OT: Breaking News on the gambling story...

Have uncovered the following:

*In the NHL inner circle Gretzky/Jones is a MAJOR gambler. This is no suprise that she is so deep into an organized crime gambling ring.

*Toccehts gambling roots go back a decade with Bruno Scarfi crime family in Philly.

* Stae of New Jersey vs. Tochet complaint lists 594 bets totalling $1,086,100. Here's names I'm hearing involved

Coyotes GM
Travis King
Mike Sullivan
One more big name actor (afleck???)
An Owner (probably Gretzky's partner???)

Gretzky to fly out to Turin. Expect scandal to expand in coming days. Team Canada under fire.
So Nors e-mailed me his "evidence" that looks "real bad" and that I am so "wrong" about.

It's a copy of the Summons issued for Rick Tocchet.

Right in the middle of the pages is an entire section about the actions of the court. It's all blank. The Summons was issued by a Court as all Summons are.

This is his "Court Documents" evidence.

Excuse me for a minute........:lmao2:

Okay, I'm back.

Until today I never realzied that a Summons was evidence of guilt.

Until today I never realized that NOT being named on a Summons (neither Gretzky nor his wife are mentioned on the Summons) is evidence of dire peril headed your way.


I love satire.
Hostile said:
So Nors e-mailed me his "evidence" that looks "real bad" and that I am so "wrong" about.

It's a copy of the Summons issued for Rick Tocchet.

Right in the middle of the pages is an entire section about the actions of the court. It's all blank. The Summons was issued by a Court as all Summons are.

This is his "Court Documents" evidence.

Excuse me for a minute........:lmao2:

Yes - said I had the doc's on Tocchett and did. You were piss wrong (again) BlaBlaBla I didn't have what I said I had! wrong

The charges were clearly issued/written. Of course Tocchet will have a day in court - never denied that.
The defendants will be arraigned 2-21-06
Stay focused!
Hope you enjoyed the crow:lmao: !
Nors said:
Yes - said I had the doc's on Tocchett and did. You were piss wrong (again) BlaBlaBla I didn't have what I said I had! wrong

The charges were clearly issued/written. Of course Tocchet will have a day in court - never denied that.
The defendants will be arraigned 2-21-06
Stay focused!
Hope you enjoyed the crow:lmao: !
The quote function isn't that difficult.

Let's review something. I NEVER said that Rick Tocchet wasn't being charged.

So you served up no crow.

Nothing you showed me has Gretzky in any trouble like you were portraying.

If you want to know the truth, for all the bragging you did I expected better. This was pathetic.

What's even funnier is that you made out like you have this stuff by some special favor. So you had an inside scoop on this. No you don't. The same website that always gets hold of these arrest reports has this.

Big freaking deal. A lot of build up, no explosion. Barely a firecracker. More like a balloon popping.
Originally Posted by Nors
Wrong Hos

I'm looking at a document filed in the Superior Court in Burlington County New Jersey - Filed on 2-5-06 by Detective Coppola, Charge number N.J.S. - 2C:21-25A & C / 2C:2-6 Signed by Captain Jeffrey L Simpkinisi


Jones/Gretzky betting fallout to follow!

Hos said:
First of all I don't believe you. History.

Second, there's been no trial yet, so there are no "court documents."

Tocchets court summons provided with detailed charges against defendants as I stated.

Up next - anticipate NHL next week to go into full damage control. Try and make this go away. Unfortunately there is no magical "delete" function to make all of this just go away.

Will be very interesting to see how hard NJ goes after Gretzky/Jones and if Feds are brought in. Look for this to flame up on Tuesday when they arrive at Olympics.

Canada is 5-2 to win Gold.
Hostile said:
The quote function isn't that difficult.

Let's review something. I NEVER said that Rick Tocchet wasn't being charged.

So you served up no crow.

Nothing you showed me has Gretzky in any trouble like you were portraying.

If you want to know the truth, for all the bragging you did I expected better. This was pathetic.

Stay focused.

