Parsons: I don't have to be the highest paid

You know Micah is lying, right?

Dak said he didn't play for the money also then a week later started his "for the QB brotherhood" junk.
True, but Dak also swore up and down 100x he is in the best shape of his life, and there were no remnant injury concers from when he lost his foot. I take Micah for his word, and his emotions on and off the field show he actually wants to win. As for our QB? Well, he's bullding a house, was caught wearing a boot on his paw claming to be healthy and telling anybody who sticks in front of his mug that he's in the best shape of his life
Meanwhile, his agent is rolling his eyes and thinking “yeah, it’s not going to go that way”
You'd think a franchise QB would have this mindset, but nope. Kudos to Parsons for putting it out there. I'm sure his agent is furious.
Well in fairness, I think The Mistake said the same thing early in the process. That was before he consulted The Brotherhood though.
I kind of believe him, he doesn’t have Scott Boras as an agent :muttley:
Why not.......he has zero, nothing to gain from sharing it with millions of people. Why would he lie........if this was any other player, fans would bow down. He's smart......he realizes true long-term value comes from championships/rings, not money. I think he said last week he didn't see much difference from $30-40M and some went on about how $10M is a lot of money and it is but that's not what he was saying. He was saying, that either way, he's going to have enough money for a lifetime.

Bosa is now the highest paid at $34M. So based on what he's saying his ceiling $32-33M.......that's $7M less than the $40M we've been throwing around. So at a min....his statement kills that rumor.
Even if he isn't the highest paid, that doesn't guarantee jerry will spend the money adding to the team wisely.
Highest paid is key….as in annual salary. You better believe the guarantee he gets will make up for it.

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