He needs to figure out how to get from the bus station to the marina.Nors said:If you think Carter has a more accurate arm than Bledsoe you really, really are missing the boat.
The pretender and the contender.BlueWave said:By the way, this is a cool picture:
Nors said:If you think Carter has a more accurate arm than Bledsoe you really, really are missing the boat.
junk said:He is either joking constantly or he really has deluded himself into believing that Quincy is just about the best QB ever.
If he really thinks Carter is even decent, the only explanation I can fathom is that he is a) actually Quincy Carter b) related to Quincy Carter or c) never actually watched Quincy Carter.
I think Carter will probably be pretty solid in the CFL though.
CaptainAmerica said:I feel better and am absolutely convinced he was the best option available to us this off-season. His health could be the key to the season because I do not see either of our back-ups being ready to play now that we are about to start playing for real.
I'm actually pretty pumped about Bledsoe. He is the first legitimate QB, with big league skill, that this franchise has had since Aikman.
kartr said:Compare their stats from the last 2 years,Carter had the higher rating and completion percentage, but Bledsoe had the better supporting cast.
BlueWave said:Great move then, great move now. I think there are going to be a lot of suprised people around the NFL.
I'll be happy to be able to say I never doubted Bledsoe here.
Doomsday101 said:Get off it no one gives a rats ars about Quincy Drug Head Carter. tell me who is he playing for again? Yeah no one wants his sorry ars. You really take the cake I have never seen someone so in love with a bum as you are. Let it go once and for all. It seems all your posting is to rip on every QB except for Carter here is a clue he is not that damn good
kartr said:Doesn't matter if they want him or not, he's still a playoff qb. A third of the teams in the NFL don't have a playoff qb on their roster, including this one. Some, like last year(Wanstedt,Butch Davis and Craig Erickson) will get fired this year because of poor qb play when they could have had a playoff qb on their roster. Some teams,Dallas,Miami,Chicago,Detroit,Baltimore,etc. don't even have a legitmate starting qb on their roster, and no doubt some of these coaches will get fired. Being paid to be a head coach doesn't make one any good at it, just ask Dave Wanstedt, he can't win in the pros or college.
Nors said:Do you feel better about him as our QB than you did when we signed him?
Or feel about the same.
I'll start - I feel even better than when we signed him and was a huge proponent of his.