Pats Sullivan arrested

I am beginning to think there must be a lucrative market for professional 'designated drivers' serving the professional athlete market. Of course, if they were smart enough to hire you, they probably wouldn't be getting caught doing dumb avoidable tricks like this.... Damnation, another business oppurtunity squelched!

Ah, target their agents....oppurtunity back above water....
arglebargle said:
I am beginning to think there must be a lucrative market for professional 'designated drivers' serving the professional athlete market. Of course, if they were smart enough to hire you, they probably wouldn't be getting caught doing dumb avoidable tricks like this.... Damnation, another business oppurtunity squelched!

Actually I think your on to something. :laugh1: I think it should be more than just a driver maybe a professional baby sitter. :laugh1:


Johnathan Sullivan has the Munchies. In more ways than one.
TheHustler said:
Nothing in the article indicates probable cause to search the vehicle, it sounds like they weren't high when they were pulled over, there is no mention of a DUI anywhere. The cops would also have to PROVE probable cause, which is tough.


The Supreme Court ruled for The District of Columbia several years ago surrounding a drug arrest. The court ruled that since the officers witness a violation of a law (He ran a red light), that in itself was reason for probable cuase!
Sigh. Most are ticketable crimes. Running stop signs. Disturbing the peace. hell call the police on your niehbors next time they play loud music. They will just tell them to turn it down.

As for the gun charge. Where in the article did it say a concelled weapon violation??? He might have a permit to carry.

Do not overblow this thing.

He will get off with a slap on the wrist. Lawyer or no.
Xy_Oldone said:
Sigh. Most are ticketable crimes. Running stop signs. Disturbing the peace. hell call the police on your niehbors next time they play loud music. They will just tell them to turn it down.

As for the gun charge. Where in the article did it say a concelled weapon violation??? He might have a permit to carry.

Do not overblow this thing.

He will get off with a slap on the wrist. Lawyer or no.

Don't blow it off either, having drugs and a gun in the car is serious. Go out and try it sometime. It really gets me how some make excuses for idiots
Doomsday101 said:
Don't blow it off either, having drugs and a gun in the car is serious. Go out and try it sometime. It really gets me how some make excuses for idiots

Oh I agree. But it does not need to be blown out of perporsion (sp?) either. He had less than an ounce and may well of had a permit for the gun. He might not have been high. All we know is that he was playing loud music, ran two stop signs and had a gun and drugs in the car. LOL that sure sounds bad though. lol
Xy_Oldone said:
Oh I agree. It is a big deal but not if he has a permit. And no where does it state that he was carrying without a permit or was being charged. All it said was that he had a weapon in the car.

Not sure where you live, and the laws are different state to state. I have a gun permit in CT. and you cannot carry a loaded gun in the car here.

Not sure if his gun was loaded or not.
Xy_Oldone said:
Oh I agree. It is a big deal but not if he has a permit. And no where does it state that he was carrying without a permit or was being charged. All it said was that he had a weapon in the car.

He also had weed in the car, when you get busted and cops find weed and a gun in your car regardless if you have a permit or not that is a much bigger deal. I can only speak on Texas law but when you get popped with a gun and drugs or alcohol in your car you’re looking at real trouble. In the end he may end up with nothing more than probation but the fact remains having both in the car changes the issue in the eyes of the courts
If his agent has even a smidgin of sense, it will turn out that the pot belonged to Sullivan's passanger (and money changes hands under the table), and the gun was there just to protect the friend from all those pesky drug dealers, who were so bothersome.....
I had no idea he was traded, wow, what a waste of a 1st

Haslett is a great D-coordinator, but was horrible as a HC
TheHustler said:
Idiot. Now the evidence is admissible. All Sullivan has to say is no and even if the cop finds some weed, it's inadmissible as evidence.

not if the cops have probable cause to search the vehicle, which they did in this case ie. running 2 stop signs, they'd just held them and gotten a warrant to search the vehicle
neosapien23 said:
Not true. If the police had probable cause to search the vehicle they could. If the players eyes were bloodshot or if they displayed nervous behavior, probable cause is in effect. The same does not apply with homes. A search warrant must be obtained for that.

probable cause was in effect when they broke the law in the 1st place, running 2 stop signs
TheHustler said:
Nothing in the article indicates probable cause to search the vehicle

running 2 red lights is probable cause enough, how do you think people get charged for DUI? just an example, but not all DUI charges take place at checkpoints, swerving, driving 5 miles below the speed limit, are some of the reasons that cops are given probable cause to search a vehicle
thats7 said:
As per Georgia statutes concerning gun laws...........

(8) A weapon which is in a locked compartment of a motor vehicle or one which is in a locked container in or a locked firearms rack which is on a motor vehicle which is being used by an adult over 21 years of age.

If he had it under his seat, tucked next to it, etc. he could have more issues to deal with. However, this law usually varies from county to county. Also we have to know if the gun was loaded. If it was a revolver and had bullets in's offically loaded. If it was a semi-auto and the weapon was not charged it may not be deemed loaded.

it would suck for SUllivan if a round was dispensed ie at the firing range, and he forgot to reload the clip
Jarv said:
Not sure where you live, and the laws are different state to state. I have a gun permit in CT. and you cannot carry a loaded gun in the car here.

Not sure if his gun was loaded or not.

yeah, most states require a gun permit, and a permit that allows you to carry one

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