Opinions on Parcells here:

This isnt kneejerk.
This isnt claiming to know more than a future HoF coach.
I aint even mad that we missed out of playoffs. We wouldnt have done squat in there anyways. Too predictable. Make too many mistakes.

My opinion is this team needs NEW, YOUNG, INNOVATIVE coaching direction. Bill Parcells be gone. Thank you.
Landry was an innovator. Too bad we can't find another Landry.[/QUOTE]

People were not saying this back in 1988. Listen I loved Landry, him and Staubach were my idols when I was a kid,but almost every Cowboy fan wanted Landry fired back in the late 80,s, now everyone is saying the same thing about Parcells. I think that would be a big mistake, I like to see BP stay aleast 2 more years.
I like BP as a coach. The "worst" job he did at turning around a team was getting them to the AFC championship game. They would probably have been the AFC SB contender if Vinny didn't go down with an injury. And each team he left, they were in a better situation after than when he came there.

He's stubborn in his ways, but those ways have won, so I can see why he is the way he is.
I think he was a great hire, just what the Cowboys needed. Somebody to provide the organization with some direction. I don't understand the switch to the 3-4 defense, I think that was a mistake. I don't have any problems with the offense in general, I don't think it's really all that conservative. I don't have any problem with Drew Bledsoe as a QB but a lot of Cowboys fans want to see somebody developed. All in all I think it was a good decision by Jerry to bring in a strong HC but right now this situation here is reminding me a little bit of the Larry Brown situation in Detroit last year, and look at the Pistons now.
I disliked the Parcells hire at the time and still do. People keep wanting to talk about all this talent that he's brought in but I don't see who they're referring to. He's made one draft pick that's made me say "Wow that's great value" and that's Witten. Other than that he's hit on no-brainer first rounders that everyone knew we'd take and little else (I'm discounting this year's picks because it's too early to tell).

He's done even worse with veteran talent. This year's big money FAs ended up being an underachieving guard, a CB who was basically relegated to kick coverage the final game of the year and a QB with a 1/1 TD to TO ratio. At least Aaron Glenn was a good signing.

Last year got Vinsanity for the entire season, Quincy Morgan for Antonio Bryant....

If it means that Bledsoe's gone or on the bench, keeping the two best DL players and putting them in a system where they can suceed, and not losing players for half the year because of Parcells' "be a man and get out there" attitude towards injuries, I won't regret Parcells leaving for one moment.
I don't think it was a complete mistake. My problem with BP is he is too conservative. The game seems to have passed him by, as it does to everyone in the league, eventually. If he wants to stay, he is going to have alot of work to do and needs to be 100% committed to it. Right now, I don't know if that is the case.
"he's too old" "the game has passed him by" "he's too conservative" these same comments were made about a college coach who's not only playing for the orange bowl tonight, he also one win away from having a bid at the title game. Be careful how wide you open your mouth to make this comments, ......you might have to insert your foot later. BTW, I'm not totally impressed with BP, but he deserves more credit than the "short attention span" fans give him now.
I know college doesn't equal NFL, but those "old" comments bear no weight.
I posted this in another thread, but I guess it fits here...My thoughts...

It all started in 1990...

The offense never really clicked with Shula as the OC. Soon as Norv came on board these also rans became a dynamic force. Just a point of how important coaching is. Now of corse we don't even have an OC on this team, you have to ask yourself why ? Don't ask me because I have no idea why ? BP can't do it all and has to trust the Charlie Weis's of the world and find a top notch OC that he will let manage the offense.

Norve taught the whole offense to work as a unit. Jerry has to force BP to delagate responsibility and find a guy who can do the job, not be a puppet.

Interveiws with the offensive linemen from that age said that Emmitt made them a much better line. Teams could not just tee off (Like we saw in the St. Louis game) because they had to hold gap responsibility. Emmitt would make a player miss or break a tackle, then cut back for a big gain.

JJ could be like that, although he is told to run for the whole and push the pile, not really his strenght. Anyone notice in the Carolina game that with JJ running with more abandon and making cuts, Bledsoe had more time in the pocket ? Was that a coincidence ?

Time in Norv's system taught these players how to play together. Troy knew and trusted his recievers, mainly Mike and Jay would be at a certain spot when he released the ball. The timing offense. Those guys have said numerous times that they could almost make these plays blindfolded. Why, because they were all on the same page.

