P90 workout - Questions and comments

KJJ;4546582 said:
You just denied that genetics don't play a big part. You said " don't listen to this if you want that look than it's all about lifting heavy and getting the proper nutrition." The guys I mentioned all lifted heavy and got the proper nutrition and some didn't gain near the muscle that 2 of the guys did.

They had them on a weight training and nutrition program that's been proven effective for a lot of guys looking to gain bulk. They had them changing their workout every week and the end results showed how genetics play a big role.

How did you quote a post from Catch17 that is not there? I tried the backward link that you quoted of him and it goes nowhere.
5Stars;4546590 said:
How did you quote a post from Catch17 that is not there? I tried the backward link that you quoted of him and it goes nowhere.

That's because as soon as I clicked on his quote he deleted his post. He must have had second thoughts I'm sure he would have liked to have deleted the one where he denied genetics play a role but it was too late.
KJJ;4546686 said:
That's because as soon as I clicked on his quote he deleted his post. He must have had second thoughts I'm sure he would have liked to have deleted the one where he denied genetics play a role but it was too late.

Yes they play a role...in how long it takes you and how much different your diet has to be from others to get to where you want to go.

I'm sorry but putting everyone on the same diet, and workout program, of course isn't going to work the same amount for every single person.

First off the likely hood that they all lifted the exact same weight amounts, from the get go, is highly unlikely. Which also plays a factor.

Nutrition for each person is extremely important and pretty much impossible to figure nutrition from one person as the same for another.

There is nothing in your genetics that will keep you from adding lots of muscle to your frame if you're willing to put in the hard work and to eat right. I've never known a single person whose eaten properly and worked their butt off in the gym who couldn't gain muscle and get built.

The people who don't are the ones who quit because they don't get the results they want fast enough and without lots of hard work. It's why so many weak minded individuals turn to roids or just flat out quit all together.

But yes genetics play a role. If you're 5'6" I'm sure it's going to be very difficult, no matter how hard you workout and how well you eat, to make yourself a 280 pound muscle head. But does that mean you can't put on lots of lean muscle? Absolutely not.

Just as an example on that 6 people deal...if you put me, you, Catch, and 5Star all in a gym, doing the same workout and eating the same meal plan, we're likely all going to gain at a different rate.

Couple big reasons being that each individul will have to figure out how to make their nutrition work for them and secondly, as I mentioned above, when we're all lifting heavy it's highly unlikely we're all going to be lifting the same amount of weight. Which, obviously, factors is a great deal as well.

For example if I'm bench 250 for 3-5 reps, you're doing 280 for 3-5, Catch is doing 325 for 3-5 and 5Star is doing 310 for 3-5, we're obviously not working the same heavy load. I'm likely to put on less lean muscle over the same period of time as the rest of you because I'm simply not lifting as much weight.

Hard work, proper eating, and time and patience is what it takes to get to any muscle goal you're wanting.

Very, very, very few people have the mindset for every one of those things to get there thus you get the "Well I just can't do this because my genetics say I have to stay smaller."
Sorry I haven't been on in a few days. I've gotten the workouts in with the exception of yesterday. I'll tell ya I just flat out skipped yesterday. Wasn't feeling it and decided I needed the day off. Today I'll knock out Sculpt 3-4 again. I'm looking forward to it. Gotta make sure I get some good eating in prior to that though so that I actually have the energy to give it 110%, unlike Monday when I just flat out struggled and did poorly cause of poor eating prior to the workout. I didn't eat bad things I simply didn't eat enough to be fueled for the workout.

Anyway I hope everyone has a great start to their weekends!

And I believe I've decided that at the end of this final 30 days that I'm going to give Insanity a go. I know it's going to be super tough but I'm looking forward to the challenge. I really want to improve my cardio and amp up the fat loss so I'm looking forward to that challenge.
BraveHeartFan;4548767 said:
Yes they play a role...in how long it takes you and how much different your diet has to be from others to get to where you want to go.

