Peerless Price

InmanRoshi said:
Really? Kevin Gilbride made Peerless a 95 catch, 1250 yard WR?

Wow, I had no idea he was that good.

95 catches, 1250 yards ... in just half a year, no less.
Roshi, tell me something.

Do you really think Price offers anything more than Joey did?

And do you really think a receiver with a rep for contact shirking, limited repertoire, sad blocking, and lackadaiscal route running will merit consideration by Bill Parcells?

There are teams who will much more highly value a sheer sidelines racer.
Price simply does not fit, regardless of what he did three years ago.

If Parcells gives him so much as a work out, I will change my handle to Price for President.

But it ain't happening.

PP's no Parcells Guy.
Peerless Price is an upgrade to our WR depth.

Its a thought - time will tell.

I watched most of 2002 - Price and Bledsoe were nasty. Weapons - stockpile them!
LaTunaNostra said:
Roshi, tell me something.

Do you really think Price offers anything more than Joey did?

And do you really think a receiver with a rep for contact shirking, limited repertoire, sad blocking, and lackadaiscal route running will merit consideration by Bill Parcells?

There are teams who will much more highly value a sheer sidelines racer.
Price simply does not fit, regardless of what he did three years ago.

If Parcells gives him so much as a work out, I will change my handle to Price for President.

But it ain't happening.

PP's no Parcells Guy.

Do you think Quincy Morgan had a reputation as a great run blocker, or anything more than a sideline flyer, before Parcells traded for him?

He hasn't been the malcontent in Atlanta that people have portrayed him as. For as much of a bust as he's been, he caught 64 passes for 838 the year that Vick was out (with Kittner and Doug Johnson throwing the ball to him .. who I don't believe either one of them are currently even in the league at this point) We could only wish Dallas could get that kind of disappionting year from a WR. Dallas hasn't seen that kind of production from a #2 WR since Alvin Harper, much less a #3.
big dog cowboy said:
This is from about 6 weeks ago.........

CBS Sportsline reports the Falcons have decided to keep Peerless Price in the
starting lineup and give him a chance to redeem himself after two unproductive
seasons. The report also says "there are some inside the Falcons building who
think Price has been open more than his numbers indicate. That means Michael
Vick hasn't used him enough." We were hearing rumors that Price was a candidate
to be released before camp begins July 25th - possibly because of an inoperable
retinal condition in his eye. But releasing him would cost the Falcons $5.7
million against the cap next season because the remaining cap figure from his
$10 million signing bonus would accelerate

'Nuff said, then.

They can't afford to cut him so the spin will be to heap some vitriol on Vick.
"Some inside the building"? Prolly maintenance. :lmao2:

And now there's a mysterious eye condition? :rolleyes:

Before you know it, the spin on Poor One-Eyed Peerless, always open but for a tailback playing QB, will convince even a few Falcons fans what they haven't been watching these past few years is a fast but extremely limited non-blocker who shys from contact like a vampire from sunlight.

Gotta love it!
So, LTN who's your answer to step into the 3 WR set when Glenn or Keyshawn go down for an extended period of time?

Terrence Copper or Quincy Morgan?

Or maybe you're more of a Crowder fan?

Wait a sec ... Jamaica Rector is still on the roster too. Well then, nevermind. The answer has been right underneath our nose all along.
InmanRoshi said:
So, LTN who's your answer to step into a 3 WR set when Glenn or Keyshawn go down?

Copper or Morgan?
First of all, I'd make it IF.

The 'when' is just a little too callous for my taste.

The answer is either.

Morgan is as fast or faster..his bad hands are canceled out by Price's gutlessness and poor route running. And the resistance to throwing a block.

Copper has more upside than either, imo.

My answer is guys already on the team, if not a perfect solution, over one who would never be here because Tuna would never consider him.

I'm for Torry Holt, actually. ;)

He's got just as much chance of being here as Price. And at least we know Bill likes him.
InmanRoshi said:
Do you think Quincy Morgan had a reputation as a great run blocker, or anything more than a sideline flyer, before Parcells traded for him?

He hasn't been the malcontent in Atlanta that people have portrayed him as. For as much of a bust as he's been, he caught 64 passes for 838 the year that Vick was out (with Kittner and Doug Johnson throwing the ball to him .. who I don't believe either one of them are currently even in the league at this point) We could only wish Dallas could get that kind of disappionting year from a WR. Dallas hasn't seen that kind of production from a #2 WR since Alvin Harper, much less a #3.
Who has portrayed PP as a malcontent?