I provided what you said I didn't have. There are no "formal" charges against Gretzky/Jones and never alluded I would give that in Writing....duh..:p:

There is a lot at play here that could sink Gretzky. Game is on - $ and attorneys start dueling now.

You are a simpleton if you believe Gretzky is not aware of this gambling ring. How good he has shielded his knowledge/participation will be duly tested in coming Months.

Gretzky's dufos defense here is so pathetic its almost funny. Wanna bet Saturday Night does a skit on this!

I'll go 50 times say they do, let Miki be the Tocchet maker!
Nors said:
Stay focused.

I provided what you said I didn't have. There are no "formal" charges against Gretzky/Jones and never alluded I would give that in Writing....duh..:p:

There is a lot at play here that could sink Gretzky. Game is on - $ and attorneys start dueling now.

You are a simpleton if you believe Gretzky is not aware of this gambling ring. How good he has shielded his knowledge/participation will be duly tested in coming Months.

Gretzky's dufos defense here is so pathetic its almost funny. Wanna bet Saturday Night does a skit on this!

I'll go 50 times say they do, let Miki be the Tocchet maker!
You really don't understand the quote function do you?

replace the { with [ in this example and you'll have it.

{quote=Nors}Spot on.{/quote}

The only difference from open to close is the / before the word.

An easy way to learn would be to look at a post you are quoting and see how the tags work.

Back to your claim. Whoop dee freaking doo. Quite possibly the most boring "proof" of anything I have ever seen. You acted like you had special information. Just a hunch, but you thought the rings in Cracker Jack were real didn't you?
It’s not just hoping that Tocchet’s mob name was “The Rick.” It could bust the lid off rumblings of gambling that have been simmering under the surface of the league for years. SI.com has an excellent rundown of what’s at stake here, and it’s not just Wayne Gretzky’s apparent confusion that his wife was allegedly making bets with his friend and assistant coach. The NHL is saying it’s disturbed but points out that no one was gambling on hockey. But, if you’ve watched “The Sopranos,” you know all about RICO statutes, and the doors that can be opened once an investigation starts. And it’s going to be extremely difficult to shut them.
The NHL is about to get itself rocked
StanleySpadowski said:
I notice that someone can cut and paste every article that could remotely be considered possibly damaging to Gretzky but it all over the 'net now that Gretzky's recorded conversation with Tocchet occurred after the police talked to his wife.


But that would be honest. He's all but got the man convicted, sentenced, and his legend tarnished. Without ever being accused of a crime he thinks Gretzky should step down as Coach, resign his post on the Canadian Olympic Committee, and fade into the sunset with his head hung in shame.

You forget, he has access to the documents. Called in special favors. All that jazz.

Due Process, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, all can be damned in deference to his opinions.

:lmao2: I love it.
StanleySpadowski said:
I notice that someone can cut and paste every article that could remotely be considered possibly damaging to Gretzky but it all over the 'net now that Gretzky's recorded conversation with Tocchet occurred after the police talked to his wife.


Makes total sense. Gretky/Jones bet $75K on Super Bowl and $5K on coin flip. Ex agent and current Coyote GM bet on the Super Bowl.

Makes sense Gretzky had not called up Tocchet before that trying to get his name out of media. Or he(his)would be a total moron(s) to still be betting.

It does prove he was CLUELESS on the Gambling sting hovering over Tocchet and co. He got it when the Cops showed up to his door Monday morning! The day after Gretzky(Jones) called in the big bets.......to Tocchet.

Wayne now needs to prove he's CLUELESS 4-5 more times.
He will bring his Billion $ to the table to try and squelch This. Good luck great one!

Watch the madness tomorrow as he distracts the olympics....... Guys on Pedestals sometimes forget their real place in life.
Nors, fall on your sword. You were so completely wrong in this, it is difficult to even see where the begining of the BS started. You were wrong. You should come clean and just own up. It is still possible that you could be onto something but at this point, you have no evidence at all to base any conclusions on.

