P90 workout - Questions and comments

5Stars;4565686 said:
BHF, don't let all that hard work go to waste. I think you said that you have lost around 14 lbs so far?

Here is what I've been eating lately.

Breakfast - some oatmeal with a piece of wheat toast (with a little butter...I know that's bad, so what?) a hard boiled egg and a protein shake. Or, a 3 egg omelet (one full egg and two egg whites, with a little cheese, some diced onions and peppers) a piece of wheat toast and a protein shake. Sometimes I just eat a couple of hard boiled eggs and toast and a shake.

At lunch I just have some deli meat (turkey and roast beef - one slice each rolled up) a piece of celery smeared with Laughing Cow cheese and a protein shake. Or, maybe some tuna on wheat with celery and Cow cheese.

At supper time, since my step-daughter lives with us, they only eat that vegan crap (food made with lots of seeds and nuts, vegetables and such - some of it tastes good, but it tastes real dry for me) but, I will try some of it, otherwise I just go the deli meat routine or grill me a chicken breast with some cottage cheese and a small salad and protein drink.

Also, after workouts I eat a banana or apple slices, grapes or some other kind of fruit and a protein drink. Also, I snack on some walnut halves or almonds.

Yeah, I don't like it...! I'm hungry all the time, but, again, like they tell us, eat just enough to not be hungry, not to get full. I want to eat some fast food garbage like hell! But, I cannot do it. I want a footlong chile cheese dog so bad, or a BigMac, fries, and a chocolate shake (make my teeth sweat just thinking about it right now). :(

So far, I have become skinny but have gained 4 lbs...that does not seem much, but, again, I'm not a big guy to start with. I'm 6'1" and weighed 175 when I started, now I weigh 179 and look skinny as hell...plus I'm about twice your age! ;)

But, eat right, bro...or at least give it your best effort, I don't want you to lose all that hard work that you have been putting in.

My diet is only what I eat, so it may vary depending on what you like to eat. Maybe someone of the others can give us some different foods to eat, because, maybe like you, it gets old as hell eating all the same food...but, it does make a difference.

Good luck, bro! I'm pulling for you, You started this crap!

:mad: ;) ;)

THank you very much.

I'm definately going to get it back into the right gear. I'm going to take the next two weeks to not only get my eating back on point but to really go all out on these P90 workouts and then it's time to start Insanity.
BraveHeartFan;4566928 said:
THank you very much.

I'm definately going to get it back into the right gear. I'm going to take the next two weeks to not only get my eating back on point but to really go all out on these P90 workouts and then it's time to start Insanity.

Good for you!

Now, my confession.:laugh2:

I broke down (after chastising you about eating):D I just had to go get something to eat. So, last night while the cooks were grinding seeds and crap...I snuck out, got into my ride and went and got me a Santa Fe burger. It is a hamburger with a fried egg, some jalapenos, and swiss cheese, and what ever else the smear on it....got small fries, too! And a small chocolate shake. It tasted so friggen good! :eek:

I did my workout this morning. I did cardio I-II again. I like the pace of it because all the moves are the same and while they are teaching, I'm already doing my thing, but faster to see if I can reach 20 before they reach 10...on my abs workout I can reach 20 right away...no hesitation because I already know the moves.


Maybe next month I'll go get me another one, or something else that makes my teeth sweat.
5Stars;4568304 said:
Good for you!

Now, my confession.:laugh2:

I broke down (after chastising you about eating):D I just had to go get something to eat. So, last night while the cooks were grinding seeds and crap...I snuck out, got into my ride and went and got me a Santa Fe burger. It is a hamburger with a fried egg, some jalapenos, and swiss cheese, and what ever else the smear on it....got small fries, too! And a small chocolate shake. It tasted so friggen good! :eek:

I did my workout this morning. I did cardio I-II again. I like the pace of it because all the moves are the same and while they are teaching, I'm already doing my thing, but faster to see if I can reach 20 before they reach 10...on my abs workout I can reach 20 right away...no hesitation because I already know the moves.


Maybe next month I'll go get me another one, or something else that makes my teeth sweat.

Nothing wrong at all with a cheat meal once in a while. It's actually good for you to do that in fact.

I've also got some really exciting stuff going on now. I've always wanted to get in with a boxing trainer, for the workouts and to learn, and we found one in our town that is going to do private training with my 10 year old son, wife, and myself 3 times a week. I'm really thrilled about this because I know the cardio work you put into this is amazing.

I'm also probably going to be taking a Karate/Tae Kwon Do class on Thursday nights as well. Now since I'm limited and can only do it 1 time a week it's obvious it's not going to be something I'm doing to become a master at or anything but I've always wanted to learn some form of martial arts training, because I'm extremely interested in it, and so I'm looking forward to just getting to do something different and learn something new.

So I'm pretty happy with whats happening at the moment. On the days I won't be doing some form of training I'm of course going to continue with some Insanity workouts. I'll probably take Sunday's completely off with this particular schedule but I'm definately pumped.
I'll probably get a nasty remark from the mods for bringing up an old post!:cool:

Checking in, I took last week off and will the rest of this week. I will start again on the first of June. And it feels good...my body feels really rested.