Blitz them, sure...Hot reads...Communication and repitition between Troy and the recievers. A post or flag route was turned into a quick slant on the pre-play read.

When Mo Carthon came here as the OC in BP's 1st year. Bill would tell the team they would LOVE to see the other team blitz and make them pay for it. Well, that seems to have disappeard since we have no OC now. How many hot reads have you seen Drew make with his recievers ? Oh yeah, teams blitz and if we pick it up, we got one on one situations where we COULD beat the opposing blitz, but not like what you saw with Mike and Troy, changing of the route because of mutual understanding.

You see that now with Peyton, Brady, Brad Johnson this year with the Vikes...Farve when he has HIS recievers. All of this comes from consistancy with a QB and recievers in a system together for a while.

Bledsoe COULD be one of those guys, heck maybe he was with Coates and Glen in NE. Since 2000-2001 until now then he has been on 3 different teams. Since BP has been the coach here we have had 3 different QB's.

Show me the consistancy ?

Now what ? We'll have BP here one more year, playing Bledsoe and who even knows if we'll have an OC...Unbelieveable right ? No but BP is a god and what do I know ?

Then in 2007, no BP and guess what...probably another offensive system implemted by the coach that replaces him. Who will be the QB in 2007 ? Who will be the recievers ? I know, lets start over...AGAIN !!!

BP has always been known for his defensive teams and conservitive offense. Well, he's has really done a fine job rebuilding this defense, I credit him for that.

So I have 2 answers or should I say ideas for 2006. Hang on here folks.

Thank you for the memories BP. We have a great defensive foundation you have built and we get the idea of quality players and character. Thanks for putting Jeff in the head scout position...another brillant move. Now its time to work on our offense and ST.

So, either hire a OC that you will let implement a good system that either fits our current personel or we aquire (draft & FA) players to fit that scheme. But we must implement the sheme and use it for more than one year and let the players become comfortable with it.

Or, its time to just say goodbye and thank you Bill...and bring a long term coach who can grow this team around him.

Until we have consistancy on the offensive side, players playing together in the same scheme and on the same page. We will be inconsistant on the offensive side of the ball. 3 QB's in 3 years does not cut it...Having no OC on this team does not cut it.

Crap or get off the pot BP. Sign that extension, hire an OC you already trust and let HIM run this offense...Or just move on.

No thats all I have to say about that.
juice28 said:
"he's too old" "the game has passed him by" "he's too conservative" these same comments were made about a college coach who's not only playing for the orange bowl tonight, he also one win away from having a bid at the title game. Be careful how wide you open your mouth to make this comments, ......you might have to insert your foot later. BTW, I'm not totally impressed with BP, but he deserves more credit than the "short attention span" fans give him now.

The big difference is that Paterno handed much of the responsibilities over to offensive assistants this year. Parcells seems to be surrounded by synchophants without much innovation.
I think Parcells has done a good job bringing talent to the team and helping to infuse the whole organization with some new ideas. While not all of those ideas have panned out yet, I think we are headed in the right direction.

That being said he has made some mistakes. He did not pay enough attention to the kicking game and I'll bet that situation is seriously addressed this offseason. A number of folks on this board thought that making the adjustment to the 3-4 would take more than one year to complete and that has been shown to be true. The O-Line situation seems to have been a combination of things (a busted draft choice and some bad injury luck) but I can't lay all of the blame for that on Parcells.

Taking the good and the not-so-good together, are we better now than when he started? Yes, even though some say it would have been hard to be worse than where we started. I disagree with the argument the game has passed him by, etc. because I think this year his hand was forced by the problems on the O-Line and injuries at LB.

I have changed my thinking over the last couple of days. The O-Line problems are real but might be quickly improved simply with the return of a motivated Flozell. The problems at LB are a greater concern because we need more playmakers at that position to be a dominant defense. In the NFC East, defense is a must and ours must continue to get better.

Simply put, after starting the transition to the 3-4, we should continue and complete the job. We get to get more talent with one or two targeted FA signings and begin to build depth through the draft. Who would you want here to do that job more than Parcells? I say he should stay.
I feared that he would be too set in his ways and would not adjust them...it is a natural thing...some are open to change others are not... but people like Bill (class a type personalities)are more likely to refuse change...hey it happens...

but I am very worried that Jerry doesn't see it (offered him a 3 year contract if reports are true) that doesn't bode well...we are dangerously close to becoming the former Cincinnati Bengals (not the current version)...

