Video: Outstanding conversation between Stephen A and Prime Time (re: Dez)

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Folks, if you have to time to spend on a Sunday morning, this conversation is quite an eye opener from every angle. I'm not posting this to support any particular agenda because, quite frankly, there's no agenda in this conversation. Just straight talk. Everyone (whether you love or don't love Dez so much) can glean something from this dialogue. Enjoy... It's long but touches every single point. It even speaks to the similarities of this cut and the time back when TO was cut. I won't spoil it any further but they hit on everything. Now I'll shut up.

This is from the Stephen A radio show.


Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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I'd rather stick toothpicks in my eyeballs.
Great convo man. Perhaps not two of your favorite people around but it's the type of conversation you appreciate having insight into. On Stephen A's radio show, he's much more "normal" and devoid of the schtick that we see on the television show.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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The first 15 minutes is the great convo.. the remainder of the 37 minutes is Stephen A hating on our boys.

So that first 15 min is the golden listen.

Y'all can keep thinking I have agenda all you want to. There is none in this dialogue between them.

Oh & I don't give two craps about an ignore list. Small minds use ignore lists. Perhaps that's why my ignore list has zero names on Good day. Make it a blessed one.


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Also, does anybody know where I put my cheese grader and the lemon juice?

I’d rather listen to a Tony Romo fronted Journey coverband.

I saw him do this at Metal Skool back in 2005 it was funny.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Cliff notes:

  • Dez was and still is the best receiving option option we have/had.

  • Someone had to make a compelling business case to Jerry because he is all about the business.

  • What will we do with the 8 mil saved this year? They both seem to have doubts that money is going to net anything to counter balance the cut move.

  • Someone in the Jones family (one of the children) is behind this move.

  • Romo was firing on all cylinders with Dez. Much less back in the TO days. Similarities between when Romo was throwing to TO and how that cut went down in comparison to what we see today in Dak and Dez...

  • The offensive line was trash last year.

  • Stop blaming the coaches. Players have to play. Take personal accountability..

  • Garrett is one year removed from COTY. Stop blaming him (from prime time).. prime time is obviously a RKG.

  • Interesting dialogue about where Dez lands.

  • Dez still has something left in the tank and can help the right situation.

  • The right situation is scarce right now but may become more available after the draft.

  • If your money is funny, you go play for 10 to 12 mil somewhere. If your money isn't funny, you go get with a strong QB and take less money for that opportunity. (From prime)

There's more but I figured I would share a few for those that think everything is agenda laced.


if you ain't first, you're last
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Cliff notes:

  • Dez was and still is the best receiving option option we have/had.

  • Someone had to make a compelling business case to Jerry because he is all about the business.

  • What will we do with the 8 mil saved this year? They both seem to have doubts that money is going to net anything to counter balance the cut move.

  • Someone in the Jones family (one of the children) is behind this move.

  • Romo was firing on all cylinders with Dez. Much less back in the TO days. Similarities between when Romo was throwing to TO and how that cut went down in comparison to what we see today in Dak and Dez...

  • The offensive line was trash last year.

  • Stop blaming the coaches. Players have to play. Take personal accountability..

  • Garrett is one year removed from COTY. Stop blaming him (from prime time).. prime time is obviously a RKG.

  • Interesting dialogue about where Dez lands.

  • Dez still has something left in the tank and can help the right situation.

  • The right situation is scarce right now but may become more available after the draft.

  • If your money is funny, you go play for 10 to 12 mil somewhere. If your money isn't funny, you go get with a strong QB and take less money for that opportunity. (From prime)

There's more but I figured I would share a few for those that think everything is agenda laced.
Nice Recap


Well-Known Member
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Folks, if you have to time to spend on a Sunday morning, this conversation is quite an eye opener from every angle. I'm not posting this to support any particular agenda because, quite frankly, there's no agenda in this conversation. Just straight talk. Everyone (whether you love or don't love Dez so much) can glean something from this dialogue. Enjoy... It's long but touches every single point. It even speaks to the similarities of this cut and the time back when TO was cut. I won't spoil it any further but they hit on everything. Now I'll shut up.

This is from the Stephen A radio show.

Well i loved Deion when he played football. And i still like his way as a person.

But those points he mentioned ? I dont get them. He is dancing around the real arguments just to create buzz.


Well-Known Member
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But then seriously when i have to listen another sec to the idiot Stephen A. i will throw my MacBook out of the window. How the hell can someone like this even get a job ? Capitalism at its best - crap swims at the top.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Well i loved Deion when he played football. And i still like his way as a person.

But those points he mentioned ? I dont get them. He is dancing around the real arguments just to create buzz.
Well that partly why I posted it because it was interesting when he danced around the "so how much of this blame do you think is shouldered by Garrett & the coaches" guestion... He tap danced better than I have every seen. Fred Astaire would have been amazed.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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But then seriously when i have to listen another sec to the idiot Stephen A. i will throw out my MacBook out of the window. How the hell can someone like this even get a job ?
Quite frankly, the 1st 15 min is Stephen A just asking quiestions. It's mostly Deion giving heartfelt answers.

I appreciated the Deion answers much more than the leading questions.