Pacman cloud

Lol. Honestly, if Pacman played for another team, I'd state that there is no way he shouldn't be suspended. Since he's a Cowboys and Newman will be out for a while, I hope Adam, Tommy, Jerry, and everyone in Dallas will lie their butts off to protect Adam and keep him on the field this season.

In the off-season, they can readdress the future of this knucklehead.
theebs;2324793 said:
I dont put winning over winning at all costs. Id rather lose with good people than win with criminals and jerks in general.

Jerry's Impatience has brought us Owens, Johnson and Jones.
First, I think you're overgeneralizing by lumping those three players together. What the three players do have in common, is that Jerry took a chance on all three when nobody else wanted them. Owens isn't a criminal though. And you'd have to admit that Owens has helped the team much more than he has hurt it. Not even close, really.

As for Tank, he hasn't been what most people thought he would be, either on or off the field. As a player, he's had some moments, but for the most part, he's been only okay. As a citizen, he appears to have gotten his act together.

Pacman is obviously different. He seems to be less focused on professional football than I am, and I don't even play. When the league finishes its investigation of this thing, I'm assuming their findings will go along with what Jerry has said. Jerry will have only made an honest mistake by taking a chance on the guy, and it's up to the league to decide how serious a transgression this (Pacman's) was.

If it turns out that Jerry wasn't being honest in his explanation of the events, then it goes way beyond just having taken a chance on Pacman. Now you're lying to the commissioner. Now, you could lose more than just a 4th round pick, or a game or two. And even if Goodell did not punish the team, it would still look pretty bad for Jerry and the team as whole.

A team which btw, does actually have a lot of good character guys on it who are great players too.
Jerry Jones concerned only with winning regardless of the cost to the teams rep?

I call BS.

I wonder how things would have played out had Jerry not chosen to pass on Randy Moss because of "character issues".

I guess it doesn't matter to some that the Dallas Cowboys have had the least amount of legal troubles with their players then most any other team in the league in the last decade.

TO doesn't even belong in this discussion. His issues are not in any way criminally related. Unfortunately he set himself up to be a target for any ****** with an opinion and he (and the Dallas Cowboys) pay the price for that regularly. The FACT is, since he has been here he has been a model teamate who's only crime is that he draws massive media attention for saying essentially the same things that many other star players do.

Tank Johnson may not be lighting the world on fire with his play so far but what has he done to earn any criticism from a character issue standpoint? Seems to me that the support system is working well in this case.

Adam Jones' fate is still to be determined. You have to believe that Jerry did some homework on Jones and concluded that he could overcome his demons and help the Dallas Cowboys win. Do you really believe that Jerry would just throw caution to the wind, (against his history, see Randy Moss) and pin his hopes on a player he didn't think he could count on to succeed in what we all know he believes to be a championship season? I give Jerry more credit then that.

Its to early to "convict" Jones as being hopeless. All we have to go on is opinionated reports from the media as to this recent event. Time will tell.

When you stop and take a look at this team in the context of their time together as a team it is hard to indentify any real issues with character or team unity.

If you can't let go of the past and fall victim to the endless scrutiny that comes with the Dallas Cowboys the maybe this team isn't the one you should be following.

As of right now there is really nothing to see here.

Fingers are crossed on Adam Jones though.

I really wonder how things would have turned out had Aikman been able to finish his career with Randy Moss stretching the field for him.

That darn Jerry.
all you fans please destroy all your 90s cowboys merchandise, thanks and don't forget 70s too, thanks that'd be great.
Just go to the turd page on the PFT site to see how many bad character players are playing in this league.....

And wasnt it reported that Dallas was one of the least reported teams there?

Doesnt that say something about the character of this team?

TO hasnt caused a problem yet since he arrived.....most of the crap thats releated to TO is media driven......from riding a stationary bike to supposely tying to commit suicide........all media gibberish....

Tank has been a great teammate so far........again...thks to the Cowboys support system and giving a player a chance to far Tank is keeping out of trouble....

Pacman is a different issue......we all know his past......The Titans even knew it before he was even drafted and they still took him .......Jerry took a chance.....high reward....low risk was a luxury....nothing more...nothing less than that....

Now because Pacman had this minor incident......Jerry Jones is pegged as someone that will bring in all these supposed thugs to win?

Look around in the NFL......most of those teams are worse with character issues.....the SB champs fined Buress over 50 times......yet they still kept him and won a SB......I dont hear Giants fans complaining that its not right because the team is willing to win at all costs.

Just win Baby :)
Seven;2325441 said:
Who's Indy's "number" of troubled players?