I'm sorry but putting everyone on the same diet, and workout program, of course isn't going to work the same amount for every single person.

First off the likely hood that they all lifted the exact same weight amounts, from the get go, is highly unlikely. Which also plays a factor.

Nutrition for each person is extremely important and pretty much impossible to figure nutrition from one person as the same for another.

There is nothing in your genetics that will keep you from adding lots of muscle to your frame if you're willing to put in the hard work and to eat right. I've never known a single person whose eaten properly and worked their butt off in the gym who couldn't gain muscle and get built.

The people who don't are the ones who quit because they don't get the results they want fast enough and without lots of hard work. It's why so many weak minded individuals turn to roids or just flat out quit all together.

But yes genetics play a role. If you're 5'6" I'm sure it's going to be very difficult, no matter how hard you workout and how well you eat, to make yourself a 280 pound muscle head. But does that mean you can't put on lots of lean muscle? Absolutely not.

Just as an example on that 6 people deal...if you put me, you, Catch, and 5Star all in a gym, doing the same workout and eating the same meal plan, we're likely all going to gain at a different rate.

Couple big reasons being that each individul will have to figure out how to make their nutrition work for them and secondly, as I mentioned above, when we're all lifting heavy it's highly unlikely we're all going to be lifting the same amount of weight. Which, obviously, factors is a great deal as well.

For example if I'm bench 250 for 3-5 reps, you're doing 280 for 3-5, Catch is doing 325 for 3-5 and 5Star is doing 310 for 3-5, we're obviously not working the same heavy load. I'm likely to put on less lean muscle over the same period of time as the rest of you because I'm simply not lifting as much weight.

Hard work, proper eating, and time and patience is what it takes to get to any muscle goal you're wanting.

Very, very, very few people have the mindset for every one of those things to get there thus you get the "Well I just can't do this because my genetics say I have to stay smaller."

Genetics play a big role in building muscle like in sports some athletes are simply more gifted naturally than others. Some people don't have to work as hard to gain muscle as others because of their genetics. There's guys who can eat crap all day and still gain lean muscle. There's guys who remain skinny no matter how much junk food they eat while others will get as fat as pig. There are three classes of body types the Mesomorph, Ectomorph and the Endomorph. In short the Ectomorph doesn't put on muscle very easily and fat either and is therefore skinny the Endomorph puts on fat easily but also muscle as well.

The one that everyone wishes they were is the Mesomorph which is the best of both worlds they put on muscle easier and gain just a little bit of fat. Some people have a mix of body types for example you can be a little bit of a Mesomorph and an Ectomorph so you have to find out what kind of body type you are in order to maximize your diet and training. Unless you are a pure Mesomorph with Godlike genetics you will have disadvantages stacked against you and will have to tweak your diet training and maybe even your supplementation to overcome these challenges.

This is what they did with those 6 guys on that training program. They monitored their progress and tweaked each guys training and nutrition accordingly. Naturally they couldn't all lift the same amount of weight you have to go according to each individuals strength level the key to building muscle is to lift to failure and to have at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Some guys have genetic disadvantages and it's going to take a lot longer to reach their goals than others.

Some guys want to build huge arms but they may not be able to build them as big as someone else because they're not as genetically gifted. Some guys have naturally big calves while other guys calves remain small no matter how hard they work them. Everyone has limitations it all depends on your genetics. It's genetic limitations that cause some guys especially bodybuilders to use steroids. Bodybuilders know every trick in the book to gaining size but even they have genetic limitations and have trouble competing with guys who are more genetically gifted.
CATCH17;4546275 said:
Don't listen to this.

If you want that look than it's all about lifting heavy and getting the propper nutrition. Mainly getting your Macronutrients right for your body type.

