Parent busts bad teachers at his son's school

JIMMYBUFFETT;4523739 said:
Not with me! I can't believe what I'm reading here. Yeah there are bad teachers out there, just like there are bad doctors, mechanics, and priests. To say that teachers only teach beacuse they can't work in the real world and want summers off is one of the more ignorant statements I've ever heard on this forum, and that's saying alot.

You don't really have to participate since we are so ignorant, you know?

It is a free country, or did any teacher teach you that in school?
And here I thought this particular teacher issue was enough to focus on. I don't see we have to paint in such broad strokes either way.
So things are normal in the Jersey School systems.
Usually teacher hirings are done through recommends of family or friends of board members or poloticos friends. So you do not always get the best.
And like the video spoke of the teacher was a bully on this kid.

I know people who work with the disabled kids and most are top notch and they have to be. Some bad teachers need to get out and work somewhere their attitude would be accepted. Maybe the Post office or at CVS. But not with kids.

Going back to the protection the teachers have from the Union and NJEA will keep them employed. The parent should sue the school system. Then they may take action. But the only action will be to put the screws to the kid not the correct thing and get rid of the teacher - strip the tenure and all the other gravy train benefits they get. Time to stand up and make an example of the bad. But the NJEA will not allow it and would have the district teachers strike before that happened.

NYC has tried to get rankings and ratings for teachers published.
The all powerful Teachers backer Sheldon Silver in the NYS senate blocked it.

They are trading favors in Albany on this. Like they even care.
I don't think it's a bash teachers thread, just a "bash bad teachers" thread.

I was lucky enough to not have any teachers that were bad and a few that were particularly awesome that I'm still in touch with today.

I also have several friends who are teachers and are in the profession for all the right reasons. A couple of them have mentioned to me that they are aware of the types of teachers referenced here and it's very disheartening to them, too.
Dallas;4523777 said:
You don't really have to participate since we are so ignorant, you know?

It is a free country, or did any teacher teach you that in school?

Thanks big D, and yes I do know all about your ignorance. You put it on display daily on this forum. I come from a family of teachers where my grandfather was high school principal, both of my grandmothers were substitute teachers, my father was a teacher and later a director of an education service center, and my mother taught 42 years including soldiers on base during Vietnam. My comment wasn't directed at the OP for posting this, and I feel terrible for the kid involved. My comment was directed at one poster who grouped all teachers into this lazy, working for summers off portrait that's being painted here. Obviously the OP got that, the poster I took exception to got that and replied, and you seem to be the only one who doesn't get it. Ignorance rearing it's ugly head?
Bad teachers should be bashed. Good teachers deserve more credit and pay than they ever get. There is a difference.

I remember in third grade my cousin was getting bad grades. We both had different teachers. The teacher would send home letters that said he was not paying attention or doing the assignments in class.

My Aunt knew my cousin was smart but just figured he might be acting lazy in class or being a class clown but after getting more bad grades and bad notes from the teach she asked him what was going on.

He said he could not see the black board where some of the assignments and teaching was happening.

So one day my Aunt showed up at the school, passed by the front office to go look into the room my cousin was in.

She could see the teach up front teaching and writing on the chalk board but could not see my cousin. She knew he went to school that day. So she walked into the class and asked the teacher where he was.

The teacher had him in a desk that was behind a partition where he could not see the board. So she asks him if that was where he normally sat for class and the teacher admitted that it was.

Well...My Aunt was a good woman but when she got mad, she got mad. She chased the teacher down the hall way and probably would have beat her up if the teacher did not hide in the principals office.

Needless to say that my cousin got transferred to a new teacher and his grades magically got better just like they were before that teacher.
tomson75;4523642 said:
Is this seriously going to turn into a teacher bashing thread?


One of my great pet-peeves is the dysfunctional rift between parents and teachers/school officials in our generation. There are definitely bad teachers--a lot of them--and union rules make it impossible to treat them as they should be treated. It's a joke, but it's not an excuse to not support the school when performance or behavioral issues are at hand.

