The NFL does not reveal what drug a player fails his PED test with. Therefore players and agents use Adderall as a scapegoat as it doesn't have the same stigma of saying "Yeah he's loaded up on HGH and on the Ivan Drago vitamin program."
The NFL, by virtue of a confidentiality provision in its contract with the NFLPA, never discloses the substance involved in a violation. If the public is alerted to a specific drug, i.e., Adderall, the information came by way of a leak or from the player's camp. Many believe players admit to usingAdderall, because there is less of a stigma associated with it versus other performance enhancing drugs.Many speculate Adderall is the go-to excuse, but believe that in reality the player is likely abusing other PED's.Even if the NFL knows the results and knows the player is lying, it is prohibited from releasing that information. When it comes to the NFL, there is no transparency.
Does Adderall alone create an unfair advantage? It might appear obvious to many, but
some have argued many players take it on a recreational basis and it is not used as a PED. While it is a possibility, the fact remains Adderall is a performance-enhancing drug. Amphetamines work from the same transmitter as cocaine, which makes players feel grandiose. Moreover, Adderall allows players the extraordinary ability to focus and concentrate. It also increases alertness. In any event, although the league has separate policies for recreational and performance-enhancing drugs, both are common in the professional sports.
I know many NFL fans are under the impression the league monitors players closely and only a select few are cheating. But, in reality, we only hear about the ones who are caught. The culture of professional sports has led to common use of steroids and other performance-enhancing agents.
For example, athletes receive corticosteroid injections (i.e. cortisone) at an absurd rate. Because of the side effects, doctors typically recommend no more than two injections per year. But, in the NFL, we know many of these athletes get injections like it is an aspirin. Nobody considers it cheating, because we know these injections and pain killers are the only way players are able to perform. We can justify it and it is the norm within the NFL.
Another huge benefit of performance enhancing drugs is recovery time. There are steroids that virtually eliminate the adverse effects of the bodies healing. Athletes are able to recover faster and the reason is there is a steroid for that.