Parsons Wakeboarding

That surfing. Beginner wake boarders dont do that.. Wake boarders want that wake to get up in the air with.

It'll work for either.
I’m not sure what you’re saying. He is surfing. Well, he’s trying to but he’s not practiced enough to actually get to toss the rope.
i never saw a black person do wakeboard before, regardless he's overrated. go eagles.
With all manner of errors in professional and academic literature, not to mention internet message must stay quite busy issuing notifications
Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the double wide. Why so grumpy, Edmund? Take a deep breath. Ahhh. Now exhale the peevishness and quit getting into a fume, old man.
So ... Go forth! (but watch your step)

I have:
Cowboys 17
Browns 16
I’m not sure what you’re saying. He is surfing. Well, he’s trying to but he’s not practiced enough to actually get to toss the rope.He is not trying to surf...he's trying to stay up!

But anyway...I works great for both. Surfers and big air wakers need that wake.
I love it, and didn’t want to post because I know the board is about to meltdown. But the same folks who get mad are the same crazies who want him gone.

It's wake surfing, not wake boarding.
As long as he didn’t turn his hat backwards and go to Cabo
I love it, and didn’t want to post because I know the board is about to meltdown. But the same folks who get mad are the same crazies who want him gone.

first of all i replied to this online on FB, THIS IS NOT Wakeboarding its WAKEsurfing he's trying to surf either way i would condone it form my top pass rusher but i do both Surfing is safer. Surfing isnt hard on the body BUT ive seen Newbs get their arms caught in the rope when falling also have the board shoot up and hit them int he forehead, eyes etc,,
I see you live in a bubble. That sucks.
Nò I'm just an unusually passionate Cowboys fans and can't stand the thought of my favorite players getting hurt.

I could see why more casual fans don't worry about these things though.
I love it, and didn’t want to post because I know the board is about to meltdown. But the same folks who get mad are the same crazies who want him gone.

I'll be "that guy"... because I'm a boater and it drives me nuts!!!

He's wake surfing here, not wakeboarding.

FWIW: He needs to get someone new to teach him, the first few attempts he was starting with the board sideways (like you would wakeboarding) and a bit too far behind the curl.

It looks like when he finally got up they got him in the curl more so he could ride.

His freakish athleticism was on display by holding on and balancing when they had him in and behind the wake. THAT ISN'T EASY!
You can tear an MCL getting out of bed.
I think I speak for all Cowboy fans when I say: If Micah Parsons is going to have his arm pulled out of the socket, we want it to be because he's on the FOOTBALL FIELD doing what he does best (i.e. waiving his arms around like a helicopter after every play crying for a Holding Call), not doing something stoopit like standing on an ironing board and getting pulled by a boat.
Can't possibly get hurt in the water?

I kept waiting for the boat to dislocated his shoulder. Plus, do you know how many freshwater shark attacks there have already been this year alone? I DON'T EITHER!!!!!!

I'm just glad he made it out alive. This was russian roulette
That caught my attention too...the lake/sea/ocean is only your friend...if you're on dry land.
You do know that you can be attacked in freshwater by sharks, right?
Nobody has caught a shark in the Rio Grande or at Falcon Lake so no. Never heard of it. We sure have not ever worried about that.
Nobody has caught a shark in the Rio Grande or at Falcon Lake so no. Never heard of it. We sure have not ever worried about that.
Well, in Florida we have Bull Sharks that are always in rivers. Bulls can live in fresh and salt water. They even caught one as far north as Illinois in the Mississippi. I would be surprised if a bull shark was never caught in some Texas river.

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