Orlando Scandrick suspended first four games ***for Molly** Post #246

I actually think the Cowboys can weather the storm of losing oscan, IF (and that's a big if) both Carr and Claiborne can stay healthy. Given that they still have preseason games and practice coming up, I give their chances of staying healthy at 5%. Straining their knee or something like that JUST has to happen. It's in their DNA now.

I still have hope, but boy does it glow dimmer by the day...
Don't forget the defensive change of last year. trying to copy seattle 4-3 defense out of a 3-4 and hiring kiffin to run it but really never drafted for it. that worked out well lol. I know a lot of folks want to point the finger at coaches, players, ect but most of the blame should be put on JJ, he has no idea how to build a winning team he tries to take the blue prints from others. Basically trying to build a Cadillac out of Subaru parts.

And to be honest I don't think Scandrick loss is going to effect us that much. This team couldn't stop anything right now. Why throw when you can just run the ball and score lol

When you don't come up through the ranks it's very hard to develope a blueprint. Take Sean Payton for instance, this guy coached for 18 years are so before he became a hc, during that time he got to learn daily (different from visiting Duke or going on a fishing trip with Jimmy) from oc's and hc's of varying type. Some thing that were successful he kept the things that were unsuccessful he threw out thus he has an idea on how to build a team from that experience.

To me the same thing holds true for a gm, most not all come from a personnel background and throughout the years have probably understood that you can't just put players out there without factoring in chemistry to that formula. Good GMs allow the hc to be the authority, the players have to feel like their jobs are in his hands. Good GMs know that while it's more entertaining to build your teams from the outside in, you'll get better results from being stronger in the trenches that other teams. Good GMs wouldn't have a second job (pimping AT&T Stadium, being on tv shows, commercials, and award shows) because the job is too important and if they fail then the're out of a job.

If I won a bunch of money in the loto and bought an NHL team (I know nothing about the NHL) and named myself the GM, I too would look at other successful organization to see what they are doing because I wouldn't have a clue. This means that every new fad that comes around I'm succeptable to change the direction of the organization to follow said fad.

Now after 20 years on the job, I would know more than I did when I purchased the team but just like a home, if the foundation is not sound then everything built on it will soon crumble.
PDE huh, sounds like he was just gettin high.

You can't make this stuff up.

because molly is a stimulant it is considered a PED, but it's really not something that would enhance your performance unless you were taking during the game. still banned and still suspended but not really a drug that would enhance a players abilities
a really bad decision made my Orlando that will hurt him and the team that's one of the reason this team is just not good enough to win
I actually think the Cowboys can weather the storm of losing oscan, IF (and that's a big if) both Carr and Claiborne can stay healthy. Given that they still have preseason games and practice coming up, I give their chances of staying healthy at 5%. Straining their knee or something like that JUST has to happen. It's in their DNA now.

I still have hope, but boy does it glow dimmer by the day...
Mitchelle will have to step up big in the Slot starting this sunday...
Chicago had the World's most vicious member of Zeta running the city's drug and crime elements. Las Vegas was largely funded by the Mob, the oldschool Mafia. Louisiana political State structures were saturated at one point, with Mafia interactions as well.

If Drug Cartels in Mexico, were ruthlessly running crime in a major US city, I hardly think there is a hands off area that is managed as a resort area on a coast. These same Cartel organizations walk into mining areas already in production for exporting metals to foreign markets, and in the open, start their own mining operations up and do their metal removal on already owned property. They handle the 'corporation' all the way to sales to foreign representatives and the shipping involved.

Robin Williams, a member of the fast and influentially in crowd, around Holywood, fought drug and alcohol abuses for years. That lifestyle is pitted with abuses and dangers that are easily attained.

To say there is a catering to a 'cool' crowd, well, is a naïve view, as very organized crime infiltrates the entire social culture everywhere in Mexico. And personal ignorance is what caught Orlando Scandrick with the proverbial snapshot with his drawers.

He received his warnings back when he was a rookie, like the rest of that year's rooks. He got caught up in affluent lifestyle and thought mindlessly, that his selection process was protected by where and who he was with. That cost Robin Williams his life, as he grew in his own failures mindlessly protected by an affluent subclass of similar cash flows.