Bill needed to go after the 2nd year but he got a 3rd to me it seems foolish to allow him a 4th... jmho
When Jerry first brought BP in, the organization wasnt necessarily in disarray, but the team needed direction and some tough love. Bill brings in an assortment of veteran Parcells guys in 2003, OK, I thought. Then Vinnie and the bus driver mindset for his QBs, Ooookkkk... then, max protect, play not to lose. He fires Steve Hoffman and for the duration of the 2005 season, very unreliable kicking, and even drops a few crucial contests because of that. Again, we miss the playoffs. On to Rogers, Peterson and some OL busts.
BP may not be right for this team's future, and the future may be right now. If BP does retire now, and that's a distinct possibility, Im VERY concerned that Jerry Jones' safe, sure knee jerk reaction is Zimmer as next year's head coach.

Color me worried.
I've been reading some of the threads in recent days and hadn't planned on posting. But, as usual, Wayne did a good job of setting the tone for this thread and the result is a lot of good, thoughtful posts.

Hopefully, I can add to it.

First, I was happy with the Parcells hire. Jerry had become a joke in the NFL and his hiring of Parcells helped bring credibility back to the franchise. Never mind that Jerry continually mispronounced his name at the news conference announcing his hiring (I still find humor in that).

I thought Parcells did an outstanding job the first year with a pretty lousy roster, but the cracks started to show last year when the team went 6-10. The talent upgrade at several position helped the team rebound somewhat this year.

I think Parcells has instilled some long-needed discipline in this team and in many ways righted the ship. I am, however, disappointed in some of his work. The offensive line is still a disaster after 3 years on the job and the special teams are pretty bad.

I equate Parcells' work with the special teams with the amateur mechanics I know. They love working on motors and are constantly under the hoods of their cars "tinkering." They can't leave it alone, and their cars never really run right. That's Parcells and special teams. He's always messing around with it because he believes that he coaches it better than anyone.

I posted last year that I saw a coach who seemed tired and confused at times. I saw a coach who was stubborn and refused to listen to anyone else. What I believe I was seeing was the 1988 version of Tom Landry: A great coach, who was struggling to do a tremendously tough job at his age. It happened to Don Shula, too. To think that it can't happen to Parcells is being naive.

We saw what happened to Jimmy Johnson when his mother passed away. Jimmy was never the same at Miami. It took something out of him.

IMO, Parcells never looked the same after his brother passed away. Maybe he just needs more time, I don't know. He has a young (for him) girlfriend and is building a dream home in New York. I think he's seriously considering retiring. He's had ample opportunities to silence the rumors.

I agree with Dale that the scary part in all this is what happens when he steps down. Jerry is unpredictable in a lot of ways. He's like a balloon that you blow up and let go .... spraying spit and noise all over the room as the air escapes and it darts back and forth. It's quite a ride for the fans ... never boring.

I would be OK with Parcells finishing his contract, because I don't know who out there is necessarily better right now. And I would be OK if he decided to quit before his contract is up ... like he's done everywhere he's been.
wayne_motley said:
Kiss his butt...put him in the ROH now...fire him...blame him for everything.


1. Don't argue with others or attack their opinions...read and share.

2. Don't repeat your opinion every time someone else posts a differing view...repeating something over and over doesn't make it any more interesting.

I'll go first...and I'll be brief:

Never liked Parcells...still don't.

Other than his total failure at every OL move he's made, I do respect most of his other personel moves...Looks like he'd make a pretty good advisor to the gm, but I'd never make him gm because he probably wouldn't even let his head coach talk to the press...lol...and I certainly wouldn't want him hiring our next coach.

As a coach, I have seen nothing impressive. He didn't call a good offensive game when he was doing it, and he was always slow getting the plays in. I often disagree with his game decisions, and I don't like the way he handles players.

He's improved our personel in 3 seasons...we expected that...but I don't see that he coaches the players very well, and I think we had more games this season when we were unprepared to play than in recent history. I'm not impressed with his actual coaching or the coaches he's hired.

As a long-time Parcells fan, I honestly feel the game has finally passed him by.

