One and done, two and done, three and done


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So proud of the team for doing so well in the regular season. They won the right to bend over and present themselves to the Green bay Packers.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I can at least feel somewhat less disappointed by a well played game that was lost.
Getting curb stomped is a whole different animal that feels like the season was meaningless.


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I don’t get it - been a fan for over 50 years - lately it seems like some feel like making to the Championship game and if we lose that is somehow better than what has happened? Heck a loss is a loss in the one and done playoff system - to me as a fan it hurts and sucks whether we lose in wild card round, division round, Championship game or heck even in the Super Bowl . I don’t and wouldn’t feel a sense of relief losing later - it sucked when Jackie Smith dropped the sure td in the end zone against the Steelers
Broke my heart when Montana completed that pass to Dwight Clark
The list goes on - I’m not saying I wouldn’t love for the cowboys to get over the hump and go further but I for one would not be any less disappointed if we lost in any playoff game - the only way my disappointment would be less is if they win it all: I know many will say no way - we haven’t made the nfccg in almost 30 years - just making it there shows hope - sorry , I don’t agree - a loss is a loss and they all sting the same to me - in fact in my opinion getting closer and losing almost stings worse - no trophy for almosts - only for the champs

If your not first then your last
Just my opinion
It’s Super Bowl or disappointment for most Cowboys fans especially those like us who’ve been through the glory years and the disappointments along the way.


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Being relevant and making money is all that really matters. And with the Jones boys they would opt for money over relevancy if they had to choose one.


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We haven't been able to string together TWO playoff victories in a row in a single playoff since we won the Super Bowl in 1996. At least making it to an NFC Championship game would show some progress and that maybe, just maybe, we're only a piece or two away from accomplishing the ultimate goal. But when you flame out in the WC or Divisional Round every single time it just shows a pattern that this organization doesn't have it. But yes of course it still hurts to lose in an NFC Championship game, you still take it over losing in a WC game.