No, Scandrick was guilty of what ended up poor judgement and unethical discernment. He got caught as a criminal. And he deserves his rewards of that set of deeds. If the issue was legality of prohibited items, he could challenge legal status by going where they are legal. Well, that isn't the case is most States or Mexico. For legal use of even marijuana, today, he would have to go to a resort in a state like Colorado, to legally purchase that substance for personal useage.

That although, would be in bold conflict with the personal integrity attachments that is enforced and expected in the participation in the NFL.

Location and crowd covered nothing as to his role. Just ask Robin Williams...oops, you can't any more.

I'll tell you one thing, saying Scandrick taking molly in a pool somewhere is somehow linked to cartels infiltrating mining operations and then exporting precious metals to foreign markets takes guts. And don't get me started on the Vegas being funded by the Mob connection.

And nice dig at Robin Williams at the end. Classy!

Technically, MDMA IS an amphetamine itself. It's chemical name is 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine. I'm pretty sure it would show up on a drug test as amphetamine whether it was laced with pure amphetamine or not.
because molly is a stimulant it is considered a PED, but it's really not something that would enhance your performance unless you were taking during the game. still banned and still suspended but not really a drug that would enhance a players abilities

Importantly here is that PED testing is year round. Players are not tested for recreational drugs in the off-season. Testing starts for recreational substances on 4/20 each year (the league and NFLPA do have a sense of humor).

This is all still Oscan's fault but the policy is clearly a bit wonky. Of course, guys need to know what recreational substances they can take during that period.
I was in college when the molly craze started - it's basically pure MDMA, the chemical compound that causes you to 'roll' in traditional ecstasy pills.

It's typically cut with something, usually an upper - to give the user a lasting effect and ensure that the dealer's product gets moved.

It's all over pop culture, rappers talk about it, and every one of those terrible EDM festivals is loaded with it - that's the only way anyone can possibly enjoy that brand of noise.

Scandrick just got caught, I'm sure he's not the only Cowboy guilty of it - just like every team in the league has young guys that are into the club scene where molly is prevalent.

For all you old folks, it's not a sign he has a problem - it's taken recreationally 99.9% of the time, and very seldom do you see someone strung out on molly. He'll do his bid and be back.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Issues In Oxnard: Scandrick Joins the Ranks Of the Unavailable[/paste:font]

This is getting flat-out ridiculous.

It is clear that the Cowboys have minimal depth through these last few years, and if you don't believe that has been my overall position for sometime, I invite you to glance at the archives. They have been critiqued plenty for not having a number of options behind each player in case of an unforeseen circumstance that appears out of thin air.

But, man, this team is starting to appear cursed defensively.

Last year, it was a training camp that saw Tyrone Crawford, Anthony Spencer, and Jay Ratliff all go from prominent starters on the depth chart to complete non-contributors for the entirety of 2013. In fact, Ratliff is long gone and Spencer has yet to prove he will ever play again. Poof. Your defense went from thin to inoperable in one camp (and it wasn't due to the physical contract - it was just health issues that either continued to linger or popped out of nowhere).

This year, they couldn't get out of May without losing their alpha-male at middle linebacker with Sean Lee and after losing DeMarcus Ware and Jason Hatcher for contract reasons, the 32nd defense in the NFL thought it couldn't get worse.

Well, it could. First, DeMarcus Lawrence - he whom the draft was highly leveraged upon - broke his foot and thusly has been taken out of the realistic mix until November. And now, the man that has received the best reviews just about each and every day for this often ridiculed defense - Orlando Scandrick will miss the first 4 games for a violation of the league's substance policy.

This is a big blow. No way to sugar coat it. There's about 11 "if's" that need to happen for this defense to be better than last year. Three of them have already not happened. Lee staying healthy, Lawrence playing like a 2nd round draft pick and Scandrick (our best CB) staying healthy.
Shows how naive I am. I thought Molly was the name of a girl in the title of a song. :confused:

I truly believe the bad element must coexist with the good so there can be balance. I do wish, though, that there were more guys on the Cowboys like Church and Witt.

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