Oscars 2014

Leo will get one but not so sure about Depp. Leo makes the kind of movies that have Oscar potential, Depp...not so much. Personally, I think Johnny is more talented but making movies like Dark Shadows, Lone Ranger, Pirates, Sweeney Todd, etc etc give him little chance IMO. His best chance so far was in Blow and Public Enemies and they didn't come close.

Donnie Brasco was a very good movie as well.
Donnie Brasco was a very good movie as well.

Damn dude, you reading my mind? Was just about to mention that one as well:D Depp didn't show much range but Pacino was amazing. "Roll that window up...you want me to get a cold?" as he hotboxes and chain smokes cigs.

Totally different genre but Depp was great as Hunter S. Thompson in Fear and Loathing...seen that movie at least a dozen times and always pick up new things each time I watch.
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If someone makes a movie about a slave with aids they'll win every Oscar available that year.
Was going to mention that one too as a good one but didn't think most would have seen it.

It is actually a very well known movie. I love mafia movies and this one was very good, but not great. Depp was good, but Al was great in the movie. Madsen was good as well.
It is actually a very well known movie. I love mafia movies and this one was very good, but not great. Depp was good, but Al was great in the movie. Madsen was good as well.

Yea, I know it is well known, or at least should be. A lot of times I talk about it to younger folks, they think I am talking about "Donnie Darko" SMH

Brasco was a good movie but Depp is overshadowed by Al and Madsen for sure.
Leo will get one but not so sure about Depp. Leo makes the kind of movies that have Oscar potential, Depp...not so much. Personally, I think Johnny is more talented but making movies like Dark Shadows, Lone Ranger, Pirates, Sweeney Todd, etc etc give him little chance IMO. His best chance so far was in Blow and Public Enemies and they didn't come close.

He was nominated for the first Pirates movie.
He was nominated for the first Pirates movie.

True, and for "Finding Neverland" and "Sweeney Todd" also but he didn't have a chance to win during those years :(
He gets nominated on his skills alone but those movies don't help the cause :(
If someone makes a movie about a slave with aids they'll win every Oscar available that year.

certainly not PC but absolutely correct. There was nothing 12 did that had not been done better if less graphically on TV in Roots 40 years ago.
Used to not like Di Caprio over being a pretty boy but ever seeing Blood Diamond, really changed my mind about him. As he went from being a teenage idol to serious actor!
Leo is almost 40 I think.

He does have the whole baby face thing going on even at his age. He's very good but he makes some real stinker movies. I guess in retrospect they all do. Money talks.
I watched most of 12 Years as a Slave last night and was underwhelmed. I meant the scenes are powerful re the cruelty but I was left expecting more. I didn't think Lupita was all that special, certainly not enough to win an oscar. Probably if I had seen the movie last week, I would have thought more of it but I probably expected too much from it given it won best picture.
In my opinion, 12 yrs was the best film last year. fassbender should have won. Wolf was entertaining but over the top, gravity was different but not worthy of the top award. Her would be the other film I would consider for the award. So weird, but I think had a deeper message. The movie with jlaw and bale, had potential but was such a snooze fest.

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