But this probably isn't the thread for that discussion. I'd definitely be ticked if I were this parent, and I'd be escalating what happened to my son to the school board and considering legal options. I skipped through some of the father's rant in this video, but I'm sure he's doing that in addition to complaining online; I respect that. This video, though...I'd rather have just the choice bits of the edited audio with the scripted narration.
Idgit;4523900 said:
One of my great pet-peeves is the dysfunctional rift between parents and teachers/school officials in our generation.

There are definitely bad teachers--a lot of them--and union rules make it impossible to treat them as they should be treated. It's a joke, but it's not an excuse to not support the school when performance or behavioral issues are at hand.


I think you highlighted three major issues at play, although the there many more factors that contribute to the current poor condition of our school system.

We have a system that doesn't rid itself of bad teachers nor reward those who do an incredible job to encourage, inspire and challenge students with very poor resources and support at their disposal. Our communities, to a large extent, no longer value teachers and have seized to become integral stakeholders in their children's learning process for a variety of reasons. On the contrary, as a community (and larger society), we expect teachers to do more with less resources and without the support of parents who often hold educators accountable and blame everything on them without sharing any of the responsibility.

I think its easy to want to point the finger at one thing or someone in particular but the reality is the issue is more complex and there is enough blame to go around. Until everyone assumes responsibility and dedicate what every meager resources that are available to us (i.e., time, money, and other types of support) we will keep pointing a finger at each other while most of our children continue to drop out of school at an alarmingly high rate or barely graduate high-school but without the necessary basic skills to enable them to pursue higher education or contribute as an educated member of the work force and the larger society.
Teachers are going to be held to a higher standard because they are automatically placed into such a position of trust. For better or worse, they have the care of our children for a significant amount of time.

My wife is a teacher and has tutored autistic students, so I know that some of them are very quiet, and unable (or unwilling, I don't know) to express when something wrong has been done to them. These women should be fired, end of story. To abuse a child, handicapped or not, is just despicable. But with an autistic child, as in this case, they can't even explain to their parents what happened.

I don't understand the mind that can abuse a child. Further, I don't understand kids who mock or harm other kids, especially the handicapped. I was a kid once, and I had a mean streak like a lot of boys do. But hurting the weak or disabled was unthinkable to me, and I don't for a minute pretend that I was a paragon of virtue. Had I been caught doing anything like that when I was a kid, I would've received a severe beating from my father, and would've deserved it.

Our country is sliding into hell.
Some teachers are great, some make you realize where the "Those who can do, those who can't teach" mindset comes from. The latter often exhibit very malicious behaviors because frankly, they enjoy the power.

My sister has Aspergers syndrome. She is very high functioning but suffers from various social issues. She had some great teachers over the years who helped and stood up for her, and others who should have been fired for the things they did and said to her.
We have the same issues up here.

My son just had his fractions test. Got 100% one half but did poorly on the second part, it was clear he didn't understand the question and what he was supposed to do.

Mrs CCF wrote to his teacher and asked that he have a retest as we had shown him what to do and he now understood so...

The response was, well he didn't understand it on the practice test either. My wife and I are like, well dummy if you had told us he didn't understand it on the practice test, we would have ensured he understood it. Teacher also said, well that is his mark for fractions, no retest.

He's only in grade 3 so who cares what his mark is, won't have any effect on him getting into a good university but still, that is how teachers are, especially ours since they are in a strike position and in a pissing match with the govt.
JIMMYBUFFETT;4523835 said:
Thanks big D, and yes I do know all about your ignorance. You put it on display daily on this forum. I come from a family of teachers where my grandfather was high school principal, both of my grandmothers were substitute teachers, my father was a teacher and later a director of an education service center, and my mother taught 42 years including soldiers on base during Vietnam. My comment wasn't directed at the OP for posting this, and I feel terrible for the kid involved. My comment was directed at one poster who grouped all teachers into this lazy, working for summers off portrait that's being painted here. Obviously the OP got that, the poster I took exception to got that and replied, and you seem to be the only one who doesn't get it. Ignorance rearing it's ugly head?

