Pacman cloud

Boysboy;2326586 said:
Didn't the Giants win the Super Bowl last year with all those explosive personalities on that team? Yes-even WITHOUT Tiki and Shockey, there's still a bunch of those types on that team(i.e. Burress and Pierce being 2 of them).

Or how about the Chargers and their explosive personalities? Didn't they reach the AFC Title game despite having an uber-cupcake coach?

Ladies and Gentlemen. If you've never witnessed a "spin and/or agenda"'lll not witness one better. :lmao2:

You've dumbed it down enough. We get it. One kid pisses on the prom-queen, one goes to the restroom. Your dream date is sopping wet.
burmafrd;2326653 said:
Certainly it was a scuffle. BUT that is not all that either.
It was not a to the death cage match.

Scuffle? Death cage match? Re-think that sceneario...............
Disturbed;2326045 said:
As far as Pacman goes, he has not been very impressive this year. As a returner he has been below average and as a corner he has been beaten regularly. No great loss at this point.

True enough. Yet we have some defending his "behavior" but they still care about the "team". :rolleyes: Shallow mentality at it's worst/best.
FuzzyLumpkins;2326096 said:
He was easily the best corner on the field last week. the guy makes plays.

Too bad we've played 5 games now........................1 out of 5 ain't bad. :rolleyes:
Seven;2326646 said:
Heated discussion? You KNOW it was more than that.

When the house is burnt to the ground...............feel free to call it a campfire.

You don't know anything. You just make assumptions.
jr40usa;2324488 said:
I have grown weary of what fans will tolerate to win. I include myself as one of those fans that has turned the other cheek in the name of winning.

Not to judge Pacman, but he must fill like a grown man being treated like a kid in timeout 24/7.

Winning at all cost..has gotten old.

Go Cowboys!

If you look at the Pacman situation as a humanitarian situation, Jerry trying to save a lost soul, you will get an appreciation for what the next 4 years are going to be like in Washington. Better get used to it.
jr40usa;2324488 said:
I have grown weary of what fans will tolerate to win. I include myself as one of those fans that has turned the other cheek in the name of winning.

Not to judge Pacman, but he must fill like a grown man being treated like a kid in timeout 24/7.

Winning at all cost..has gotten old.

Go Cowboys!

If you look at the Pacman situation as a humanitarian situation, Jerry trying to save a lost soul, you will get an appreciation for what the next 4 years are going to be like in Washington. Better get used to it.
I'm sick of the attitude "I'd rather lose than have a few bad apples on the team". Really? You must be a Browns fan.

The Cowboys have always had their share of characters, and the current team has a pretty good win-to-thug ratio. Remember vehicular-manslaughter Dwayne Goodrich, who played on some really awful Cowboys teams? No killers on this squad.

The folks crying now are the ones who can't stand Cowboys Controversy.

You're thinking "Just shut up! Don't talk bad about my Cowboys!"

This is just the media exploiting you. There are no scoreboards for off-field behavior (and even the unofficial one, run by Cowboys-hating PFT has us at the top of the board). Football is about wins and losses, not about having the media or "everyone" loving you. The team and this board need to know these things.

Why was Romo such a flavor of the week? Because the Cowboys were utterly mediocre (or worse) for so long prior to his emergence. The media will sure shut up about the Cowboys- once they have sucked for a few years.

Does anyone want that?
theebs;2324986 said:
I am not crying about the players either. I am simply pointing out something that sucks for guys like me.

I prefer not to root for a criminal like jones or a Egomaniac drama queen in owens.

I dont think either is good for a football team in the long run. And the rest of this team that are good guys and are worth rooting for get stuck with labels because of them.

and trust me the team needs guys like myself and many others here who think like me. I still buy tickets and support the team good or bad. Unlike many of the owens fans who crawled out from under the rock they have been under for years.

Honestly, if that is your stance, then you would find it hard pressed to root for ANY NFL team, or any professional sports team for the matter. All teams have the type of guys you just mentioned. it's just that not everyone gets caught. Just because you've never heard about it doesn't mean that it isn't going on. You have athletes cheating on their wives all the time, cheating with other peoples wives, you have weed smoking, cocaine sniffing druggies that visit strip clubs on the regular, etc etc. Self-centered-ego maniac jerks that you would never want to meet in person run ramped in would be amazed at what actually goes on behind closed doors. I am a friend of a former NFL star and the stories that he has told me that never leaked to the media would make Sports Center shut down.