Many people's natural metabolism prevents them from being physically able to gain large amounts of muscle, especially younger people. It's the reason why the peak body-building age is roughly 28-40 when your metaboism is gradually slowing down, give or take a few years. Even then, a very high natural metabolism makes it incredibly difficult for many people to "bulk up". A typical weight lifter can do an entire training session and only burn a few hundred calories, whereas some people burn upwards of a thousand in the same workout. Burning that many calories while lifting makes significant increases difficult and, in some cases, impossible within reasonal training methods.

Besides, studies have shown that slimmer, toned individuals with moderate amounts of muscle, high metabolisms and good cardio training are much healthier than your tpical weight lifter. Some studies have shown that above a certain muslcle to fat ratio lifespan starts to actually decrease slightly due to the large amounts of protein ingested throughout such a lifetime.
That's all fine and well. I'm not interested in being a body builder in the first place, which I already stated, so I'm not sure why that stuff was even brought up in the first place.

From what I've seen in my lifetime though I'll say this. I've never seen any person, ever, who ate the way they should for their body, and worked hard on their workouts, who simply couldn't add lean muscle. I've never seen it.

So unless I'm lucky and happen to live in an area where every single person I've ever known whose taken their weight lifting and workouts seriously, and ate right, are just extremely lucky genetically I'm going to go with the eye test as I've seen it.

Eat right, work hard, and you will see results.
Today is day 71. Only 19 more days to go until the end of P90 and the start of Insanity. It's gone pretty well and I'm definately looking forward to the increased challenge of Insanity.
;) I really like my workouts. But, I also like to be able to workout when you want to, but don't skip three days!

It also felt real good when I pigged out a few days ago.

I'm still trying to eat right, but, I'm starved for a T-bone steak! :laugh1:

I'm getting skinny. But it hurts and feels good.

I blame all of this on BHF.

(stupid cowboy fan)
Well, I got up this morning and said to myself that I'm going to just sit and relax and miss my cardio/abs200 today.

I sat down on my recliner and turned on the TV...and after about 3 or 4 minutes something in my brain remembered something.

"Don't let your body control your mind, let your mind control your body" - Jimmy Johnson

So, I got up, changed into my workout gear and did my workout. And, afterwards (about 10 minutes ago) I was so glad that I did...! I even almost got through all the X bunny hops without just stepping and the arm lunges since those are the ones that dog me. The jumping jacks felt really good and the kicks and punches did not seem hard at all. The 200 abs exercises were pretty hard towards the end with all the legs in the air stuff, but I got through all that, so I feel fine. Time for a hot shower...

I think I will take the next two weeks off...unless my mind says otherwise!

5Stars;4552693 said:
Well, I got up this morning and said to myself that I'm going to just sit and relax and miss my cardio/abs200 today.

I sat down on my recliner and turned on the TV...and after about 3 or 4 minutes something in my brain remembered something.

"Don't let your body control your mind, let your mind control your body" - Jimmy Johnson

So, I got up, changed into my workout gear and did my workout. And, afterwards (about 10 minutes ago) I was so glad that I did...! I even almost got through all the X bunny hops without just stepping and the arm lunges since those are the ones that dog me. The jumping jacks felt really good and the kicks and punches did not seem hard at all. The 200 abs exercises were pretty hard towards the end with all the legs in the air stuff, but I got through all that, so I feel fine. Time for a hot shower...

I think I will take the next two weeks off...unless my mind says otherwise!


That's the spirit. I'm very proud of you man. That's awesome.

Absolutely you get to that point where you just won't let yourself miss if you can help it at all.

Today I was doing well eating right for the day and was playing Battlefield 3 on my XBox. I had told myself when I got up this morning I was working out at 2pm, prior to work, no matter what.

As 2pm approached I really didn't want to quit playing BF3. I was having a blast but I refused to let myself be lazy and miss the workout and I got up and did it. I am tired now but I feel great for having done it.

