Passing on Randy Moss left a lasting imprint on Jerry (Lamb draft)

Red Dragon

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The difference, of course, is that Lamb has no character issues, whereas Moss was pegged as a trouble player. But passing on Randy Moss left a deep mental scar on Jerry, I think - trauma that was worsened by the debacle of trading away three 1st-round picks and a third for Joey Galloway and Roy Williams combined.

In 2010, Jerry showed he had fully learned the Moss lesson by drafting Dez Bryant - never pass on the Draft's best wide receiver if he falls into your lap - regardless of character, regardless of team depth need. And last night, Jerry took Lamb.


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The difference, of course, is that Lamb has no character issues, whereas Moss was pegged as a trouble player. But passing on Randy Moss left a deep mental scar on Jerry, I think - trauma that was worsened by the debacle of trading away three 1st-round picks and a third for Joey Galloway and Roy Williams combined.

In 2010, Jerry showed he had fully learned the Moss lesson by drafting Dez Bryant - never pass on a Top-10 wide receiver if he falls way down in the Draft, into your lap - regardless of character, regardless of team depth need. And last night, Jerry took Lamb.

I always blamed Michael Irvin, his cocaine habit, and "his posse of fallen women" (otherwise known as hoers) for the Cowboys passing on Randy Moss. I feel fairly certain they would have picked Moss if not for Irvin's legal issues becoming such an embarrassment for the team.


Taco Engineer
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You could say the same thing about a ton of guys. I know there has been talk of this regret in the media and with some fans, but hindsight in 20/20.


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Drafting Moss would have extended Aikman's, Irvin's, and Emmitt's careers. We would never have had to spend two first round picks for Joey Galloway.

I often wonder what would have been.

It also would have meant the Cowboys could have spent their 2001 1st round pick on Drew Brees, which means no Tony Romo.


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I always blamed Michael Irvin, his cocaine habit, and "his posse of fallen women" (otherwise known as hoers) for the Cowboys passing on Randy Moss. I feel fairly certain they would have picked Moss if not for Irvin's legal issues becoming such an embarrassment for the team.
Me too.

"Character" issues cost the Cowboys at least three to four Super Bowls. That's why Bill Belichick only drafts smart players or players who are relatively clean, unless he brings them in from other programs. Character players help you win, but they limit their potential also.


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I’m sure he’s regretted it but it is what it is now.

When a player is rated the top prospect in their position and they fall in your lap, you take him. Things like that don’t fall your way in every draft. Seize it.


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Read an interesting tweet this where Stephen admitted Lamb impressed him a couple of years while he was scouting a Sooners game with his brother John. But of course, he never thought he'd wear the star. That is why this selection was a no brainer once he dropped to 17. In fact, one of the beat writers suggested they likely would have taken Chaisson if either of the other two top WRs had dropped but not Lamb.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I really doubt this pick was made because Jerry has never forgiven himself for passing on Randy Moss. I think he just felt Lamb was too good to pass up, and unlike Moss he didn't have character issues affecting how he was perceived.


The Boognish
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The difference, of course, is that Lamb has no character issues, whereas Moss was pegged as a trouble player. But passing on Randy Moss left a deep mental scar on Jerry, I think - trauma that was worsened by the debacle of trading away three 1st-round picks and a third for Joey Galloway and Roy Williams combined.

In 2010, Jerry showed he had fully learned the Moss lesson by drafting Dez Bryant - never pass on the Draft's best wide receiver if he falls into your lap - regardless of character, regardless of team depth need. And last night, Jerry took Lamb.

Moss was passed on because Gailey didn't want him because of character concerns. Not only does Lamb not have the character concerns but MM was all for the Lamb pick.


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The difference, of course, is that Lamb has no character issues, whereas Moss was pegged as a trouble player. But passing on Randy Moss left a deep mental scar on Jerry, I think - trauma that was worsened by the debacle of trading away three 1st-round picks and a third for Joey Galloway and Roy Williams combined.

In 2010, Jerry showed he had fully learned the Moss lesson by drafting Dez Bryant - never pass on the Draft's best wide receiver if he falls into your lap - regardless of character, regardless of team depth need. And last night, Jerry took Lamb.
Left one on me too


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I always blamed Michael Irvin, his cocaine habit, and "his posse of fallen women" (otherwise known as hoers) for the Cowboys passing on Randy Moss. I feel fairly certain they would have picked Moss if not for Irvin's legal issues becoming such an embarrassment for the team.
I blame Jerry for that one. Once a gambler always a gambler and he chickened out and caved to politics and media. Johnny Manziel wasn't the same story though cause he wasn't elite. Randy was ELITE with ELITE measurables. A once in a lifetime. Johnny was every QB with that 2nd-3rd round grade who goes way to early and ends up being a mid to late 1st rounder.


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Read an interesting tweet this where Stephen admitted Lamb impressed him a couple of years while he was scouting a Sooners game with his brother John. But of course, he never thought he'd wear the star. That is why this selection was a no brainer once he dropped to 17. In fact, one of the beat writers suggested they likely would have taken Chaisson if either of the other two top WRs had dropped but not Lamb.
Supposedly they had Chaisson & AJ Terrell with similar grades. But Jerry did say he came into the draft looking for a pass rusher.