OT: Anyone get ESPN NFL2k5 yet?

Every freakin commercial for this game has T.O. and the Iggies. Gee I wonder who the best team in the game is?

Hmmm and after seeing the stats the Cowboys got, no Thanks. I'll just stick to Madden. Plus I have some NCAA 2005 Rosters to upload to Madden. Plus I read that the controls were a lot better for Madden than 2K5. I really dont care if the graphics are a little nicer , I want some solid gameplay.
I love this game, it is a lot of fun when you get used to the controls...
T-New41 said:
Every freakin commercial for this game has T.O. and the Iggies. Gee I wonder who the best team in the game is?

Patriots first, Eagles second. Just like real life.
Despite what the ratings say, the Cowboys are suprisingly good in this game. I played several people on all-pro last night, and Quincy is actually a decent passer. He has an 85 for both speed AND agility, which translates to DEADLY on shotgun draws. Julius is only rated a 75 overall, but his speed is right at 90 and cuts fairly well. Key absolutely catches everything i throw at him.
My first two carries for Julius were TDs.

A sixty-yarder.....and a seventy-yarder.

Wish that would happen in real life.

I've never been into NFL video games. I tried playing Madden several times, but for some reason I just couldn't get it. I have Madden 2000, and have rented all the others. I could run and play defense, but I couldn't complete a pass to save my life. All Madden games were like this for me.

For some reason, I can play ESPN. Maybe, I'm just a bad game player, and ESPN is easier than Madden. Whatever the case, I'm sold on ESPN.

I was skeptical about buying a football game, but $20.....come on....my wife actually went out and bought it for me.

ESPN has made a great game. Hopefully, they'll make more like this.
T-New41 said:
Every freakin commercial for this game has T.O. and the Iggies. Gee I wonder who the best team in the game is?

Hmmm and after seeing the stats the Cowboys got, no Thanks. I'll just stick to Madden. Plus I have some NCAA 2005 Rosters to upload to Madden. Plus I read that the controls were a lot better for Madden than 2K5. I really dont care if the graphics are a little nicer , I want some solid gameplay.

If the gameplay is anything like NCAA 2005, you won't be singing that tune for long.

NCAA 2k5 is one of the worst football games i have ever played. I cant believe i traded in the kick-*** Full Spectrum Warrior for that piece of garbage.
ChrisFul said:
If the gameplay is anything like NCAA 2005, you won't be singing that tune for long.

NCAA 2k5 is one of the worst football games i have ever played. I cant believe i traded in the kick-*** Full Spectrum Warrior for that piece of garbage.


Did you play NCAA 2004? IMHO it's the best football game I've ever played. I'd hate to hear they messed NCAA up that bad...Also, Full Spectrum Warrior is on sale at Walmart for $28.
Duane said:

Did you play NCAA 2004? IMHO it's the best football game I've ever played. I'd hate to hear they messed NCAA up that bad...Also, Full Spectrum Warrior is on sale at Walmart for $28.

On the xbox version ( i cant speak for the ps2) there are numerous slowdown issues, especially on running plays, that can be alleviated somewhat by changing camera views. Playing offense against a good Defense is damn near impossible. Even the best players online only average in the 20s/30s ppg, Running between the tackles is virtually IMPOSSIBLE, and the passing game is very, very, difficult. I wanted a more difficult game than 2003/2004 because i felt they were too easy, but this is just insanely hard.

This game made me skeptical of Madden this year, so i went with ESPN since it was cheap. ESPN does not disappoint, at least.
Bizwah said:
For some reason, I can play ESPN. Maybe, I'm just a bad game player, and ESPN is easier than Madden.
ESPN is more realistic than Madden, easier to play if you understand the game of football but if you don't it would be tougher.

Just my experiences.
Anyone notice figiting in the running? I can break some nice runs but the control stick is steady and yet JJ is figiting around running in wavy lines. I thought maybe my controller was lose so I poped in madden 2004 and its not my controller. I also notice players dont go up or down thru the seasons unless you do the week to week prep. I had 1683 yards rushing and 17 TDs with JJ and the next year (after a wildcard appearance) He was still a 75. *shrug*
Just bought it yesterday. Only played one game against my son, but it looks great. Compared to Madden, I would say it is at least as good if not better. Also, it was less than $20! I saw it advertised at Circuit City for $16.99.
30yrheel said:
Just bought it yesterday. Only played one game against my son, but it looks great. Compared to Madden, I would say it is at least as good if not better. Also, it was less than $20! I saw it advertised at Circuit City for $16.99.

Looks great? Did I purchase a different game than you guys? Compare ESPN graphics to real life. Then do the same with Madden 2004. The Madden players look and move much MUCH more realistically. The ESPN guys run like they have steel rods inserted in their colons. They also have short little arms and flat butts. Seems that the players were modeled on asian guys. Some of the little animations have the players moving very effeminately. If you like it, whatever...but I like my football players to look as real as possible. Not like Chris Benoit on estrogen.
Play fakes are so good I always think I picked a run play instead of a pass. Theirs been quite a few times where I was sacked because I thought my runner had the ball.

This game is really tough for me

I got whipped good by the Jags 24-6 my first game.
Tass said:
Looks great? Did I purchase a different game than you guys? Compare ESPN graphics to real life. Then do the same with Madden 2004. The Madden players look and move much MUCH more realistically. The ESPN guys run like they have steel rods inserted in their colons. They also have short little arms and flat butts. Seems that the players were modeled on asian guys. Some of the little animations have the players moving very effeminately. If you like it, whatever...but I like my football players to look as real as possible. Not like Chris Benoit on estrogen.
Sound like sour grapes to me. Madden is not even out yet so what are you basing your comments on? I hope it is not last year's Madden; The Madden sheep are truly dying a hard death, lol. You should really give it up, how is this for a novel idea go buy ESPN football and give it a fair shot before you make stuff up about it. Just my $0.02.
You know the Madden sheep are blind when they say the graphics are better.

I agree with him the running animation looks like ****. Your guy has a broomstick shoven in his ***. The graphics are about the same the body graphic look like **** in ESPN. Some people have chick ankles and wrists it looks tacky. They need work. Madden is just reskined and slightly improved with significant amounts of new physics and animations. Next years will be with a new engine..
adbutcher said:
Sound like sour grapes to me. Madden is not even out yet so what are you basing your comments on? I hope it is not last year's Madden; The Madden sheep are truly dying a hard death, lol. You should really give it up, how is this for a novel idea go buy ESPN football and give it a fair shot before you make stuff up about it. Just my $0.02.

I did buy it, dude. You think I'm just talking out of hat? Yes, IMO last years Madden looks better than this years ESPN game. The faces, helmets, bodily proportions...ALL superior on Madden. Likewise with the animations. Not sour grapes at all...I was hoping for an AWESOME new football game. I could care less which company makes it.
Tass said:
I did buy it, dude. You think I'm just talking out of hat? Yes, IMO last years Madden looks better than this years ESPN game. The faces, helmets, bodily proportions...ALL superior on Madden. Likewise with the animations. Not sour grapes at all...I was hoping for an AWESOME new football game. I could care less which company makes it.

I want some of what your smoking if you think Madden has better graphics!

ESPN has hands down the best graphics of ANY sports game, ever!

That is not disputable.
Ken said:
I want some of what your smoking if you think Madden has better graphics!

ESPN has hands down the best graphics of ANY sports game, ever!

That is not disputable.
I am assuming he made the statement on the PS2 version of the game. Now if he is comparing the XB version, I really can't understand how he made that statement about the graphics comparison.

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