Old I love beer. A lot

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If we laugh, you can just say this

Haley just wanted to be in the movie with me, and
Phoebe Cates:omg:
What a day boys. I was just heading out this morning...when some young boy maybe 22 yrs old stopped in my driveway with a young female pittbull wild in heat and wants to bred her with my boy! I says OK...Lets do it. So this maniac just lets her loose out of the bsck of his trunk...wth. my boy is chained up...but, with that certain aroma he goes nuts breaks loose and then the fight starts...the female nearly chews his head off!! Theres blood everywhere...before l get hold of his chsin and drag him away. It ain't exactly love at first sight with dogs in heat more like love after a few bites!! I wanted to kick this idiot in the nutts!! Anyway, got a leash on her and rapped it around a small tree so she couldn't move her head to bite...first time out for her... and after a little human help got the job done. He's bringing her back tomorrow for round two...stay tuned!! What a life!! People!!
I went to a few parties like that when I was in college.
Unreal brother. There is no end to human stupidity! This boy never bred a pitty before and it was her first time out! Always with those dogs you must use caution for your own protection. Dogs, when they are juiced up for breeding are not normal. I always tie the femsles head secure first! You have to help them...they chew the hands off you!! Anywsy, this boy learned..he was very lucky..he was way too close to the male...that dog when going in for the kill is a nasty bastid!! Best not to stand between a pitty and his skin. Yes, l had to sow up his head after...lots of serious holes around his one eye..plenty of damage to his face! Anyway, he enjoyed himself!! lol.
He's probably kicking back smoking a cigarette right now. Lol
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