OT: Breaking News on the gambling story...


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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State and police officials are stating that they have Wayne Gretzky discussing the illegal gambling operation with Rick Tocchet via wiretap before the story broke...


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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trickblue said:
State and police officials are stating that they have Wayne Gretzky discussing the illegal gambling operation with Rick Tocchet via wiretap before the story broke...

I don't follow hockey, boring IMO, but I seen a few minutes about this on sports center the other morning.

Now I found it odd that Wayne's wife was implicated and I think someone that worked under Wayne was implicated but nobody was saying Wayne had anything to do with it.

I just thought is the wife and this guy under wayne working a side thing here, and maybe more then just betting...or were the reports afraid of saying anything about wayne until they knew more as he is the golden boy of hockey.


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Thus far I have not seen anything showing that they bet on Hockey but it does show how serious sports in general looks at any gambling by its members.


Salary Cap Analyst
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Is Gretzky guilty of something just because he knew Tocchet financed a gambling ring? Or would he have had to have placed bets to be guilty of something?


Well-Known Member
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This hurts me, and Canada just burnt itself to the ground.

Damn, not the Great One. Right when hockey's getting back on track, something like this comes out. I really hope it never comes out that they were betting on hockey. I can deal with a little under the table wagering, but not on the sport.


I've got moxie
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Better call Marty McSorley to straighten things out....

Zimmy Lives

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Doomsday101 said:
Thus far I have not seen anything showing that they bet on Hockey but it does show how serious sports in general looks at any gambling by its members.

I find it humorous the way the media is reporting this event. Show me a sports journalist who doesn't gamble and I'll show you a liar and a hypocrite.


The Duke
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AdamJT13 said:
Is Gretzky guilty of something just because he knew Tocchet financed a gambling ring? Or would he have had to have placed bets to be guilty of something?
There is no guilt by association except in the minds of the masses.


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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superpunk said:
This hurts me, and Canada just burnt itself to the ground.

Damn, not the Great One. Right when hockey's getting back on track, something like this comes out. I really hope it never comes out that they were betting on hockey. I can deal with a little under the table wagering, but not on the sport.

If they were betting on Hockey, and I would suspect they did at times, hockey will NEVER recover...

Gretzky is the face of the NHL and this is the worst possible thing that could happen to them...

They just said that his wife had placed over $500,000 in bets including $75,000 on the Superbowl...

No way he didn't know this kind of money was flowing out of his household...


Regular Joe....
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I read this and to me, it seems some what ambiguous at best. The by line has very little to do with the actual story line. It seems to be mentioned for attention but really doesn't speak about it at all. It doesn't say when he new. It doesn't say really anything other then he knew before the story was broke. What does that mean? The story broke but the organization could well have known about the situation, from authorities, before it made it to ESPN. No susbstance at all in this story IMO.


Report: Gretzky knew about gambling ringESPN.com news services

Phoenix Coyotes coach Wayne Gretzky knew about a gambling ring involving his wife and assistant coach Rick Tocchet, law enforcement sources who cited state wiretaps told the Newark Star-Ledger.

The Star-Ledger reported in Thursday's editions that there is no evidence that Gretzky placed bets, but investigators are looking into whether his wife, Janet Jones, placed them for him.

Gretzky has said that he had no knowledge of the gambling ring.

"The reality is, I'm not involved, I wasn't involved and I'm not going to be involved," Gretzky said Tuesday. "Am I concerned for both of them? Sure, there's concern from me. I'm more worried about them than me."

Law enforcement officials told the New Jersey newspaper that Jones bet $500,000 in recent weeks, including $75,000 in Super Bowl wagers.

Tocchet, Gretzky's friend and assistant with the Coyotes, was granted an indefinite leave of absence Wednesday night by NHL commissioner Gary Bettman, a day after New Jersey police accused him of financing a nationwide gambling operation that took bets from about a half-dozen current players, among other bettors.

Tocchet is expected to be arraigned in the next two weeks, and Gretzky could be subpoenaed to testify before a New Jersey grand jury, the Star-Ledger reported.

Jones hasn't made any public statements, but Gretzky said Tuesday that she would answer questions at some point.

Coyotes vice president of communications Richard Nairn declined to comment to the Star-Ledger about Gretzky's knowledge of the case.

The NHL Players' Association posted a message on a secure Web site Wednesday advising any player who is contacted by law enforcement authorities or the league to contact his lawyer "before talking to anyone," the Toronto Star reported.

Tocchet and his new attorney met with Bettman on Wednesday and officially informed the commissioner of the pending charges Tocchet is facing.

On the advice of attorney Kevin Marino, Tocchet wasn't prepared to respond to specific questions about the allegations, the NHL said in a news release. At the end of the meeting, Tocchet requested the leave of absence.

