Old I love beer. A lot

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@Trouty tonighy (and tomorrow) it's

Interesting. I like it.
Stone is a fantastic brewer out here, Proof. Haven't had that mocha. A mocha IPA, interesting! Does it taste similar to a chocolate stout?!
Me too, PA. But I like mine without booze in it. Just straight from the carton to glass, with a little milk splashed in :)

Alright, I'm stoppin readin right here. That is how me and my dad always drank it. Eggnog with milk in it. lol. And he was a huge beeraholic, too! He loved his liquor as well, used to drink half his Bud can and then fill it back up with my Mom's Vodka and call it "Supercharge". lol. But he always said mixing eggnog and booze was a waste of good eggnog and good booze. lol. ;)

Now his dad (my Grandpa) and my Mom used to love to put booze in Eggnog. My mom could put Vodka in anything and make it taste better, lol, and my Grandpa was some kind of brandy or something man. He used to swig it or swirl it in a glass every night before bed. Not sure what it was, except it was brown, it smelled really good, and I wasn't allowed to have any of it.
Alright, I'm stoppin readin right here. That is how me and my dad always drank it. Eggnog with milk in it. lol. And he was a huge beeraholic, too! He loved his liquor as well, used to drink half his Bud can and then fill it back up with my Mom's Vodka and call it "Supercharge". lol. But he always said mixing eggnog and booze was a waste of good eggnog and good booze. lol. ;)

Now his dad (my Grandpa) and my Mom used to love to put booze in Eggnog. My mom could put Vodka in anything and make it taste better, lol, and my Grandpa was some kind of brandy or something man. He used to swig it or swirl it in a glass every night before bed. Not sure what it was, except it was brown, it smelled really good, and I wasn't allowed to have any of it.

That's awesome, Kim! Great post. Thanks for sharing!!! Merry Christmas to you and yours :)

And "Supercharge" :laugh::lmao::lmao2:
He's always been one of my favorites, going back to my lurking days, Boxer.

We have the best Cowboy fans in the nation posting here, scattered in with some numbskulls :) I'm probably one of those numbskulls, depending on who you ask :laugh:

You had some amazing lurking days, Trouty. I thought you were a new member when I saw you posting this summer. I was surprised to see on your bio that you've been a member since 2013. lol. You were very quiet, my friend. That is very cool. I cannot claim the same, sadly. I am very talkative mouth. lol. My membership says 2012, I think? But I've actually been on the site since '05 when my husband joined. I was actually on here more than he was, to be honest. lol. And I used to post in the OT under his name, but I always said when it was me posting. The posters back then got to know me pretty well for a time. lol. I actually miss some of them, they are for the most part not here anymore. I finally just made my own account, when hubby started complaining that I was posting too much in his name. What're ya gonna do, right?
You had some amazing lurking days, Trouty. I thought you were a new member when I saw you posting this summer. I was surprised to see on your bio that you've been a member since 2013. lol. You were very quiet, my friend. That is very cool. I cannot claim the same, sadly. I am very talkative mouth. lol. My membership says 2012, I think? But I've actually been on the site since '05 when my husband joined. I was actually on here more than he was, to be honest. lol. And I used to post in the OT under his name, but I always said when it was me posting. The posters back then got to know me pretty well for a time. lol. I actually miss some of them, they are for the most part not here anymore. I finally just made my own account, when hubby started complaining that I was posting too much in his name. What're ya gonna do, right?

I was always intimidated to post, Kim. Scared to death, really. It took me a few years to actually build up the confidence to post here.

Lane is awesome! He has an edge to him, and it's awesome. A true Cowboys fan and supporter. But since he's your hubby, I guess I'm preaching to the choir :)
All right my bros. heading out to do a little partying. Well this time it's for a good cause. Toys for tots. If I get bogged down w family stuff and don't get to log in tomorrow. I wanna wish you all a merry Xmas! Be safe and have fun bros

You have a Merry Christmas, Loc, muh Ninja.

I'm the opposite, I'll be here tomorrow, but not on Xmas day much. Be safe, my boi.
I was always intimidated to post, Kim. Scared to death, really. It took me a few years to actually build up the confidence to post here.

Lane is awesome! He has an edge to him, and it's awesome. A true Cowboys fan and supporter. But since he's your hubby, I guess I'm preaching to the choir :)

Trust me, Trouty, I KNOW whatcha mean, brutha. This place can be so brutal. It can be really awful and embarrassing to post here at times. People are so ugly, aren't they? And they love that they are. They are sick. lol. I have defended myself and also have defended others here on more than one occasion. I'm fairly docile, but if pushed into a corner, I become a different creature. lol. Anyway, my husband, he gets attacked and sometimes he decides to bite back, sometimes, though, he ignores it. lol. I try so hard to NOT post in the FanZone. That is where you will be attacked more than any other place here. Maybe they don't mean to attack, but they are so aggressive and negative, that they can take the most happy post and turn it into something ugly, and then turn all the other posters against you at the same time, if they are part of that popular clique they've got going over there. Don't want nothin to do with it, to be honest. It is a mob mentality over there, for sure. But whatever. I stay out of it. I've told Lane to come post in the OT, it is safer here, usually, but he prefers the "jungle". Okie dokie. I will stay over here. With my cool friends. Ja! lol.
You really must, Bill. That's crazy that you haven't had egg nog, Bill! Thin it out a little with 1 part milk to 2 parts egg nog :) Otherwise it's a little thick.

