Ok, i dont know how true this is, but which player would you rather have, T O or Vick

Here's one of my favorite pictures of Redd from back when I first got him. He's about 5 yrs old now. I picked him up from the breeder when he was 6 months old.

Bleu Star;2629303 said:
Here's one of my favorite pictures of Redd from back when I first got him. He's about 5 yrs old now. I picked him up from the breeder when he was 6 months old.


Good looking dog......Angus had some boxer in him also. It was part of the reason he was 120lbs. :laugh2:
Yeagermeister;2629308 said:
Good looking dog......Angus had some boxer in him also. It was part of the reason he was 120lbs. :laugh2:

wow. That's a beast. Redd weighs in around 55lb.
JTnNC;2629135 said:
There are a lot of comments in this thread that are very offensive to anyone that has ever owned a Pit Bull and they should be offensive to all dog lovers.

First to JDub, how can anyone make a statement that these were just dogs and the whole thing was blown out of proportion? Have you forgotten the terribely cruel things that have come out that he did other than fighting them. Is bashing a innocent animals head in or drowing it not slightly more than creul to you. This guy deserves everything that he did to these dogs be done to him and more. Every breath Mike Vick takes on this world IMO is one too many. If this guy ever comes to Dallas then I know of one die hard fan Jerry will have lost and I am sure there are many more. Jerry is not that stupid and neither are his sponsors.

Next to the poster who characterized Pit Bulls as bad dogs. Have you ever owned or known a Pit Bull? Any dog can be bred and trained to be vicious. Generally these are the most loyal loveable dogs a person can own. I have two dogs and trust me you would enjoy my Pit Bulls company much more than my wifes Cocker Spaniel.

5Countem5;2629147 said:
You think he should DIE for what he did to DOGS?

JTnNC;2629160 said:
DIE really does not give the way I feel about Vick justice. There are some things that a person does that are cruel and inhumaine to the point that there is no room in soceity for them anymore. I think he sould be tortured to death publically. Then maybe KDub could say he was being made an example out of.

There you have it, folks. This guy admits that he wants to see a human tortured to death in public, yet my comments are deemed, "very offensive." Brilliant.

By the way, just for your own piece of mind JTnNC, I am not an animal hater. I have nothing against dogs, which is why I live with 3 of them and a cat. My whole point in this matter was that is not a big deal because this issue is much bigger than Michael Vick. Like I said, there are people doing MUCH worse to dogs in my very neighborhood.

I see mamed dogs almost on a daily basis. I never said what Vuck did wasn't cruel, but him alone is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. If PETA really wanted to do some good, they would go after the actual underground dog fighting rings and clubs instead of usual Vick as the center point for everything that is wrong with animal cruelty.
Bleu Star;2629193 said:

My two "Amstaffs" (American Staffordshire Terriers)... cousins to the Pitbull breed, show dogs, and the best pets I have ever had.


In motion..difficult to catch these.

beautiful dogs you got there, Bleu
I'm sorry, but I also think that Vick is a primary target of ours. And that the recent tribulation with Reeves was possibly in correlation to that. If not the primary reason why he was asked to come in and join us, and for nothing else maybe.

What's more outlandish; Reeves walks out 2 days in over a clock-punching issue or Reeves walks out 2 days in over just finding out one of his main reasons here was to simply help lure Vick in?

It's most silent before a deadly storm...

Damn, Jerry sure has been quiet this offseason.
All the filth in this thread, and yet some of the mods would go berserk if someone posted a Bible verse.
TO obviously.

Vick isn't a good pro qb, he just scrambles 70% of the time.
Vick will probably be moved to WR sometime (well, if some team picks him up)
TO for sure and I'm sorry OP but I believe either your friend is making crap up or his reliable source is an idiot. No way are they talking about bringing in Michael Vick.
cowboyjoe;2628242 said:
i am being serious, i have a friend, that has his phone alerted to cowboys news, and this is what happened.

he said that the cowboys and vick are talking, its not public yet, but they are talking, so im trying to get confirmation

what scares me, is that as we all know, jerry jones had some players over to talk to him at jerry jones's house to talk about T O and see if the players could work things out to play with T O this year.

what im saying what if jerry jones is thinking that the T O situation cant be worked out, so he is having a backup plan to check out vick

i just hope this isnt true, thats why im asking some zoners here that have inside sources in the cowboys organization, if they can check this out and see if true,

Ok now I feel, after reading more responses in this thread, really stupid. He has his phone alerted and that's an inside source?

Either you're an idiot, you're friend is an idiot (could be both), or you simply posted this crap as a cover to what you'd like to see happen, despite all the really hard work you're doing trying to claim that you don't want Vick here.

Why in the world would Vick be a back-up plan if the Cowboys cut TO? The backup plan of what? Having someone here who brings negative attention to the franchise?

It's not like they'd line Vick up at the starting WR position.
ethiostar;2628182 said:
So we are trying to purge the team of bad apples only to turn around and go after someone who just got released from jail?

I don't think so!!

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