PC gone too far?

Hoofbite;3315122 said:
Fill me in.

Earlier in the thread, he admitted to shoplifting beer as a youth... then, in a response to me that goes back to our arguments over the Michael Vick episode, he said something about kicking a dog today...

I really didn't take him serious about the latter, to tell you the truth... :D
silverbear;3315131 said:
Whether or not he had the authority is quite irrelevant... the patrons didn't know he was not a WalMart official...
anybody with half a brain would be able to figure out it wasnt

He told the black patrons to leave the store...
no one is debating this
rkell87;3315132 said:
i think we all agree but what we dont agree with is that what he did was illegal(yes i relize he was charged but really, c'mon) and that this should be handled by the parents not the court system and for me at least i view it as a waste of my taxt dollars

It think it's perfectly appropriate for him to face charges for what he did... mostly because what he did harmed WalMart... this was no "victimless crime"...

It was a childish, thoughtless stunt, but one that had ramifications, and it should have repercussions too...

Frankly, I wouldn't trust his parents to handle this, if they didn't do a better job of raising him than that... my Dad would have put a hurting on me if I did something that idiotic...
silverbear;3315130 said:
Oh yeah, I'm quite sure this 16 year old kid was up on the litigation history of WalMart...

you never know...the point is you dont know, therefore you dont know if he was trying to be racist because he is racist, trying to be racist to be funny, just trying to be funny and ended up saying something racist, or had other motives all together.
silverbear;3315137 said:
It think it's perfectly appropriate for him to face charges for what he did... mostly because what he did harmed WalMart... this was no "victimless crime"...

It was a childish, thoughtless stunt, but one that had ramifications, and it should have repercussions too...

Frankly, I wouldn't trust his parents to handle this, if they didn't do a better job of raising him than that... my Dad would have put a hurting on me if I did something that idiotic...
some kids are just stupid and no amount of parenting in the world is gonna keep them from doing stupid things, at the same time a little slap on the wrist from the court system most likely wont do anything either. boneheads are always gonna be boneheads
alright im going to bed my guess is sarge will lock this when he gets up.

I think it's funny. I'm not racist at all. If a black guy got on the intercom and said all the white people please leave i'd laugh. Not necessarily at the humor of it but more because they're idiots. Little things like that in life amuse me, sue me.

People are too sensitive. It's 2010, get over it already. If you're spending all your time getting worked up about what people do and say, you're going to be wasting a lot of your own time. Didn't someone say due to this kid they weren't going to shop at Wal-Mart anymore?....You just inconvenienced yourself over a dumb kid.

Give the kid community service and a fine. Have him load trucks on his weekends a few days out of the month, some labor and coughing up cash will make himself think twice before he does it again.

Maybe Wal-Mart should change their intercom system so any idiot that has a thought can't just speak their mind to the whole store? I mean, it's almost common sense.
The way I see it, what probably happened was this kid passed by the WalMart PA system with a few of his buddies, saw the mic was unattended, and to show off for his friends, he decided to make his little announcment... he thought it would be funny...

This by itself is not racist... but when he chose to pick out black people as the butts of his joke, it did strongly suggest a racist mindset on his part... there were lots of other demographics he could have singled out for his joke, but he chose a race of people...

He should be punished for what he did, he should face the consequences in a court of law, but not because of the racist component... what he did materially damaged WalMart, and if the truth hadn't been uncovered so quickly, it had the potential to damage them severely...

He should face the music for that (and he should be ashamed of the racist aspect of his comments)... I don't think that he should be convicted of "bias intimidation", I sincerely doubt that any black people in that store were intimidated by him... outraged, pissed, saddened, those were more likely the reactions they had...

But as I mentioned before, I don't think the state of New Jersey is serious about those charges, I see them as overcharging so as to have a position of strength to bargain down from in plea negotiations...

If I'm wrong about that, if they wind up convicting him of some kind of "hate crime", I'll be on Bob's side of this one...

Actually, I think an appropriate punishment would be either to require him to work on some project with black kids, or serve 2 weeks as a WalMart greeter at that store, wearing a big sign saying "Yes, I'm the MORON Who Insulted the Black Customers of This Store"...

And yeah, I still think a period of supervised probation would be in order, because I think he must have been stoned to pull such an ignorant stunt, and random drug testing would do him some good...
gmoney112;3315154 said:
Maybe Wal-Mart should change their intercom system so any idiot that has a thought can't just speak their mind to the whole store? I mean, it's almost common sense.

The way I understand it, they've already taken steps in that direction... if they haven't, they certainly should...

I mean, in school the mic for the PA system was kept in the principal's office, not out where any jagoff could get on the air... LOL...

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