PC gone too far?

silverbear;3315098 said:
Yes, they did... but my point is they didn't know he was only 16, which was your argument... they didn't even know that he wasn't a WalMart official... so that response you offered made zero sense...

He DID demand that the black people leave the WalMart... he had no AUTHORITY to make such a demand, so it was a toothless demand, but it was still a demand on his part...
lol bob argued throughout the thread that he had no authority to make the demand so yall agree!:laugh2:
also i dont see where you are going with the statement, we know he made the demand?:confused: lol
CliffnMesquite;3315102 said:
But. What if the offender had a premonition of disaster and only wanted to save the Blacks in the store? Then it's reverse descrimnation!
lol there is no such thing as reverse discrimination, that would be fairness! lol. really it would be discrimination against the rest of the people in the store.
Bob Sacamano;3315012 said:
Unfortunately the definition of racism just does not agree with you.

Yes, it does... racism is racial intolerance, and ordering those people out of the store was an act of intolerance...
bbgun;3315013 said:
Only if they charge him with anything other than misuse of private property, which would be perfectly reasonable considering the facts at hand.

Apparently the state of New Jersey thinks the facts of this case warrant other charges... perhaps you should take that up with them...

Yeah, that's what i said. :rolleyes:

That's the clear impression you left...

I already said he should be charged for impersonating an employee and scorned by his community. What more do you want? Blood?

I believe I've answered that a number of times now...

Really? Could have sworn it was hatred. Keep lowering those goal posts.

No, simple racial intolerance is racism, too... hatred is just a more virulent form of the disease...

That seems to be your problem, you don't really understand what racism is...

Sending a group of people, in fact any group of people, on a wild goose chase is "racist"?

Targeting one racial group for a public insult is a racist act...

I think you just redefined the term, and not for the better.

And yet, I've shown a number of different dictionary definitions that coincide with that "redefinition"...

Sorry if you have a problem with THEIR definition of the word, but in the end, it's your problem...

Sorry, not a big fan of viewpoint discrimination, which is exactly what this is. Unless the kid put people in danger, as in yelling "fire!," then the state needs to butt the hell out.

Look at you, telling the state of New Jersey how they should enforce their laws... how completely arrogant of you...

Until then, I'll classify this as a spontaneous act of youthful mischief.

And in the end, that's how he'll be punished... so why exactly did you get your panties in a wad??

I jumped into this thread because from the start, it seemed a lot of you seemed to be arguing that he shouldn't face any punishment at all for what he did... I find that stance to be quite incomprehensible...

Now, from there the dialogue morphed into a broader discussion of what constitutes racism in general, and it seems that a lot of you don't agree with my take on that... inasmuch as I do not depend on the approval of this message board for my general sense of self-esteem, I reckon I can live with standing outside the mainstream on this one...
theogt;3315015 said:
Quit the hypocrisy. You're the one that claims to know what the kid was thinking. You and SB both do.

Hey, all I can do is judge him by his words...
Bob Sacamano;3315030 said:
I'm the 3 R's

a Raving, Rabid Racist.

Actually, I'd like to think you aren't... I just know that your laughing at ethios story about the skinheads struck me as really, really odd... there was nothing comical at all about that story...

What I really suspect is that you have in the past had some problems with somebody accusing you of racism, so now you get up on a soapbox every time somebody else is accused of it... which is why I believe you started this thread...

I can say that I thought you were better than you've showed in this thread, and that I'm really disappointed in you... as I said, I'll find it difficult to joke around with you in the future...
rkell87;3315034 said:
you can be arrested for nothing detained for 36 hours and not charged with anything, like i said what he was charged with is flimsy in my eyes

How sad that you're not in law enforcement in New Jersey, so that you could have helped avoid this outrage...

I think that a lot of times, the state "overcharges", with the full intention of plea bargaining down to a lesser plea... I rather suspect that's what's going on here... I don't think he'll ever be convicted of "bias intimidation"; there was plenty of bias, but no real "intimidation"...
FuzzyLumpkins;3315040 said:
replace the word racism with sin and you have the basis for judeochristian ethics.

To me, racism is a sin...

i wholeheartedly disagree.

What a surprise, the shopliting animal abuser rejects judaeochristian ethics...
FuzzyLumpkins;3315042 said:
so what he did wasnt racist?

Are you trying to be obtuse?? I CLEARLY said that what he did didn't rise to a level of a hate crime, but it was a racist act...

Not all racist acts are hate crimes... indeed, not all of them are crimes at all...
SLATEmosphere;3315050 said:

Ethio seemed to be fine with that comment and not a wound up tight ball like you.

