One and done, two and done, three and done


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Just my opinion but I do not think pain snd disappointment are the same thing to all fans. For me, pain increases with each loss every season. The pain either peaks with the final loss—whether it’s regular or postseason—or has been replaced completely by those rare times I watched the franchise win a Lombardi.

On the other hand, disappointment is a felt equally with every loss. Perfection is not even remotely or realistically possible but I have been disappointed no matter the situation—whether it was every loss during the 1-15 season or the handful of losses suffered in any Super Bowl winning season.

Disappointment is the same in my book. It has been more than 38 years since Dallas lost 44-0 to Chicago—such a humbling and dominated defeat. My pain died decades ago but the disappointment is still just as strong now as it ever was.


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I don’t get it - been a fan for over 50 years - lately it seems like some feel like making to the Championship game and if we lose that is somehow better than what has happened? Heck a loss is a loss in the one and done playoff system - to me as a fan it hurts and sucks whether we lose in wild card round, division round, Championship game or heck even in the Super Bowl . I don’t and wouldn’t feel a sense of relief losing later - it sucked when Jackie Smith dropped the sure td in the end zone against the Steelers
Broke my heart when Montana completed that pass to Dwight Clark
The list goes on - I’m not saying I wouldn’t love for the cowboys to get over the hump and go further but I for one would not be any less disappointed if we lost in any playoff game - the only way my disappointment would be less is if they win it all: I know many will say no way - we haven’t made the nfccg in almost 30 years - just making it there shows hope - sorry , I don’t agree - a loss is a loss and they all sting the same to me - in fact in my opinion getting closer and losing almost stings worse - no trophy for almosts - only for the champs

If your not first then your last
Just my opinion
I agree. It actually hurts more when you lose a championship game. You're so close. Back in '80, '81, and '82, those were brutal. But hey, there is a level of excitement when you get to that game. Even in a loss, the level of excitement you had going into the game is greater.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Apologies but when your defense holds a team like the Niners to 19 and 23 points in 2 playoff games( one being at home) there is NO excuse why we left losers in both of these games.
One and done, two and done, Three and done, I mean common now as Jerry needs to admit to his massive blunder and let this team have at least some hope of getting a ring at some point!


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Apathy has set in. Remember, every year we get further away from the last Super Bowl win. It also means every year we have younger fans who really have never been part of that. There is no memory of it save for what your dad told you. Save for the games you saw on Youtube.

Gangsta Spanksta

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I don’t get it - been a fan for over 50 years - lately it seems like some feel like making to the Championship game and if we lose that is somehow better than what has happened? Heck a loss is a loss in the one and done playoff system - to me as a fan it hurts and sucks whether we lose in wild card round, division round, Championship game or heck even in the Super Bowl . I don’t and wouldn’t feel a sense of relief losing later - it sucked when Jackie Smith dropped the sure td in the end zone against the Steelers
Broke my heart when Montana completed that pass to Dwight Clark
The list goes on - I’m not saying I wouldn’t love for the cowboys to get over the hump and go further but I for one would not be any less disappointed if we lost in any playoff game - the only way my disappointment would be less is if they win it all: I know many will say no way - we haven’t made the nfccg in almost 30 years - just making it there shows hope - sorry , I don’t agree - a loss is a loss and they all sting the same to me - in fact in my opinion getting closer and losing almost stings worse - no trophy for almosts - only for the champs

If your not first then your last
Just my opinion
This post and the people liking it :facepalm: ... There are different expectations, given talent and years since having success. After many 5-11 years for examples getting to the playoffs may be enough. After decades of mediocrity and several one and done seasons it just doesn't make people happy. Especially, when the big criticism of this team is that they are good enough to win regular season games but don't have the discipline and culture to win in the post season. But cheer up, you are exactly the type of fan that Jerrah loves as are the people who gave you a like.


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I want us to win every year and to win the Super Bowl every year. There are 31 other teams fans that want the same thing. The reality is that there will always be only 1 team that is happy at the end of the year.

Am I satisfied with making the playoffs and losing the 1st game. No, not in the least. Nor would I be if it was the Divisional Round or the Championship Round or Super Bowl!

BUT, I would rather be 12-5, 11-6, or 10-7 and be in the playoffs every year with at least a chance to win a playoff game than those other teams that didn't make the playoffs.

Blowing up everything or thinking you can get rid of your QB and draft another that will be better in insane. Only 9 to 15 QBs are drafted every year in total. Of those QBs taken in the 1st round, 39% fail in the 1st 4 years, 40 percent go on to be good backups, and only 10 percent every make it to very good or great QBs. So for those that think that Dallas' next Super Bowl QB is a draft away, would you bet everything you have on a 10 percent chance at best? I bet NOT!


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By this logic 0-17 is the same as going 16-1 and losing in SB

Please confirm thats what you mean so everyone can laugh at you even more
For that particular pretty much is the same.

Sure, there's a bit more enjoyment along the way, and there's probably a lot more hope for the following season, but for how it all ends, the same.


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I think throughout the year I heard alot of participation trophy comments by members in here when i said enjoy the ride. Now some are reniging on tht?

I'm just happy they still need the Cowboys in the NFL so everyone, including the fans, can laugh at them. I'm enjoying the ride. "are we there yet, no"


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It’s an accomplishment - but I don’t think the loss feels any better just by going a game or two further in the playoffs
I get it - it’s win wise better
It feels almost better to make it further
But ultimately it still sucked to lose
You cant win it all, everygame....all the way through, every year.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
It’s an accomplishment - but I don’t think the loss feels any better just by going a game or two further in the playoffs
I get it - it’s win wise better
It feels almost better to make it further
But ultimately it still sucked to lose
But at least you feel hopeful for a week or two longer, and it's that much less of a wait for the next season.


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I don’t mind losing if the organization is trending upward and doing things to get better every year. Our incompetent GM doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing.
I felt that way after the Lions beat the Cowboys in 1991. My friends were making fun of me and all I kept saying to them was, "I can not wait for next year", and it turned out, I was right. We went on to win 3 of the next 4 Super Bowls.

This team is a mess and the arrow is definitely pointing down.

Ok, all you homers and Dak lovers, let me have it!


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If we made it to the NFCC no one would be talking about trading Dak/CD/Micah. Or firing our coaches. We would know we can win it all with a few adjustments.


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I disagree, while obviously the big goal is the super bowl, the franchise hasn’t played for that opportunity in damn near 30 years. Making it to at least a championship game would allow the franchise to get the monkey off its back that has been the divisional round and also take some pressure off our players.

Making the championship game while still short of our ultimate goal- would have been a great thing this year


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I was a fan for over 50 years too. It's much more enjoyable in the past tense.


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For this year (or the previous couple of years as well) I would be, I guess you can say "less unhappy" if we lost in a higher round, definitely. Especially when ESPN often shows the graphic of how many years its been since we have been in a championship game. I am sick of that graphic. It would be nice to get that out of the way.


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If we made it to the NFCC no one would be talking about trading Dak/CD/Micah. Or firing our coaches. We would know we can win it all with a few adjustments.
“IF”….the most used word in the English language by gullible Cowboys fans for the past 28 years.