I'll sleep well tonight for it. :)

Today was Sculpt 3-4. I did a pretty good job on the workout today. I wish I could have pushed more but I had this weird pain that started at my hip on my right side, and ran down my butt, to the back of my leg, whenever I was doing my pushups my heavypants or back flys.

I had never that happen during a workout before but it really hindered me on those particular moves and so I didn't hit my target reps on those today. Really iratated me.
BraveHeartFan;4552992 said:
That's the spirit. I'm very proud of you man. That's awesome.

Absolutely you get to that point where you just won't let yourself miss if you can help it at all.

Today I was doing well eating right for the day and was playing Battlefield 3 on my XBox. I had told myself when I got up this morning I was working out at 2pm, prior to work, no matter what.

As 2pm approached I really didn't want to quit playing BF3. I was having a blast but I refused to let myself be lazy and miss the workout and I got up and did it. I am tired now but I feel great for having done it.

I'll sleep well tonight for it. :)

Today was Sculpt 3-4. I did a pretty good job on the workout today. I wish I could have pushed more but I had this weird pain that started at my hip on my right side, and ran down my butt, to the back of my leg, whenever I was doing my pushups my heavypants or back flys.

I had never that happen during a workout before but it really hindered me on those particular moves and so I didn't hit my target reps on those today. Really iratated me.

I'm not sure, BHF, about that saying that "no pain is no gain"...but, so far since I started, I have felt little twitches, little pains, little nagging muscle twitches in various parts of my body. So, like we are being taught, "just listen to your body" and adapt. If you feel good, go harder...if not, slow it down.

Like right now, my left shoulder (not like my right one when I woke up and it was painful as hell), is pretty sore because I had surgery on my left shoulder due to a broken humerus bone ( the ball that goes into the shoulder socket broke off and I had to have it repaired..Vietnam) hurts from the top of my shoulder up the side of my left neck about a couple of inches up.

But, I attribute that small pain due to working out and recognize that that is why it might be sore...so I can handle it. So, what you described is probably your body adjusting and getting back to where it needs to be...just don't over due it...listen to our body.

One thing that I have noticed is that I'm not drinking enough water. I'm taking all my supplements, but not drinking enough water. Maybe that is why I feel these little pains?

Tomorrow I do the sculpt III-IV exercises...and, not to blow my horn, but, bro...I'm really starting to look better than I have in years, and it's only been a month and a week! :confused:

Anyway, I'm proud of you also, bro! If it wasn't for you, I would have never gotten into this program. I'll give it hell for as long as I can...unless I die of a heart attack first!!


Stay cool and eat right, BHF...I know exactly what you are going through.

Been getting my workouts in still. I've enjoyed them. Tonight's Sculpt 3-4 was really great. I'm a little wore out from it and it's awesome. Loved it.
Well, just a little reminder...I'm still working out, however, it is/seems to get harder everytime I work out. It's starting to get hot in Utah, so summer is coming. :)

I'm getting skinny...I look like I have not had anything good to eat! Damn it...!!

My stupid friends even look at me...they don't say anything...but, they know.:cool: My family don't want to mess with me anymore!



I have cardio tomorrow, but, since it's Mother's Day...this Mo-Fo is taking the day off!

I need food, damnit!! All this good stuff is making me crazy!
5Stars;4559159 said:
Well, just a little reminder...I'm still working out, however, it is/seems to get harder everytime I work out. It's starting to get hot in Utah, so summer is coming. :)

I'm getting skinny...I look like I have not had anything good to eat! Damn it...!!

My stupid friends even look at me...they don't say anything...but, they know.:cool: My family don't want to mess with me anymore!



I have cardio tomorrow, but, since it's Mother's Day...this Mo-Fo is taking the day off!

I need food, damnit!! All this good stuff is making me crazy!

I know the feeling. My off say is Sundays so I'll be off tomorrow as well.