Yeah-he's made some pretty darn good personnel moves, but OTOH-alot of other moves he made , he WOULDN'T EVEN THINK TWICE about doing it during his other previous stints(i.e. not fixing the OL, getting Jose Cortez, etc). And no-his "conservative" approach doesn't bother me-it was his PLAY-CALLING that has been his ultimate-undoing here. Sure-he had a conservative approach in NYG, but I never remembered his play-calling there being THIS bad.

Landry was alot like this in his final years here, FWIW.
Chief said:
I equate Parcells' work with the special teams with the amateur mechanics I know. They love working on motors and are constantly under the hoods of their cars "tinkering." They can't leave it alone, and their cars never really run right. That's Parcells and special teams. He's always messing around with it because he believes that he coaches it better than anyone.
Priceless... :bow:
MS17 said:
When Jerry first brought BP in, the organization wasnt necessarily in disarray, but the team needed direction and some tough love. Bill brings in an assortment of veteran Parcells guys in 2003, OK, I thought. Then Vinnie and the bus driver mindset for his QBs, Ooookkkk... then, max protect, play not to lose. He fires Steve Hoffman and for the duration of the 2005 season, very unreliable kicking, and even drops a few crucial contests because of that. Again, we miss the playoffs. On to Rogers, Peterson and some OL busts.
BP may not be right for this team's future, and the future may be right now. If BP does retire now, and that's a distinct possibility, Im VERY concerned that Jerry Jones' safe, sure knee jerk reaction is Zimmer as next year's head coach.

Color me worried.

MS, I fundamentally disagree with your assessment of where the organization stood as we started with BP. We were a laughing stock and the "America's Team" joke of the NFL. The whole perception of our organization has changed for the better.
Ispain, you know, I thought "team in disarray" was too strong a description, but the more I reflect back, the more I should stand corrected on that. Three successive 6-10's denotes real problems in the organization, from the top down. Thinking back before 2003 and BP, the team did seem rudderless and unable to come up with pressure third down plays, and Coslett, enough said. So, I guess disarray wasnt too strong a word.
great post by chief. you hit on a lot of points as usual.

I always liked Parcells. From his days with the Giants up until today. I believe (or want to believe) he's coming back for one last hurrah. One more run. He fixed the defense after he thinkered with it so much it broke last year. He now has his 3-4 in place and he'll work on the offense next year. I believe we are one impact offensive player and 2 solid offensive linemen away from a super bowl caliber team. on defense all we need is a free safety and on special teams a solid kicker. we're not that far away. the problem i see is that as chief pointed out, BP won't stop thinkering. already there's talk that ellis and glover won't be back. the same thing happened in 2004, we didn't replace the starters on defense with quality players and the bottom fell out. anyways me thinks everybody on the coaching staff stays put. we get adams back. sign or draft 2 starters for the offensive line. sign or draft a safety and a kicker and sign or draft one impact offensive player as a bonus and we are on our way.
Out of the Closet

hah !!!! got you with that title i bet. different closet though. i just cant stand it any longer, i have a secret to tell. i want to get it off my chest before the season starts because it really has nothing to do with wins and losses. okay...here it goes. I DONT LIKE BILL PARCELLS. Ahhhhhh i feel so much better now. sure he's the coach of my favorite football team. sure i even think he is the best coach for us right now. after years of incompetence and yes men jerry jones had to get a real coach. bill parcells is definitely a real coach. until jones proved he could butt out and let a coach be the coach we were not ever going to get anybody here worth a dern. parcells is a good coach, a winning coach, a smart coach....but it still doesnt make me like him. Im not sure why. it probably comes from the fact that for years he was the coach of the NY Giants and we played them twice a year and sometimes they beat us. or it could be that its because he is a yankee..you know..the whole speech, mannerism attitude thing. just rubs me the wrong way. for too many years we had coaches who at least acted like they wanted to keep the fans happy, the media informed and project a whole "one big happy family " theme. he doesnt do that. or at least not very well. do i wish him ill will ?? of course not, i am pulling for him all the way, i hope he gets us to another super bowl win....soon really soon. and then i hope he takes his grumpy, sarcastic, joisey sounding , condescending , smart aleck butt back up there. its just a personal thing , if you dont agree i understand completely..later Poke

I posted this on my blog in August of this year, my thoughts haven't changed
so i just decided to copy and paste it here to save myself some typing.

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