Packer Fans - Revisionist history already at work...


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WOW thats like a ten page noe by some cry baby. Boo Who we didn't have favre we didn't KGB we didn't have woodson. Get over it! Injuries are apart of the game. We have two banged up corners we are missing our NT and our best WR from last season. If they had woodson and we had Glenn we still kill them.

I am so sick and tired of hearing people moan about losing to us. The Packer fans talk trash on teams every week that make these exact same excuses. We are better then you! Al is not that good! I would rather have Hall.

This is the Giants all over again! You beat us when we were hurting you are not realy that good blah blah blah. Well when the playoffs come around and we do it again what will you say then? Just shut the hell up and take your whipin like a man! END OF STORY YOU PATHETIC LOSERS!


The Great Communicator
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I just have one thing to say..."We WON and They LOST".

Give that some revisionist history if you can.


"You want some?"
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The Dodger;1804872 said:
1. The Cowboys D looked like they had eased up some after Favre went out, so I wouldn't exactly jump up and down for the "show" Rodgers put on.

2. Sorry, but comparing Rodgers to Young or Montana should probably wait until Rodgers has thrown for a bit more than 300 or so career yards.


Cowboy fans went apeshat with the relief job Henson did against Baltimore... but when he had to face a team that schemed him-- the results weren't quite as good.

Hey, I think Rodgers showed some potential, but let's not put him in Canton already. :D