Just own up.
Nors, fall on your sword. You were so completely wrong in this, it is difficult to even see where the begining of the BS started. You were wrong. You should come clean and just own up. It is still possible that you could be onto something but at this point, you have no evidence at all to base any conclusions on.

Just own up.
Not a chance.
Apologies in order for Gretzky?

Unfortunately, it's kind of the way we do business. "We," being the media.
After a week of screaming headlines on the Wayne Gretzky "situation,” I noticed in Monday's newspapers around the country a much smaller story.

This was the story that said Gretzky appeared to be telling the truth when he said he didn't know anything about his wife making large bets on NFL games, or his best friend and assistant coach in Phoenix, Rick Tocchet, being involved in financing a bookmaking ring.

Records of police wiretaps revealed Gretzky called Tocchet after he had been informed by New Jersey police about what was going on. Based on what the police told him, he was asking Tocchet if his wife's name could be kept out of the investigation.

No, this latest news is not as sexy as everything that was being reported last week.

So the story and the headlines were much, much smaller. I wonder if anyone will now apologize for calling out Gretzky as a liar?

But I'll say it again -- if someone in the Gretzky family was betting on NFL playoff games, who the heck should really care.

Posted by rgalloway on February 13, 2006 at 09:47 AM in NHL | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I said Gretzky should step down to stop the Distraction of the mess he's in on.

His best friend and assistant coach is arrested on major felonies, racketeering, money laundering, interstate crimes and conspiracy, running an illegal gambling ring.

Tocchett has mob connections dating back to Philly

His wife bet $500K with Tocchet......

His ex agent/GM is betting in ring

Many NFL players are involved in this ring.

OK - Gretzky freakin was clueless on this? You would have to be dummer than a big ROCK to believe that. Guilt by association and involvement. Guy has embarassed his sport.

Can Gretzky/Jones bet on Olympic events in Europe? Thats the real question in camp Gretzky on flight over. Also, can you wager while flying in international airspace?

She's a witch, burn her, burn her.

Nors said:
I said Gretzky should step down to stop the Distraction of the mess he's in on.

His best friend and assistant coach is arrested on major felonies, racketeering, money laundering, interstate crimes and conspiracy, running an illegal gambling ring.

Tocchett has mob connections dating back to Philly

His wife bet $500K with Tocchet......

His ex agent/GM is betting in ring

Many NFL players are involved in this ring.

OK - Gretzky freakin was clueless on this? You would have to be dummer than a big ROCK to believe that. Guilt by association and involvement. Guy has embarassed his sport.

Can Gretzky/Jones bet on Olympic events in Europe? Thats the real question in camp Gretzky on flight over. Also, can you wager while flying in international airspace?


Good Lord, talk about losing gracelessly.

It's not that your post are unitelligent or that you don't have some very good things to say on many, many different subjects. It's this Nors. I actually open your posts to see what you write because I find it interesting on occasion. I just don't understand why it's so hard to back up and say, "yeah, ok, maybe he's not worthy of leathal injection."
WoodysGirl said:
Apologies in order for Gretzky?

Unfortunately, it's kind of the way we do business. "We," being the media.
After a week of screaming headlines on the Wayne Gretzky "situation,” I noticed in Monday's newspapers around the country a much smaller story.

This was the story that said Gretzky appeared to be telling the truth when he said he didn't know anything about his wife making large bets on NFL games, or his best friend and assistant coach in Phoenix, Rick Tocchet, being involved in financing a bookmaking ring.

Records of police wiretaps revealed Gretzky called Tocchet after he had been informed by New Jersey police about what was going on. Based on what the police told him, he was asking Tocchet if his wife's name could be kept out of the investigation.

No, this latest news is not as sexy as everything that was being reported last week.

So the story and the headlines were much, much smaller. I wonder if anyone will now apologize for calling out Gretzky as a liar?

But I'll say it again -- if someone in the Gretzky family was betting on NFL playoff games, who the heck should really care.

Posted by rgalloway on February 13, 2006 at 09:47 AM in NHL | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Nice post Woody.

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