Although I acknowledge that there are questions and concerns, am I the only one who feels pretty good about what this offensive line might be?
Sure, there are concerns about Tyron Smith's health. but most seasons he still plays nearly every game and is still one of the top tackles when he does.
Tyler Smith is a big, powerful player who can move well. His problem is that he can be overaggressive and that can be used against him in space. As an interior player, there is less space to use against him, which should play to his power and cut down on the penalties. If he has to move out to LT to cover for Tyron Smith, that's where the concerns would probably crop up.
Biadasz was bad at times, but the number of times was relatively small. Some of them just really stood out and made an impression. We do need to see improvement from him, but coupled with the penalty problems for Williams and Collins, his year looked far worse than what it was. I'm also interested in the players contending with him for the job. Nothing may come of it, but there could be some competition there.
Martin is Martin. He's getting dinged up a little more as he accumulates season, but he's still one of the best.
I thought we played better as a line with Steele in the lineup than we did with Collins in the lineup. Of course, there are several factors involved in that, but Steele was not a problem, and he's young and can get even better.
This may be a bit rose-colored, but I've got other things that concern me much more than the line. It's possible that will change in a hurry, but for now, I more look forward to seeing what this line can do rather than being worried about it.