Packers release Jaylon Smith


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No it wasn’t. They actually played great that year. It certainly wasn’t hyperbole. I watched every game. Pretty much every analyst praised their play. Why? Because they played great.

Moments of greatness. Jaylon making tackles after the running back gained 7 yards doesn't count. They were out of place a lot that same season, and sometimes couldn't get off blocks. It was simply too much praise, IMO, for not enough results. But again, happens all the time for Cowboys players. Overrated for what they actually produce. Sky high ratings, often unwarranted.


Romo was elite
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I have to wonder what happened to Jaylon. His second year here (his actual first year to play) he was fantastic. So was LVE. It’s not like they’re past their prime from an age standpoint. Smith should’ve continued to get better physically by distancing himself from that awful injury. What happened? Has he just not put in the work?
His leg never fully healed and I think that it degenerated. He cannot drive off that leg. Go watch him try to drive those bags at the 2019 Pro Bowl. Also, his instincts and football IQ are just garbage. Remember, Sean Lee was here in 2018 to help with the mental side of the game. Lee isn't here to help him or LVE and I think that has led to LVE's regression also.


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I feel really bad for Jaylon. He’s a nice person and upstanding man.

It’s easy for some to laugh from behind a keyboard, but a fall from grace like Jaylon has had isn’t funny to me.

I wish him well.

I agree, Jaylon is not a bad guy, there's no reason to celebrate his misfortune. Yes from a football business standpoint I'm glad the Cowboys parted ways with him, but from everything I know of him he's a good guy. I wish him well.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Kudos to Jaylon for 31.5M in career earnings after that gruesome injury at ND. I wish him the best of luck in his post football career which I assume begins now.


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I have said this a hundred times before that there’s nothing personal against Jaylon. On top of his physical issues he may be one of the least instinctive linebackers I’ve ever seen. He struggles reading plays, bites hard on play action, skates when blockers are approaching, won’t stack and shed, chases phantom ball carriers, and the list goes on. And LVE has some of the same issues.