There are a lot of comments in this thread that are very offensive to anyone that has ever owned a Pit Bull and they should be offensive to all dog lovers.
First to JDub, how can anyone make a statement that these were just dogs and the whole thing was blown out of proportion? Have you forgotten the terribely cruel things that have come out that he did other than fighting them. Is bashing a innocent animals head in or drowing it not slightly more than creul to you. This guy deserves everything that he did to these dogs be done to him and more. Every breath Mike Vick takes on this world IMO is one too many. If this guy ever comes to Dallas then I know of one die hard fan Jerry will have lost and I am sure there are many more. Jerry is not that stupid and neither are his sponsors.
Next to the poster who characterized Pit Bulls as bad dogs. Have you ever owned or known a Pit Bull? Any dog can be bred and trained to be vicious. Generally these are the most loyal loveable dogs a person can own. I have two dogs and trust me you would enjoy my Pit Bulls company much more than my wifes Cocker Spaniel.