It may not have bothered him, but it bothered me... it seemed like an entirely inappropriate reaction to ethio's post...

But maybe it was just me not appreciating an warped sense of humor...
silverbear;3315119 said:
To me, racism is a sin...

What a surprise, the shopliting animal abuser rejects judaeochristian ethics...

Fill me in.
Hoofbite;3315051 said:
I don't think this is necessarily the case.

Depending on how you classify "racism".

If by "racism" you mean simple categorization than I would agree but if by "racism" you mean hostile feeling towards people of another race, I would whole-heartedly disagree.

I don't think that racism necessarily involves hostility... it might be more fear, for example...
Bob Sacamano;3315052 said:
And my joke was about him should of having turned the tables on them and kicking their little, white *****. Seriously, you already went into this thread with the mindset that whoever "defends" this kid is just as bad as him.

Well, I do consider what he did to be indefensible, and I wonder about people who are trying to justify it...

It was an ugly, idiotic stunt, and he deserves to be punished for it...

But like I said, thinking about what you said a little more, it might have just been you being you, trying to be a smart*** and sometimes, when we work too hard at that, some of our efforts come off a bit wrong... being a smart*** myself, I've been there and done that...

But yeah, what you said struck me as really wrong... there's nothing funny about an innocent black man being threatened by a bunch of skinheads, not to me anyway...
Bob Sacamano;3315057 said:
There's an irrational, racial fear that you may or not get jumped by someone from a different race. Then there's being uncomfortable because you just can't relate, or fear that you won't be able to. The 2 aren't mutually exclusive. That's my biggest problem, that not everything that could be deemed racist, is racism.

I guess I just think that racism is a broader term, a broader problem, than you do...

But as long as you're not vicitimizing other people with your deep-seated, uncontrollable racial attitudes, then in my mind you're not a practicing racist...

The key word there being "practicing"...

And I do understand that often racism is thrown around as an excuse, that the accusation is overused...

A joke or prank with racial overtones does not make one a racist

I fundamentally disagree with that, and like I said, I've been guilty of it myself... I'm not going holier than thou on anybody here...

And I don't think banging a 16 year old through the court system, which is a fearful process in it's own right, in that instance is appropriate

I do... I think that it's the best way to forcefully drive home that what he did was really, really wrong...

And it was... now, I might swing over to your side if they throw him in jail or something... but make him sweat some, then put him on probation and make him perform community service...
FuzzyLumpkins;3315058 said:
I'm not scared of black people. I'm scared of poor people.

Hey, that's legitimate enough... poor people are often desperate, and desperate people can be dangerous...

I realize this is a novel idea but just because you are one way doesn't mean everyone else is.

Again, when did I suggest that was the case??

You keep acting as if I'm trying to force people to believe the way I do, when all I'm doing is forcefully defending what I believe to be right...
Bob Sacamano;3315068 said:
The only thing you can really ply on this kid is discrimination.

Look closely, and you might notice that a number of the definitions of the word "racism" that I offered included the word "discrimination"...

This should tell you that discrimination is a central element of racism...

So, when you say the kid engaged in discrimination but not racism, you seem to be trying to separate the two, when most wordsmiths consider the linked...

But yes, he discriminated between black and all the rest of the patrons.

Which was a racist act on his part...
rkell87;3315091 said:
which brings me back to another point i mentioned he could have chose to ask black people to leave because he knew of walmarts troubles with them

Oh yeah, I'm quite sure this 16 year old kid was up on the litigation history of WalMart...

rkell87;3315106 said:
lol bob argued throughout the thread that he had no authority to make the demand so yall agree!:laugh2:

Whether or not he had the authority is quite irrelevant... the patrons didn't know he was not a WalMart official...

also i dont see where you are going with the statement, we know he made the demand?:confused: lol

He told the black patrons to leave the store...
silverbear;3315124 said:
Well, I do consider what he did to be indefensible, and I wonder about people who are trying to justify it...

It was an ugly, idiotic stunt, and he deserves to be punished for it...

But like I said, thinking about what you said a little more, it might have just been you being you, trying to be a smart*** and sometimes, when we work too hard at that, some of our efforts come off a bit wrong... being a smart*** myself, I've been there and done that...

But yeah, what you said struck me as really wrong... there's nothing funny about an innocent black man being threatened by a bunch of skinheads, not to me anyway...
i think we all agree but what we dont agree with is that what he did was illegal(yes i relize he was charged but really, c'mon) and that this should be handled by the parents not the court system and for me at least i view it as a waste of my taxt dollars

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