theebs;2324793 said:
I dont put winning over winning at all costs. Id rather lose with good people than win with criminals and jerks in general.
Jerry's Impatience has brought us Owens, Johnson and Jones.
First, I think you're overgeneralizing by lumping those three players together. What the three players do have in common, is that Jerry took a chance on all three when nobody else wanted them. Owens isn't a criminal though. And you'd have to admit that Owens has helped the team much more than he has hurt it. Not even close, really.
As for Tank, he hasn't been what most people thought he would be, either on or off the field. As a player, he's had some moments, but for the most part, he's been only okay. As a citizen, he appears to have gotten his act together.
Pacman is obviously different. He seems to be less focused on professional football than I am, and I don't even play. When the league finishes its investigation of this thing, I'm assuming their findings will go along with what Jerry has said. Jerry will have only made an honest mistake by taking a chance on the guy, and it's up to the league to decide how serious a transgression this (Pacman's) was.
If it turns out that Jerry wasn't being honest in his explanation of the events, then it goes way beyond just having taken a chance on Pacman. Now you're lying to the commissioner. Now, you could lose more than just a 4th round pick, or a game or two. And even if Goodell did not punish the team, it would still look pretty bad for Jerry and the team as whole.
A team which btw, does actually have a lot of good character guys on it who are great players too.