Parsons Wakeboarding

Good on him!
The important thing is he kept trying and succeeded.
Can't possibly get hurt in the water.
Not only can you get hurt on the water. You can die on it as well. I'm a water skier,Jet skier and a scuba diver. I've been injured on the water before.
At least he isn't racing crotch rocket motorcycles or racing cars.
Can't possibly get hurt in the water?

I kept waiting for the boat to dislocated his shoulder. Plus, do you know how many freshwater shark attacks there have already been this year alone? I DON'T EITHER!!!!!!

I'm just glad he made it out alive. This was russian roulette
I see you live in a bubble. That sucks.
I know it's not the same, but it took me a gazillion tries to stay up the first time I went water skiing!! I thought it was going to be so easy, too. It wasn't!! At least for me. LOL
It’s tough the first time out but if you have someone to teach you the technique on getting up, it’s not hard at all.
We're lucky to have a player of Pearson's ability. Most do stupid stuff, he just doesn't care who knows it. Good for him...
I love it! Both him and Dak are doing what they do and giving the finger to all the haters.
Lol, if I tried that I’d be sore for weeks. Have fun Micah and please don’t get hurt. Jet skiing is a blast. That’s what I would be doing if I was on the water.
Youth is wasted on the young.
That wake isn’t meant for any air. He’s wake surfing and the idea is to settle into the wake and toss the rope entirely so you just ride the wave.
That surfing. Beginner wake boarders dont do that.. Wake boarders want that wake to get up in the air with.

It'll work for either.

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