Not me. I've never even heard it rumoured his 'tude sucked.

It's just his play these past 2 years..

Morgan didn't, tho, have a rep as a BAD blocker, a BAD route runner, or a contact shirker. Plus that deal was getting a little something for the nothing AB's antics had earned.

Had there not been a mutual unloading going on, I 'spect Bill would have been a bit more demanding.

In Price's case, the ante would need to be higher. And considering his negatives, it is not.
The more I hear of it, the more I think we need to take a shot on him. We can't overpay him though....because he would be coming in as the 4th WR. What intrigues me is that Bledsoe and Glenn seem to have picked right up where they left off. Maybe Price and Bledsoe can too.

I don't think Price is the "future" WR we need. He is a guy to fill a spot for depth right now.
InmanRoshi said:
From his legendary reputation as run blocker, no doubt.
He's not gutless, I will tell you that.

But the more I think about it, for TH level talent, the blocking aspect can be somewhat overlooked.

For PP's, it can't be.

I do want Holt tho.

I wonder how we can get him.
InmanRoshi said:
So, LTN who's your answer to step into the 3 WR set when Glenn or Keyshawn go down for an extended period of time?

Terrence Copper or Quincy Morgan?

Or maybe you're more of a Crowder fan?

Wait a sec ... Jamaica Rector is still on the roster too. Well then, nevermind. The answer has been right underneath our nose all along.
"When" again, Roshi?

It's starting to sound like an inevitability.

We have to be 'prepared', but at some point assuming we WILL lose one or the other begins to sound dismissive. Writing them off before the season even starts.

I prefer Bill's way of thinking. You get the best depth you can w/o making undue sacrifices, then deal with the issue IF and 'when' it arises.

If you're an optimist, you want to imagine both stay healthy, or perhaps Haley has developed Copper, et al, a bit more so that IF an injury occurs, one can step in.

Now about Holt...what do you think it would take in a trade? ;)
InmanRoshi said:
I've been mentioning this for a while. He's still only 28 years old. He's two years removed from a 95 catch, 1250 yard, 9 TD season with Bledsoe. He's probably not as good as that year, but he's also not nearly as bad as he's been with the Falcons.

sure he's that bad...I've seen it first hand...and on top of being bad, he is a turd

he was a FLUKE in Buffalo...

LaTunaNostra said:
He has been a MAJOR disappointment in Atlanta, and the issue is he cannot beat defenders..cannot separate.

There is a reason ATL appears to be giving up on him..either his separation skills have deteriorated or Moulds made him.

I'l take Crayton.

I agree, and already said the same thing...Crayton is a better player than Parice is right now and has eons more upside, without the turd behavior

people in this forum just cant shake "big name-itis"...they think because someobdy has a name they've heard, he must be better than whats here

LaTunaNostra said:
Who has portrayed PP as a malcontent?

Not me. I've never even heard it rumoured his 'tude sucked.

It's just his play these past 2 years..


actually yes, his attitude does suck...he's got a nice rep down here as a cancer now...

I'd bring him in but the downside is it might take PT away from Clayton which would be a drag.

As long as Quincy Morgan doesn't sniff the field, I don't care if CBZ is out there as our 3rd receiver.
Teague31 said:
Heard is out in Atlanta... anyone interested at the minimum?

I would sign him in a HEART BEAT!!

He had his best year in 2002 when Bledsoe was throwing him the ball...

He is a LEGIT deep threat and if paired with Terry Glenn we could stretch opposing defenses on a regular basis!!!

IF he is indeed going to be cut, WE REALLY should get him in Dallas...
Hostile said:
You know, I am really sorry that our attending a football game without you hurts your feelings o bad. Can you ever forgive us?


Mikey doesn't have a noodle arm. That's an insult to noodle arms everywhere.


Well yeah!

I guess?
The way I see this is he really is insurance for Glenn, who is a bit injury prone. Price is a speed receiver similar to Glenn, and would fit nicely with Key.

Thing is, we have Morgan on this team right now, so any negatives you can bring up about Price, we already have in Morgan. Least Price has been real productive in the league at one point in time.

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