AmishCowboy;2325455 said:
Have you ever heard how much of a Jerk Marvin Harrison is?, and now he's is being sue for a shooting that happened in his bar with his gun that they tryed to stash in a Car Wash he owns. Sounds pretty serious.


I didn't inquire about the severity of an offense or an offense period. It was implied there were more than a few individuals on Indianapolis alone.

Mash;2325476 said:
Pacman is a different issue......we all know his past......The Titans even knew it before he was even drafted and they still took him .......Jerry took a chance.....high reward....low risk was a luxury....nothing more...nothing less than that....

:lmao2: Yeah. Right. :lmao:
AmishCowboy;2325455 said:
Have you ever heard how much of a Jerk Marvin Harrison is?, and now he's is being sue for a shooting that happened in his bar with his gun that they tryed to stash in a Car Wash he owns. Sounds pretty serious.

And one of their starting DTs-Ed Johnson. His stock dropped in one of the previous draft years b/c of character issues, but ultimately was considered a steal by them.

Got cut a couple of weeks ago b/c he got caught with pot, they ended up cutting him. The bad thing about all this is that their run D has suffered tremendously since.
xWraithx;2325223 said:

Jerry Jones, Terrell Owens, Tank Johnson, Adam Jones, Jason Witten, Tony Romo, Demarcus Ware, Terence Newman, and Marion Barber don't give a damn about you or what you think.

Yes I know that.

I love the rest of the team. its the 3 I always mention that I dont like.

and that is my point.
Seven;2325539 said:
:lmao2: Yeah. Right. :lmao:

Where is the risk?

We still drafted 2 CB's and one was a 1st rounder...

We will receive a 5th rd pick back from the titans if Pacman gets suspended again...

Pacman contract is very friendly....

and we didnt cut anybody worth keeping because Pacman took a roster spot.

Where is the risk?

Media bashing us and it becomming a distraction....????? That would be here with or without Pacman......

So please tell.......where is this risk?
theebs;2325608 said:
Yes I know that.

I love the rest of the team. its the 3 I always mention that I dont like.

and that is my point.

If these 3 guys really give you restless nights and worries abound during the days, then why don't you root for another team(at least until they leave the team)?
Mash;2325610 said:
Where is the risk?

We still drafted 2 CB's and one was a 1st rounder...

We will receive a 5th rd pick back from the titans if Pacman gets suspended again...

Pacman contract is very friendly....

and we didnt cut anybody worth keeping because Pacman took a roster spot.

Where is the risk?

Media bashing us and it becomming a distraction....????? That would be here with or without Pacman......

So please tell.......where is this risk?

Pacman? Low risk? He hasn't been here 3 months and he's already "tussling" with his body guard?

Where the hell you been? :rolleyes:
Boysboy;2325611 said:
If these 3 guys really give you restless nights and worries abound during the days, then why don't you root for another team(at least until they leave the team)?

Why? I cant have a differing opinion of how the team is run and stll be a fan?

Thats a pretty crappy viewpoint.
theebs;2325621 said:
Why? I cant have a differing opinion of how the team is run and stll be a fan?

Thats a pretty crappy viewpoint.

Isn't needless worrying bad for your health? And for that matter-if you think these 3 guys will implode our season, then what's the point in rooting for them if you know well ahead of time of the doom and gloom that'll happen?
Seven;2325617 said:
Pacman? Low risk? He hasn't been here 3 months and he's already "tussling" with his body guard?

Where the hell you been? :rolleyes:

Well-this little "tussle" with his bodyguard could very well net us a couple of 2nd day picks for our trouble.:)
Boysboy;2325558 said:
And one of their starting DTs-Ed Johnson. His stock dropped in one of the previous draft years b/c of character issues, but ultimately was considered a steal by them.

Got cut a couple of weeks ago b/c he got caught with pot, they ended up cutting him. The bad thing about all this is that their run D has suffered tremendously since.

Boysboy;2325625 said:
Well-this little "tussle" with his bodyguard could very well net us a couple of 2nd day picks for our trouble.:)

I don't think him anywhere near the Dallas Cowboys is worth a first. JMO.
Seven;2325627 said:

Again-Ed Johnson's lost has really shot their run D to ****. Sure, Bob Sanders' injury has likely but a dent in it, but now other teams are just gashing them in the middle of their DL with EASE.

One, two, schmoo, whatever...Ed Johnson's loss has been SIGNIFICANT to them. No way of spinning it.
Boysboy;2325623 said:
Isn't needless worrying bad for your health? And for that matter-if you think these 3 guys will implode our season, then what's the point in rooting for them if you know well ahead of time of the doom and gloom that'll happen?

My health? What are you talking about?

Yes I will go root for another team ok?


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