I needed some time off because it got to the point that...this is hard!
:laugh2: Then, I thought, why am I doing this? Why am I torturing my self?

But, I'm looking for June 1st to come. And, I will be back at it for another month and half. ;)

And, you can tell BraveHeartfan I said, "Thanks, alot"!

;) ;)
5Stars;4577061 said:
I'll probably get a nasty remark from the mods for bringing up an old post!:cool:

Checking in, I took last week off and will the rest of this week. I will start again on the first of June. And it feels good...my body feels really rested.

I needed some time off because it got to the point that...this is hard!
:laugh2: Then, I thought, why am I doing this? Why am I torturing my self?

But, I'm looking for June 1st to come. And, I will be back at it for another month and half. ;)

And, you can tell BraveHeartfan I said, "Thanks, alot"!

;) ;)

Sounds great man.

I started my boxing training today. I think I'm really going to enjoy it.
tomson75;4429520 said:
Yep. It's damn expensive.

...but comparing CF to a normal gym is like comparing a F-22 to a Smartcar. You get what you pay for.

If all you're going for is big biceps and a 400lb bench, a "gym" is all you need. If you want to be in better shape, be able to run faster, jump higher, and outperform everyone you know (at any age)...then go with CF.
If you mean that CF is like a smartcar...because the people that do them, generally, are ridiculously smug.

CF is a good workout, but it's nothing you can't do in a regular gym. And the performance is exactly the same as it is in power lifting (which I think is what the 400lb bench refers to). It's training for one specific thing, CF. It's performance for performance's sake, imo, which doesn't make it any different than bodybuilding to me.
Got my boxing training in again today. I've been really lax lately on updates and truth be told it's because I've been slacking quite a bit lately as far as working out goes. I started my boxing training last week, had two sessions, and got my third in this week. This week was the first week I could set the schedule up to do Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

That's the schedule I want for the boxing training. Now I'm about to get me a new membership, very soon, to a really quality gym in our town and I'm gonna start lifting on Tuesday, Thursday's, and Saturdays.

I'm going to start taking Sunday's off, outside of when I'm playing Flag Football. Of course on my weight lifting days I'll also being hitting some cardio work so I'll be working out, in some fashion, 6 days a week.

I've slid on the eating and sodas lately as well but I'm putting that back on track as well. Just trying to get reorganized.

With my P90 being done I realised, that last month, that I simply don't have heavy enough weights at my house for those workouts to be as effective as I'd like. I'll have my P90x workout sheets that I can use at the gym, which is a much harder workout than the P90 I did to get myself going again, but I believe before I step into that one I've decided I want to really work this excellent workout system I saw on Body Building.com from Jim Stoppani called his 12 Week Short Cut to Size.

Now out of the gate let me say that I'm not doing it because I think it's actually going to be some magical short cut or anything. It won't.

But reading all about it, and watching his videos on it, it's a dang fine put together program with a bunch of prinicples that absolutely make perfect sense.

In fact it's got quite a bit of the P90-P90x priniciples that they build upon in this program. It just looks like a quality program.

Now it's a 4 day split workout. Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday off, Thursday and Friday with weekends off.

So I'm not sure how I'm going to put the 4 in so I guess I'm likely going to have to tweak it somewhat to put the Thursday-Friday workout into 1 workout. You can't do everything from both days on 1 day, or you'd kill yourself, so I'm gonna have to tweak it some but I'll figure that part out as I go.
I have 12 stupid pounds that i've been trying to get rid of for months but I kill myself on the weekends. It's time to get rid of it so i'll report it in this thread.

Weekends are going to be the killer. If not for the weekends I would've had this 12 lbs lost 3 months ago.
DallasEast will probably blow a gasket for bringing up an old post, but...

Checking in on my P90 workouts. I'm still working out, but have changed from five days in a row to every other day. That makes me feel/heal better and faster. It will take me longer than 90 days, but, at least I will get in all the workouts.

Up until two week ago I was using different weights for the various weight training, but since then I started using the resistance bands! I have to tell you...those damn things work! It seems harder and harder everytime I use them, and it feels good, but burns at the same time. Also, I'm able to do the yoga without looking like a baby deer that is trying to stand up without losing it's balance!

I have also started to eat what I normally used to eat somewhat. I have lost so much weight that I need to not only get strong, but, now, I think I need to gain a little weight. :confused: I'm a lean person to begin with, except around my belly and chest which I lost most of my fat. I look good, but look skinny...at least to myself. However, I have good muscle tone that I have not had in a long time.

It's funny, because the first month and a half I lost some fat, but gained 4 or 5 pounds...but now I am losing weight again. I cannot understand that?

But, I'm going to keep on keeping on until I finally finish this routine.

Then, BraveHeartFan and I are going to have a big talk! :mad: (torture me like this, and I don't take this lightly BHF)!
CATCH17;4584713 said:
I have 12 stupid pounds that i've been trying to get rid of for months but I kill myself on the weekends. It's time to get rid of it so i'll report it in this thread.

Weekends are going to be the killer. If not for the weekends I would've had this 12 lbs lost 3 months ago.

Weekends are easily the hardest part of keeping yourself on track. I understand that fully.

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