I'll have to kick it into super high gear the next two weeks cause I did terrible yesturday and today with my eating cause we were out of town at the Ranger game last night and stuff for our 12 year anniversary today. So needless to say I didn't watch what I was eating and stuff like I should have.
Something interesting I did today. I remembered how mush complaining that my body was telling me during III-IV...I also glanced at my instruction book...

So, on my cardio I went back to I-II...it really feels good. I can now almost do all the yoga better than when I first started, plus its invigorating without being so tired afterwards. I'm going to alternate weeks. The hard stuff then the soft stuff. See how that works?

It feels good...if you feel good, then you will look good, if you look good, you will be good.

:p: ;) :)
My sculpt was fun today and like I said, I did the I-II sculpt. What was interesting was that I did all the weight training with heavier weights than what I was doing when I started...I upped the weights by 10lbs and was able to do less reps but with the heavier weights and got through them all.

For the strength people...what is better? More reps with lighter weights or less with heavier weights?
5Stars;4562187 said:
My sculpt was fun today and like I said, I did the I-II sculpt. What was interesting was that I did all the weight training with heavier weights than what I was doing when I started...I upped the weights by 10lbs and was able to do less reps but with the heavier weights and got through them all.

For the strength people...what is better? More reps with lighter weights or less with heavier weights?

If you're building strength I believe it's heavier weight for less reps. That gives you more strength to lift more.

The less weight, with more reps, is more for toning and sculpting your muscles. I am sure it also makes you stronger, in plenty of ways, but I believe it's more weight for less reps that is better for strength gains.
Still getting the work outs in but I'm really getting dodgy on my eating lately. I've been a real slacker in that area. Gotta get it shaped back up and doing what I'm supposed to.
BraveHeartFan;4565007 said:
Still getting the work outs in but I'm really getting dodgy on my eating lately. I've been a real slacker in that area. Gotta get it shaped back up and doing what I'm supposed to.

BHF, don't let all that hard work go to waste. I think you said that you have lost around 14 lbs so far?

Here is what I've been eating lately.

Breakfast - some oatmeal with a piece of wheat toast (with a little butter...I know that's bad, so what?) a hard boiled egg and a protein shake. Or, a 3 egg omelet (one full egg and two egg whites, with a little cheese, some diced onions and peppers) a piece of wheat toast and a protein shake. Sometimes I just eat a couple of hard boiled eggs and toast and a shake.

At lunch I just have some deli meat (turkey and roast beef - one slice each rolled up) a piece of celery smeared with Laughing Cow cheese and a protein shake. Or, maybe some tuna on wheat with celery and Cow cheese.

At supper time, since my step-daughter lives with us, they only eat that vegan crap (food made with lots of seeds and nuts, vegetables and such - some of it tastes good, but it tastes real dry for me) but, I will try some of it, otherwise I just go the deli meat routine or grill me a chicken breast with some cottage cheese and a small salad and protein drink.

Also, after workouts I eat a banana or apple slices, grapes or some other kind of fruit and a protein drink. Also, I snack on some walnut halves or almonds.

Yeah, I don't like it...! I'm hungry all the time, but, again, like they tell us, eat just enough to not be hungry, not to get full. I want to eat some fast food garbage like hell! But, I cannot do it. I want a footlong chile cheese dog so bad, or a BigMac, fries, and a chocolate shake (make my teeth sweat just thinking about it right now). :(

So far, I have become skinny but have gained 4 lbs...that does not seem much, but, again, I'm not a big guy to start with. I'm 6'1" and weighed 175 when I started, now I weigh 179 and look skinny as hell...plus I'm about twice your age! ;)

But, eat right, bro...or at least give it your best effort, I don't want you to lose all that hard work that you have been putting in.

My diet is only what I eat, so it may vary depending on what you like to eat. Maybe someone of the others can give us some different foods to eat, because, maybe like you, it gets old as hell eating all the same food...but, it does make a difference.

Good luck, bro! I'm pulling for you, You started this crap!

:mad: ;) ;)

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