Trouty Kellen Moore baby Messages 31,526 Reaction score 80,467 Nov 10, 2016 #1,521 I'm a Beatles nut, fanatic, fan boy. Any Beatles fans in this thread? And if so, why do I adore this song. so?
I'm a Beatles nut, fanatic, fan boy. Any Beatles fans in this thread? And if so, why do I adore this song. so?
Trouty Kellen Moore baby Messages 31,526 Reaction score 80,467 Nov 10, 2016 #1,522 Paul and John, you beautiful souls, this beer is for you.
maxdogg Well-Known Member Messages 5,542 Reaction score 10,707 Nov 10, 2016 #1,523 Hey trouty thanks man your good people too. Another favorite.
maxdogg Well-Known Member Messages 5,542 Reaction score 10,707 Nov 10, 2016 #1,524 I think i'm out of likes.
Trouty Kellen Moore baby Messages 31,526 Reaction score 80,467 Nov 11, 2016 #1,526 @Achilleslastand this is so gorgeous, takes me back to this girl, Jennifer I was dating in 09
Trouty Kellen Moore baby Messages 31,526 Reaction score 80,467 Nov 11, 2016 #1,527 Same with this. The rest of their catalogue takes me back further into my past
Trouty Kellen Moore baby Messages 31,526 Reaction score 80,467 Nov 11, 2016 #1,528 Max, how's that booze going down, my dude?
Trouty Kellen Moore baby Messages 31,526 Reaction score 80,467 Nov 11, 2016 #1,531 Obligatory @maxdogg classic Ramones and most well-known
Trouty Kellen Moore baby Messages 31,526 Reaction score 80,467 Nov 11, 2016 #1,533 @maxdogg for about a year and a half, I rented out a room in my home to one of my best friends, Scott, and we would drink all night and listen to music till like 4am, sometimes even till the sun was coming up. This reminded me of that, my brother.
@maxdogg for about a year and a half, I rented out a room in my home to one of my best friends, Scott, and we would drink all night and listen to music till like 4am, sometimes even till the sun was coming up. This reminded me of that, my brother.
maxdogg Well-Known Member Messages 5,542 Reaction score 10,707 Nov 11, 2016 #1,536 you know that girl is
JohnnyTheFox Achilleslastand Messages 10,592 Reaction score 20,494 Nov 11, 2016 #1,540 Here ya go Trouty