I'm not trying to flame on you, but I think you should really lighten up and understand that this is just the way it is.
Read Jim Bouton's book "Ball Four" about what want on in the 1960's while with the NY Yankees or the Book " Bronx Zoo" about the 70's Yankees or better still Jerry Kramer's Book "Instant Replay" about the 1960's Packers and you will see this stuff always went on, the only difference was the Media back then kept it under wraps not like today where ESPN, PFT and Fox try to out Scoop each other.
theebs;2324793 said:
Your not alone.

I dont put winning over winning at all costs. Id rather lose with good people than win with criminals and jerks in general.

In 2005 you couldnt find one player to make a beef with. We had a good young developing team and even the people who hate the cowboys had nothing but praise for the way the organization was being handled and the team assembled.

Jerry's Impatience has brought us Owens, Johnson and Jones.

I personally would send all 3 back to where they come from happily, even if it meant losing a few more games. Particularly Jones. My opinion hasnt wavered on the guy, I dont think he belongs in the league. He is trouble and he will always be in trouble.

It really is a downer for me having to go and root for this team with those 3 guys.

Jerry severely altered the perception and the makeup of the team. He is obsessed with stars and the spotlight. I have said it many times, I never will understand Jerry as long as I live but I am forced to tolerate him, as much as I cant stand him.

From the happenings of the last few days I fear a tough game sunday, one that if we lose could force the wheels to come off this thing. Wade phillips showed he can not handle what Jerry has forced on him and if times get tough I think the players will lose complete faith in the guy. I hope not, but this seems like a season destined to end in disaster.

The last 2.5 weeks have been ridiculous IMO. All owens all the time and now all pacman all the time. I just dont see how that is good for a team in anyway.

flame away.

Amen, bro. I'm so sick of these slugs and punks, and Prima-donnas who ***** and moan when we lose & they didn't have the entire offense dedicated to them. Here's the bottom line, loser. Neither you, nor ANYONE ELSE is above the team or system. This is still a team game, morons.

So many people try to make out Jerry Jones as the model of an NFL owner. If that's the case, blow the whole freakin' thing up & start over again. To hire any punk, thug mercenary you can if you think they might help add one more win in a season. If that is the model of professional football, you can keep it. Put a stick of TNT up the sphincsters of "Pacman", "T.O.", and "Tank", and start all over again...haha.
Half of what you hear is BS. You don't hear the other half which isn't. This is a microcosm of life. Ugly at times ain't it. Yet, there is always good there, too.
Cogan;2326902 said:
Amen, bro. I'm so sick of these slugs and punks, and Prima-donnas who ***** and moan when we lose & they didn't have the entire offense dedicated to them. Here's the bottom line, loser. Neither you, nor ANYONE ELSE is above the team or system. This is still a team game, morons.

So many people try to make out Jerry Jones as the model of an NFL owner. If that's the case, blow the whole freakin' thing up & start over again. To hire any punk, thug mercenary you can if you think they might help add one more win in a season. If that is the model of professional football, you can keep it. Put a stick of TNT up the sphincsters of "Pacman", "T.O.", and "Tank", and start all over again...haha.

So you did not enjoy Jimmy Johnsons or Tom Landrys teams ..... right?
Seven;2326646 said:
Heated discussion? You KNOW it was more than that.

When the house is burnt to the ground...............feel free to call it a campfire.

If it was more than that....charges would been laid.......and they werent...right? The police report as a minor disturbance.....with no names of the offenders on the how is this anymore then a mnor disturbance. There wasnt any witness in the washroom and a glass light switch was broken.

Also I stated it as a low risk deal....Pacman gets suspended ....we recieve a draft pick....right? so how is this a high risk deal? because the house is burning? This house will burn with Pacman or with no Pacman....the media will continue to light the matches to make sure it does......its just the way it is with the Dallas Cowboys.

We can have Choir boys on this team.....and it will always be something the media that will try to use or fabricate to stir things up.

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