Packers release Jaylon Smith


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What's more remarkable? The fact that Jaylon was released again after 3 games or that after 8 hours we have a 16 page thread about a former player on this forum?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The next time Jaylon fills a gap at the LOS it will be his first. That's not a sled issue. It's the ability to understand what is going on in front of you

Even when you take way the athleticism features between Micah and Jaylon, the differences are dramatic. One knows what he is doing and the other has no clue. I'll let you decide which is which

You still fail to understand what hiding an injury does to your instincts. I think you are almost intentionally doing it now to support your agenda.

Jaylon can NOT plant, dig or land hard on the left foot. Oh my god...I have to show this video yet again? No ...not gonna do will make up some excuse.

When you are PHSYCIALLY effects how you play. How you react. You don't see Jaylon HOBBLING around.....jump footing? How can you NOT?

That interferes with your decisions and instincts. Well I go finding the video YET AGAIN/. Despite my better judgement.

If you refuse to LAND on your foot after you JUMP in the is a PHYSICAL thing. COme on e man...dude.......


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I feel really bad for Jaylon. He’s a nice person and upstanding man.

It’s easy for some to laugh from behind a keyboard, but a fall from grace like Jaylon has had isn’t funny to me.

I wish him well.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I feel really bad for Jaylon. He’s a nice person and upstanding man.

It’s easy for some to laugh from behind a keyboard, but a fall from grace like Jaylon has had isn’t funny to me.

I wish him well.

We're in the minority here my friend. I think he is a good person as well. That was a hell of an injury that he came back from. Wish him well, but this is probably it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The next time Jaylon fills a gap at the LOS it will be his first. That's not a sled issue. It's the ability to understand what is going on in front of you

Even when you take way the athleticism features between Micah and Jaylon, the differences are dramatic. One knows what he is doing and the other has no clue. I'll let you decide which is which
In this can see him filling gaps and attacking LOS SOEMTIMES. You can also see him 5 yards downfield making a tackle on someone that has already been tackled. You can also see him hobbling all over the place. I'm a gimp too I know hobbling when I see it.

Either let it play...or scroll to 0:30. He jumps up and makes a nice tip on the pass. But watch him land. he REFUSES to land on his left foot. he bounces on his right foot like 3-4 times.

Proof his left leg has been problematic.

When you are hiding/favoring an injury.....your natural instincts CANT kick in. Very plain and very simple. He made progress then regressed. It happens.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
We're in the minority here my friend. I think he is a good person as well. That was a hell of an injury that he came back from. Wish him well, but this is probably it.
You arent. Many like him as a person, and understand the injury was devastating and the will to come back EPIC.

But that isn;t why you keep him on NFL payroll.


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This is sad news.

Im a big Jaylon fan.

Long live the #Swipe



Romo was elite
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You still fail to understand what hiding an injury does to your instincts. I think you are almost intentionally doing it now to support your agenda.

Jaylon can NOT plant, dig or land hard on the left foot. Oh my god...I have to show this video yet again? No ...not gonna do will make up some excuse.

When you are PHSYCIALLY effects how you play. How you react. You don't see Jaylon HOBBLING around.....jump footing? How can you NOT?

That interferes with your decisions and instincts. Well I go finding the video YET AGAIN/. Despite my better judgement.

If you refuse to LAND on your foot after you JUMP in the is a PHYSICAL thing. COme on e man...dude.......
It. Is. Both.
He can't plant on that foot and his football IQ/instincts are crap.


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Based on what everyone is posting, we should be able to find a replacement for Cox that has far better abilities than the present Jaylon Smith.

It's not about money, which eliminates the only reason the Cowboys would think about resigning him. That is, of course, if my fellow poster's evaluations are correct. They must be, since the Packer coaching staff saw the same things.

It's sad but not tragic for Jaylon. He did make some money and I hope he's the type of person to understand this and take advantage of this opportunity wisely.

Who knows, perhaps this is just one famous chapter of his life and we will hear about him again in some other venture. Ex-players have gone on to become actors, successful businessmen, winning coaches, media figures and prominent politicians. I wish him the best and hope he can transition well by avoiding the pitfalls that have plagued many unfortunate ex-athletes.


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I have to wonder what happened to Jaylon. His second year here (his actual first year to play) he was fantastic. So was LVE. It’s not like they’re past their prime from an age standpoint. Smith should’ve continued to get better physically by distancing himself from that awful injury. What happened? Has he just not put in the work?


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I have to wonder what happened to Jaylon. His second year here (his actual first year to play) he was fantastic. So was LVE. It’s not like their past their prime from an age standpoint. Smith should’ve continued to get better physically by distancing himself from that awful injury. What happened? Has he just not put in the work?

Not sure what happened to LVE, guessing it's mental connected to all of his injuries. Jaylon never fully recovered from his foot injury. It seemed like he did in 2018 but he didn't. Once the physical gifts were gone, he couldn't make up for his lack of reaction time.


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Not sure what happened to LVE, guessing it's mental connected to all of his injuries. Jaylon never fully recovered from his foot injury. It seemed like he did in 2018 but he didn't. Once the physical gifts were gone, he couldn't make up for his lack of reaction time.
That’s the thing. The first year here he was really good. If it’s all physical, why was he so good that year? I don’t imagine the injury could get worse considering it happened in his last college game.
As far as LVE goes, he was also fantastic that year (his rookie year). I guess the neck injury has made him play a bit apprehensively, but I don’t know why he looks so much slower now. It shouldn’t have affected his speed and closing ability which was really good. Again, both are still younger players, so age shouldn’t be a factor.