Bettman agreed to the leave as long as several conditions were met. Tocchet must immediately cease all contact and communication with NHL and team personnel and stay away for the duration of his leave. He will not be allowed to return without Bettman's consent.

The commissioner also reserved the right to change the terms of Tocchet's absence at any time.

"We view the charges against Mr. Tocchet in the most serious terms," Bettman said in a statement. "We have pledged our full cooperation to the New Jersey State Police and the New Jersey Attorney General's Office."

The NHL hired former federal prosecutor Robert J. Cleary, who headed the Unabomber case, to investigate Tocchet.

New Jersey authorities told the NHL on Wednesday that nothing has come to their attention that indicates the gambling activities relate in any way to league games. None of the players were identified in the complaint.

"While there is speculation as to which other NHL personnel may have been involved in this matter, we continue to await guidance in that regard from the New Jersey law enforcement authorities," Bettman said.

State police Col. Rick Fuentes said an investigation into the New Jersey-based ring discovered the processing of more than 1,000 wagers, exceeding $1.7 million over several weeks, on professional and college sports, mostly football and basketball.

Marino called the state's charges against his new client "false and irresponsible."

"Mr. Tocchet is one of the most well-respected men ever to play in the NHL, and he's respected for his integrity, his determination and his strength," the Newark-based lawyer said. "We deeply regret the attorney general's precipitous charges and are appalled at the ensuing media frenzy."

Cleary was the U.S. Attorney in New Jersey from 1999-2002 and in the Southern District of Illinois in 2002. he also was the lead prosecutor from 1996-98 in the case against Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski, who was sentenced to four lifetimes in prison on charges related to three deaths and the maiming of two scientists.

New Jersey State Police Lt. Gerald Lewis said police investigators will interview other hockey players to get a sense of the scope of the gambling ring and to determine whether others should be charged.

Lewis said authorities also were exploring links between the gambling and Philadelphia-area mobsters. He said the investigation so far has turned up only that there might be some links, but authorities are unsure.

He also declined to reveal which players will be interviewed.

Hockey players are prohibited from making wagers on NHL games, legal or otherwise. There are no rules that forbid them from betting legally on other sports (for instance, with an established Las Vegas book).

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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Zimmy Lives said:
I find it humorous the way the media is reporting this event. Show me a sports journalist who doesn't gamble and I'll show you a liar and a hypocrite.

It's not about betting, it's about being a part of an illegal gambling operation...

Gambling is legal in most states via the internet, Indian Casinos and offshore sites...


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Zimmy Lives said:
I find it humorous the way the media is reporting this event. Show me a sports journalist who doesn't gamble and I'll show you a liar and a hypocrite.

True but then the journalist does not have an effect on the games but players, coaches and owners do. Leagues tend to look real hard when they find out a member is involved in any gambling and with very good reason. Their integrity and legitimacy is on the line and they know it.


Original Zone Member
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Janet Jones is/was HOT. What would she be participating in a gamblingbling ring for? Makes no sense.


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trickblue said:
It's not about betting, it's about being a part of an illegal gambling operation...

Gambling is legal in most states via the internet, Indian Casinos and offshore sites...

It may be legal but when athletes get involved with any gambling the leagues will look real hard at that player. Guys can get busted for drugs and get a pass by the leagues but gambling is a different story.


Regular Joe....
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trickblue said:
If they were betting on Hockey, and I would suspect they did at times, hockey will NEVER recover...

Gretzky is the face of the NHL and this is the worst possible thing that could happen to them...

They just said that his wife had placed over $500,000 in bets including $75,000 on the Superbowl...

No way he didn't know this kind of money was flowing out of his household...

I don't make anywhere near the money Gretzky makes but I can understand how this could happen. I don't have any idea how much money goes out on a monthly basis. My wife handles this. In truth, she's better at it. Money could easily be going out and I would not know. I trust her so it is not something I would really ever look at unless it were a situation where we were short on bills. Then, obviously, it would come to light. Outside of that, I just trust that she is responsible with our money. It has always been that way for me.


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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Doomsday101 said:
It may be legal but when athletes get involved with any gambling the leagues will look real hard at that player. Guys can get busted for drugs and get a pass by the leagues but gambling is a different story.

I know that... you are mistaking my post... I was also referring to a previous post...

My point was that gambling is legal about everywhere... being part of an illegal gambling operation is risky business, especially when you are a player or coach...

If betting is a person's thing, and they want to do it on the up and up, then why not bet legally...

This thing could get VERY ugly before it is over...


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trickblue said:
I know that... you are mistaking my post... I was also referring to a previous post...

My point was that gambling is legal about everywhere... being part of an illegal gambling operation is risky business, especially when you are a player or coach...

If betting is a person's thing, and they want to do it on the up and up, then why not bet legally...

This thing could get VERY ugly before it is over...
