PC gone too far?

gmoney112;3315055 said:
While I agree that if it's a certainty that they were stealing, as in 100% indisputable, their should be a reasonable method of detaining. But then again you don't know what some people are capable of when they're faced with the reality of doing a stint for burglary. There are some crazy people out there. Endangering your employees/possibly innocent bystanders would be a disaster, especially for some material goods. It's much safer and better for all involved to just let the police watch the cameras and try to get a license plate number as they leave.
i agree but if it gets out of hand then you let him go and hope you slowed him down enough to be caught but the problem is some people wouldnt just let the guy go when it gets to a certain point but i believe that this would mostly be an exception not a common thing because there are only gonna be so many times when you actually see a guy walk out with stuff and out of those times only so many employees would be willing to go after him and i think the crazy do anything to not go to jail guy would meet the determined not to let the guy get away employee on rare occasion
Bob Sacamano;3314924 said:
Just because you're a self-loather doesn't mean you have to take out that anger on everyone else.

Recognizing your flaws and striving to correct them does not make you a "self-loather"... truth is, I'm just about my favorite person...
FuzzyLumpkins;3314944 said:
One day you will realize that your myopic naive worldview is not the only one.

And one day you'll realize that I never suggested mine was the only worldview... I simply believe that mine is the RIGHT one, and have no reluctance expressing it...

Then, one day you might realize that I couldn't possibly care less what you think about that, or me...
Bob Sacamano;3315061 said:
What do you mean by physical? Because this guy would just tap people on the shoulder, tell them to put their hands behind their back, and he would slap those zip-ties on them.

I worked at another retail store and one of my managers pancaked a thief, no problem.
but in the store right? my whole thing with jimmy is that once they are out the door you can touch them
Bob Sacamano;3314955 said:
My point is that to hold WalMart responsible after the fact is stupid. They had every right to be upset that day. But any day after and boycotting would be stupid because it was clearly beyond their control.

I agree 100 per cent, but given their racial problems in the past, some black folk will undoubtedly use this as another excuse not to patronize them... and the black people who left the store that day most certainly didn't spend the money in there they intended to...

WalMart is in no way responsible for this incident, but they will suffer some financial repercussions from it, and further damage to their already battered reputation...
FuzzyLumpkins;3314956 said:
Silverbear: 1

Dictionary: 0


Read further, and you'll see where I offer a number of definitions from other dictionaries that coincide with mine... the definition that was offered here was far more restrictive than the one that is the consensus, which includes any act of racial discrimination...

But you know, I even disagree with THOSE definitions on at least one level, because they all seem to refer to discrimination against people of "other" races... I think it is entirely possible for, say, a black people to hold racist views towards others of his own race...
Bob Sacamano;3314958 said:
Right, because they believe that that race is beneath them and doesn't deserve their respect.

And what respect did that kid show black people??

We don't know what this kid's mindset was, and he didn't say anything beyond telling black people to get out of the store. Which was an idle threat as idle threats can be.

It wasn't a threat at all, it was just an INSULT...

A racist insult...
silverbear;3315087 said:
I agree 100 per cent, but given their racial problems in the past, some black folk will undoubtedly use this as another excuse not to patronize them... and the black people who left the store that day most certainly didn't spend the money in there they intended to...

WalMart is in no way responsible for this incident, but they will suffer some financial repercussions from it, and further damage to their already battered reputation...
which brings me back to another point i mentioned he could have chose to ask black people to leave because he knew of walmarts troubles with them and didnt have anything against black people but against walmart and choose black people to be the butt of his prank because they already had issues with walmart in the first place.
Bob Sacamano;3314965 said:
My argument is that just because you pull a prank or tell a joke directed at another race, doesn't mean you are a racist.

And my response is that's EXACTLY what it means... it's being intolerant toward a specific race, and as I have demonstrated in numerous definitions, intolerance toward a specific race or races is one of the basic characteristics of racism...
rkell87;3314970 said:
or that he picked the group of people that it would upset the most to be the target of his joke and it had nothing to do with race, just what was going to garner the most attention

So, he chose black people because it would upset them the most??

And that's NOT racist?? Deliberately targeting another race for a public insult isn't racism??
silverbear;3315089 said:
Read further, and you'll see where I offer a number of definitions from other dictionaries that coincide with mine... the definition that was offered here was far more restrictive than the one that is the consensus, which includes any act of racial discrimination...

But you know, I even disagree with THOSE definitions on at least one level, because they all seem to refer to discrimination against people of "other" races... I think it is entirely possible for, say, a black people to hold racist views towards others of his own race...

You clearly need to read the definitions of the words in the definitions that you are referring to. You suck at semantics.

And on that note im going to bed.
Bob Sacamano;3314980 said:
It was as victimless as victimless crimes go.

The key word there being "crime"...

And there WAS a victim-- WalMart... they lost money that day because of that kid's "prank"...

Once again, I'm not suggesting he should go to prison for this prank, but you seem to think the law shouldn't do anything at all to him... guess you'd just give him a pat on the head and say "don't do that again, son"...

Yeah, that'll teach him...
silverbear;3315089 said:
Read further, and you'll see where I offer a number of definitions from other dictionaries that coincide with mine... the definition that was offered here was far more restrictive than the one that is the consensus, which includes any act of racial discrimination...

But you know, I even disagree with THOSE definitions on at least one level, because they all seem to refer to discrimination against people of "other" races... I think it is entirely possible for, say, a black people to hold racist views towards others of his own race...
that still falls under racial prejudice. its not limited to races that you do not belong to
Bob Sacamano;3314986 said:
They left because they were outraged..

Yes, they did... but my point is they didn't know he was only 16, which was your argument... they didn't even know that he wasn't a WalMart official... so that response you offered made zero sense...

He DID demand that the black people leave the WalMart... he had no AUTHORITY to make such a demand, so it was a toothless demand, but it was still a demand on his part...
silverbear;3315093 said:
So, he chose black people because it would upset them the most??

And that's NOT racist?? Deliberately targeting another race for a public insult isn't racism??
no because in the instance i provide he targeted that race because walmart had already upset that race not because he had any ill feeling toward that race, or feeling one way or the other it would be strategic not malicious
FuzzyLumpkins;3314998 said:
I am glad you pointed out Bob hates black just like the kid does.

Show me where I said that...

All I said was that it was pretty contemptible for him to laugh at ethio's story about being accosted by a gang of teenaged skinheads...

Yeah, I wonder about somebody who finds a story like that funny...

But hey, you go right ahead and distort what I'm saying, in a feeble effort to make something resembling a point...
But. What if the offender had a premonition of disaster and only wanted to save the Blacks in the store? Then it's reverse descrimnation!
FuzzyLumpkins;3315000 said:
Im sure you do.

Its the manner in which you always project your worldview onto others as if it is some universal truth. I have mentioned that several times. You are unable to see outside of your own little box.

And how exactly is that "naive"?? Arrogant perhaps, but I see no naivete...

My worldview has been arrived at as a result of long and careful thought, factoring in lots of differing viewpoints... it may or may not be right, but it is not a thoughtless worldview...

I guess you just have a hard time expressing yourself with any precision...
Bob Sacamano;3315002 said:
That's all we really can do when you turn the definition of racism upside down on it's head.

Actually, you're the one who tried very hard to do that... so I thoughtfully shared a number of definitions from a number of reputable dictionaries that reinforced my personal definition...

And accuse most everyone of being racist.

That wasn't an accusation, merely an observation on basic human nature... I firmly believe it to be true...

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