superpunk;1504803 said:
I cannot see how someone could be so outraged by what Pac Man's doing off the field to take a stance like you've taken above. It doesn't affect any of us one bit. It has nothing to do with what happens on Sunday. So as a human being, with a sense of wrong and right, just and unjust - how can you NOT care whether or not what is happening is fair? He's done nothing to any of us to inspire us to simply toss justice and accepted principles of discipline out the window - so why so much outrage against him and support for something that is so blatantly unfair?
I do grant that maybe the hypocrisy thing is a bit much, joseephus, in the way you took it to mean. My point is I think his stance on "on-field vs. off-field" issues is hypocritical, but that's maybe not the right word.
I think I'm searching for "idiotic."
I am not sure what the right word is either. On field incidents do matter more to me. They really are few and far between. Haynesworth type situations rarely occur. I thought he deserved more than 5 games, but I was pleased he got more than just 2.
Off field stuff really don't bother me that much. If a player wants to hurt himself, that is fine. If a player is actually hurting another person(spouse or child) or animal. Then that really irriates me. Secondly, if their off field actions affect on field performance, then that is bothersome. Each case is different.
Irvin doing coke during his off time was not the worst thing in my opinion. It really did not bother me too much in that I don't care what a player does on his own time. Now if he was beating up on women or driving drunk or driving while high on coke, then that bothers me a lot. Putting others in danger is what I don't like. The part of him doing coke that does bother me is that it is against NFL rules and it cost him 5 games. That hurts the team that I root for and he knew the rules before he made that decision. That is what bothered me about Irvin. He hurt the team. Leon Lett did it, too. These weren't scrub guys that aren't a big loss. They were important players.
I recognize that off field image is more important to some others than it is to me. If a player has to maintain that image to keep playing, then I have to side with the rules because I want the team I root for to not lose players.
It is kind of hard to judge Goodell based on things that have recently transpired or are happening right now. Henry and Pacman are incidents waiting to happen. They are poor examples for anyone trying to argue that side of the debate because they are so extreme. Actually I take that back. They are perfect because they can be used to set a precedent for future players and suspensions. They set the standard on what the NFL does not want. This is the start of a new approach for the NFL. I am curious to see where it goes from here.