Well with all of that so called "education" in your family, I would expect better interaction in the thread. You were the one coming down on folks having issues w/ bad teachers. It wasn't me that was wagging my finger in folks faces because they had those problems in the past.

I just take offense to the soap box preachers in the community, because gosh forbid MOM was a teacher and Dad was an excellent principle.

JIMMYBUFFETT;4523835 said:
Thanks big D, and yes I do know all about your ignorance. You put it on display daily on this forum. I come from a family of teachers where my grandfather was high school principal, both of my grandmothers were substitute teachers, my father was a teacher and later a director of an education service center, and my mother taught 42 years including soldiers on base during Vietnam. My comment wasn't directed at the OP for posting this, and I feel terrible for the kid involved. My comment was directed at one poster who grouped all teachers into this lazy, working for summers off portrait that's being painted here. Obviously the OP got that, the poster I took exception to got that and replied, and you seem to be the only one who doesn't get it. Ignorance rearing it's ugly head?

well that explains why you refuse to admit that there are a lot of bad teachers.

Probably some of them were as well and you know it.
burmafrd;4524251 said:
well that explains why you refuse to admit that there are a lot of bad teachers.

Probably some of them were as well and you know it.

You mean like in post #17 where I said "yeah there are some dad teachers out there"? Burm eveybody here knows you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but at least get a sibling or friend to help you read through these things before posting.
JIMMYBUFFETT;4524399 said:
You mean like in post #17 where I said "yeah there are some dad teachers out there"? Burm eveybody here knows you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but at least get a sibling or friend to help you read through these things before posting.

You also stated that saying that teachers get into the profession so they can summers off and not work in the real world is the most ignorant statement you have ever heard.

Yet, I think there are quite a few people here that know of teachers who got into the profession for those very reasons.

To me, the situation with this father is really one of the most egregious acts of cowardice. Kids who are not handicapped but are bullied by teachers really don't have a 'fair fight' against somebody in authority like a teacher to begin with. To do that with a kid with autism is about as low as it gets.

Dallas;4524224 said:
Well with all of that so called "education" in your family, I would expect better interaction in the thread. You were the one coming down on folks having issues w/ bad teachers. It wasn't me that was wagging my finger in folks faces because they had those problems in the past.

I just take offense to the soap box preachers in the community, because gosh forbid MOM was a teacher and Dad was an excellent principle.


Again for the second time I addressed one poster who said that "Basically most of the teachers where there because they were afraid of working in the real world where they didn't have power over others and wanted summers off". I said it was an ignorant statement...and it was. Which post# did I come down on anybody besides that? What soap box? I addressed one poster! I clearly stated that there are problem teachers just like in any other profession. I clearly stated that what the teacher did to the kid was horrible. It's like you speed read and skip over parts. Either that or you're just...never mind.
Yakuza Rich;4524434 said:
You also stated that saying that teachers get into the profession so they can summers off and not work in the real world is the most ignorant statement you have ever heard.

Yet, I think there are quite a few people here that know of teachers who got into the profession for those very reasons.

To me, the situation with this father is really one of the most egregious acts of cowardice. Kids who are not handicapped but are bullied by teachers really don't have a 'fair fight' against somebody in authority like a teacher to begin with. To do that with a kid with autism is about as low as it gets.


I know of no teacher who got in for that reason. Every teacher I've personaly known started teaching because they enjoyed working with children. Completely agree with you on the cowardice of the teacher. I don't believe that was ever in question.
JIMMYBUFFETT;4524449 said:
I know of no teacher who got in for that reason. Every teacher I've personaly known started teaching because they enjoyed working with children. Completely agree with you on the cowardice of the teacher. I don't believe that was ever in question.

my aunt, cousin, and gf's best friend are all teachers and love working with children, that being said I've talked with many education majors at TSU and a lot of them cited summers off as a major draw for choosing that major, just cause you don't know any doesn't mean that it isn't happening

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