this thread. My father went to THE University of Texas, and I have been wearing "said" T-shirts my entire life. So your bandwagon term doesn't apply either.
peplaw06 said:
And I could give a **** whether I went to one of "said universities." I'll talk smack when i damn well please. You didn't go to one of "said universities" of concern in this thread. My father went to THE University of Texas, and I have been wearing "said" T-shirts my entire life. So your bandwagon term doesn't apply either.


"I couldnt get into a school half as good as tOSU, Texas or A&M and need to root for one of them to validate my existence."

Don't feel bad, your kind make up roughly half the tu fanbase.
HeavyHitta31 said:

"I couldnt get into a school half as good as tOSU, Texas or A&M and need to root for one of them to validate my existence."

Don't feel bad, your kind make up roughly half the tu fanbase.

i woulda went to UT but they didn't have my major. I started liking UT when i saw my first Texas-Texas A&M game when Major Applewhite came in for Chris Simms at QB. Been a UT fan ever since. I wish I went to UT, it would be a helluva lot more fun than where I am now....
txlonghorn14 said:
i woulda went to UT but they didn't have my major. I started liking UT when i saw my first Texas-Texas A&M game when Major Applewhite came in for Chris Simms at QB. Been a UT fan ever since. I wish I went to UT, it would be a helluva lot more fun than where I am now....

It's fine to root for them, but I've always had issues with fans who didnt actually attend the schools they root for and then run off smack as if they did.
HeavyHitta31 said:

"I couldnt get into a school half as good as tOSU, Texas or A&M and need to root for one of them to validate my existence."

Don't feel bad, your kind make up roughly half the tu fanbase.

Actually... I was in the top 10% of my HS graduating class, and in Texas that means I was guaranteed admission to any state school of my choice, including your precious alma mater. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

It's fine to root for them, but I've always had issues with fans who didnt actually attend the schools they root for and then run off smack as if they did.
I chose to go to a private school, two in fact... neither of which had Division I football teams. So if I want to watch Division I Football and be a fan, I necessarily have to root for a school I didn't go to. I'm not going to stop watching D-I football because some little whiner doesn't like me talking smack when I "didn't actually attend" a certain school. I was a Texas football fan long before I chose to go to either of these schools. Excuse me if I don't follow your "rules" of NCAA fandom.

I never represented that I went to UT. I am a fan, and as I said I'll talk smack whenever I please. Nothing you say is gonna change that.
txlonghorn14 said:
i woulda went to UT but they didn't have my major. I started liking UT when i saw my first Texas-Texas A&M game when Major Applewhite came in for Chris Simms at QB. Been a UT fan ever since. I wish I went to UT, it would be a helluva lot more fun than where I am now....
Root for who you want, however you want to do it. Who cares what HH has issues with? He's the resident board joke anyway.
HeavyHitta31 said:
It's fine to root for them, but I've always had issues with fans who didnt actually attend the schools they root for and then run off smack as if they did.

yea i could understand that. i catch the same hell sometimes but i don't care. i give my buddy who's a diehard OU fan hell during the season but its all in good fun. i go to a school with ZERO school pride and all our sports suck and are extremely boring. we don't even have a friggin football team. it drives me nuts especially since I used to go to WVU and we lived and breathed football. i guess you can only hope your sacrifices pay off, right?
how in the hell did this thread turn into a Texas - Texas A&M deal?

Those pics are funny, but even funnier now that Texas has won a NC and has taken the Big XII by the balls.

A&M can start talking smack once they schedule someone like Ohio State instead of likes of Army and Citadel.

It is just like the "rivalry" between Houston and Dallas. One is obsessed with the other 24-7 and goes as far as mocking Championship teams...where as the other does not even know the other exists until game week because they have bigger fish to fry.
My brother went down to 6th street tonight and was amazed to see Buckeye fan out....and wearing JORTS!?

***? :lmao: :lmao2:

I needed that laugh, especially since it was the majority of them and not just one.

:lmao: :lmao2: :lmao: :lmao2: :lmao: :lmao2:

Nice to see the jersey tucked into the jorts...what a look. I guess khakis are not strong enough to withstand the flames from a burning couch. I need to upload the pics he sent because they are a freaking riot...even a few canadian passports tossed into the mix.

calico said:
My brother went down to 6th street tonight and was amazed to see Buckeye fan out....and wearing JORTS!?

***? :lmao: :lmao2:

I needed that laugh, especially since it was the majority of them and not just one.

:lmao: :lmao2: :lmao: :lmao2: :lmao: :lmao2:

Nice to see the jersey tucked into the jorts...what a look. I guess khakis are not strong enough to withstand the flames from a burning couch. I need to upload the pics he sent because they are a freaking riot...even a few canadian passports tossed into the mix.


You only wish you had a body like that guy...Don't get jealous.:D

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