They were told to sign the consent decree or face the death penalty. That's hardly agreeing to the punishment, especially when the NCAA ignored multiple of their own bylaws and bypassed the only entity that can officially issue sanctions, their committee of infractions.
Penn State's acting President, who had only been on the job for a short time, probably didn't have the authority to sign the consent decree but was given a sign now or else ultimatum and never went through the proper channels.
ESPN made this a football scandal when the true scandal happened at the Second Mile (in the interest of disclosure, I was formerly associated with TSM), Emmert thought the NCAA needed to respond and broke protocols and procedures to do so. He may have also broken the law according to some insiders in Harrisburg.
If Penn State's sanctions stand, what would stop the NCAA from placing a bowl ban on say Texas for the alleged sexual assault by players on the bowl trip? Could they just skip the MNC game and award Alabama the title due to an incident earlier in the year involving Notre Dame football players?
The NCAA is inept. Cam Newton's father openly pimped his son and they couldn't do a darn thing about it. They thought they had a chance to flex their muscles and did until a bigger, stronger bully in Corbett came along.