Old I love beer. A lot

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hey Trouty..whats doin....

My main man, just chilling here at the Zone, waiting for my little one to wake up so I can make him his breakfast. We stayed up late last night, and he has the power to sleep in. When I was his age, I was up early on weekends watching cartoons. My little guy can sleep in till damn near 10 some weekends, which is coming up. I suspect he'll be up here shorty. My angel he is. He sleeps so peacefully.
Thanks for the welcome all!! Not drinking yet but I may be joining you guys soon. I did however drink last night! A friend threw an ugly sweater party so I wore over a sweater that I taped SF 49ers logos all over. haha

(there were like 3-4 49ers fans there I knew about)
Thanks for the welcome all!! Not drinking yet but I may be joining you guys soon. I did however drink last night! A friend threw an ugly sweater party so I wore over a sweater that I taped SF 49ers logos all over. haha

(there were like 3-4 49ers fans there I knew about)
I didn't know they had that many fans left. Lol
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