I love milk, so I will definitely try it. It was never something that was served in any of my family households as a kid. I grew up in the Baptist Bible Belt of North Carolina. So basically everyone drank, they just didn't do it together or tell anyone about it.
Trust me, Trouty, I KNOW whatcha mean, brutha. This place can be so brutal. It can be really awful and embarrassing to post here at times. People are so ugly, aren't they? And they love that they are. They are sick. lol. I have defended myself and also have defended others here on more than one occasion. I'm fairly docile, but if pushed into a corner, I become a different creature. lol. Anyway, my husband, he gets attacked and sometimes he decides to bite back, sometimes, though, he ignores it. lol. I try so hard to NOT post in the FanZone. That is where you will be attacked more than any other place here. Maybe they don't mean to attack, but they are so aggressive and negative, that they can take the most happy post and turn it into something ugly, and then turn all the other posters against you at the same time, if they are part of that popular clique they've got going over there. Don't want nothin to do with it, to be honest. It is a mob mentality over there, for sure. But whatever. I stay out of it. I've told Lane to come post in the OT, it is safer here, usually, but he prefers the "jungle". Okie dokie. I will stay over here. With my cool friends. Ja! lol.

Off Topic Zone is the only reason I stay around. Back in the Quincy vs. Chutch vs. Henson days, this place was crazy. Thank God Romo came along and gave people a singular focus for their hate.
Off Topic Zone is the only reason I stay around. Back in the Quincy vs. Chutch vs. Henson days, this place was crazy. Thank God Romo came along and gave people a singular focus for their hate.

Oh yes, I remember those crazy days, Bill. lol. Do you remember what it was like around here the day Wade was fired? I remember all the rumors that were floating around for a day or two, and all the arguments that they didn't know what they were talking about, and then BAMB! Around lunch time that day, it came to be. Someone had said they had inside information that morning that it was gonna happen later that day. I spent all that morning reading all the threads on my husband's account. lol. It was such a hot topic, full of debate and arguments as to why it should or shouldn't happen, it's not true, it is true, blah blah, lol, and then low and behold, it happened around midday. We were actually standing in the middle of a car dealership, buying our used solid black pickup truck at the time (that we still have today, "Damien" has been an awesome truck friend to us). A friend of my husband's saw us and came over to tell us the news. I told my husband, "I told you somebody on the Cowboy's Zone said it was gonna happen today!" And it did. I cried that day for Mr. Phillips. I love that man. I love the way Jerry stormed in the locker room or wherever and told all of the players that they are the reason he had to fire his friend that day. Loved and hated it, at the same time. Loved that he said it, hated that he had to do it. :(

Anyway, Bill, I remember the crazy times, yes sir. I do still love that photo that still surfaces sometimes, with Quincy's body and someone else's cut head super imposed on it. lol. I very much remember the original, as well. It is all funny, especially for us old timers that do remember the original. And the good old days around here. :)
Off Topic Zone is the only reason I stay around. Back in the Quincy vs. Chutch vs. Henson days, this place was crazy. Thank God Romo came along and gave people a singular focus for their hate.

Mr. Wooten, this is very off topic, but I just looked at your profile and I see that you are 47 years old. Well, sir, I am also 47 years old. I guess we have that in common, also. :p
Alright, I'm stoppin readin right here. That is how me and my dad always drank it. Eggnog with milk in it. lol. And he was a huge beeraholic, too! He loved his liquor as well, used to drink half his Bud can and then fill it back up with my Mom's Vodka and call it "Supercharge". lol. But he always said mixing eggnog and booze was a waste of good eggnog and good booze. lol. ;)

Now his dad (my Grandpa) and my Mom used to love to put booze in Eggnog. My mom could put Vodka in anything and make it taste better, lol, and my Grandpa was some kind of brandy or something man. He used to swig it or swirl it in a glass every night before bed. Not sure what it was, except it was brown, it smelled really good, and I wasn't allowed to have any of it.
lol. Your family sounds a lot like mine. A family that boozes together stays together.
Trust me, Trouty, I KNOW whatcha mean, brutha. This place can be so brutal. It can be really awful and embarrassing to post here at times. People are so ugly, aren't they? And they love that they are. They are sick. lol. I have defended myself and also have defended others here on more than one occasion. I'm fairly docile, but if pushed into a corner, I become a different creature. lol. Anyway, my husband, he gets attacked and sometimes he decides to bite back, sometimes, though, he ignores it. lol. I try so hard to NOT post in the FanZone. That is where you will be attacked more than any other place here. Maybe they don't mean to attack, but they are so aggressive and negative, that they can take the most happy post and turn it into something ugly, and then turn all the other posters against you at the same time, if they are part of that popular clique they've got going over there. Don't want nothin to do with it, to be honest. It is a mob mentality over there, for sure. But whatever. I stay out of it. I've told Lane to come post in the OT, it is safer here, usually, but he prefers the "jungle". Okie dokie. I will stay over here. With my cool friends. Ja! lol.
I love to go in the Fan Zone and kick the hornets nets and leave. Its easy to draw some fire there. Lot of brave souls hiding behind their computer screens and playing it tough. Comedy. Face to face...they wouldn't say crap if they had a mouth full of it.
It was 90 degrees yesterday, great Christmas weather! Getting ready to head over to my wife's family farm to spend the day with the in laws. She's the oldest of 11 kids and there's over 20 grandchildren. Gonna be a long day.
Merry Christmas my friend.
It was 90 degrees yesterday, great Christmas weather! Getting ready to head over to my wife's family farm to spend the day with the in laws. She's the oldest of 11 kids and there's over 20 grandchildren. Gonna be a long day.
Merry Christmas my friend.
In Laws! I hear you. Well, you should be able to enjoy the kids...booze always helps. Good Luck!!;). Stay Thirsty!
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