Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal (Indictment Post #144, "Pimping" Allegations Post #442)

Penn St. cancels Joe Paterno's weekly press conference that was to be held Tuesday morning. Paterno's son claims JoePa wanted to speak to the press, but the presser was canceled without consulting him. This is according to ESPN radio.
This was in an SI article:

"The most recent reported incident was in 2002, when a graduate student witnessed Sandusky showering with a ten-year-old boy. The student reported what he saw to long-time head coach Joe Paterno and Paterno in turn reported the incident to the administration. The administration failed to notify the police, breaking Pennsylvania law. The university only imposed a ban on Sandusky bringing children into the football facilities."

The guy could no longer bring kids into the football facilities? Really?
drawnstripes;4231536 said:
Jo Pa in 2012

Sounds to me like within a few days (or possibly even a few hours) we can change that to: JoePA in November, 2011: Retired.
joseephuss;4231903 said:
Penn St. cancels Joe Paterno's weekly press conference that was to be held Tuesday morning. Paterno's son claims JoePa wanted to speak to the press, but the presser was canceled without consulting him. This is according to ESPN radio.
It's a load of bullcrap. Originally this morning they announced they were going to have the press conference but no questions regarding the scandal would be addressed. Then, after they cancel it, they claim "hey he wanted to address the charges!"
Sad thing is all these people that saw this and did nothing. Twisted Ish.
peplaw06;4231749 said:
Paterno should have fired him. End of story.
But I don't think that's the end of story. This isn't some case where an assistant coach was banging some co-ed consensually. Paterno should have notified the proper authorities for this obscenely illegal activity that was going on.

What a despicable end to a man's career. 50 years of coaching and this is what people will remember.
"The first case to come to light was a boy who met Sandusky when he was 11 or 12, and physical contact began during his overnight stays at Sandusky's house, the grand jury said. Eventually, the boy's mother reported the sexual assault allegations to his high school, and Sandusky was banned from the child's school district in Clinton County. That triggered the state investigation that culminated in charges Saturday.

Read more:

This is on a completely different topic, but would ANY of you let your child who goes to At Risk foundations spend the night with a man who is more or less a stranger? I can't believe a parent would ever allow this. I understand that she did not know this was going to take place, but you have to really wonder why anybody would let their child spend the night at some guy's house unsupervised.

Sorry, that paragraph in particular really bothers me. This whole case is disgusting.
I think this scandal along with the Miami scandal coming out may just deep six the NCAA they are going to have to reorganize and make big strides in cleaning up college football before the Government starts getting involved.
Kangaroo;4231977 said:
I think this scandal along with the Miami scandal coming out may just deep six the NCAA they are going to have to reorganize and make big strides in cleaning up college football before the Government starts getting involved.
The thing is, this scandal is on a whole other level when compared to Ohio State or Miami. We're not talking about some booster giving a kid $10,000 or free tattoos or whatever.

This is just not even in the same stratosphere as those scandals. This is something that any of us would deservedly do a long time in jail if we did those things. I am genuinely saddened to see this ugliness, but hopeful that there will be some punishment doled out.
Joe Paterno and other Penn St. officials didn't do enough to try to stop suspected sexual abuse of children at the hands of a former assistant coach.

Paterno may have fulfilled his legal requirement to report suspected abuse by Sandusky, but somebody has to question about what I consider the moral requirements for a human being that knows sexual things that are taking place with a child.

I think you have the moral responsibility, anyone. Not whether you're a football coach or a university president or the guy sweeping the building. I think you have a moral responsibility to call police.

This case goes beyond football and Penn State university.

It is a case about children who have had their innocence stolen from them, in a culture that did nothing to stop it or prevent it from happening to others.
Rogah;4231991 said:
The thing is, this scandal is on a whole other level when compared to Ohio State or Miami. We're not talking about some booster giving a kid $10,000 or free tattoos or whatever.

This is just not even in the same stratosphere as those scandals. This is something that any of us would deservedly do a long time in jail if we did those things. I am genuinely saddened to see this ugliness, but hopeful that there will be some punishment doled out.

I think it all ties together the whole hide, cover up and lie about what ever to have winning football team.

That is why I think it was covered up or ignored by PSU it was all about W's and winning to get fan money etc etc. Greed good old fashion greed and the NCAA is part of the problem and not part of the solution. I think it all ties back together and makes for a sad situation.

The entire scandal is disturbing and it also looks like the second mile did not have good controls in place to help prevent this type of action either as an organization.
Kangaroo;4232012 said:
I think it all ties together the whole hide, cover up and lie about what ever to have winning football team.

That is why I think it was covered up or ignored by PSU it was all about W's and winning to get fan money etc etc. Greed good old fashion greed and the NCAA is part of the problem and not part of the solution. I think it all ties back together and makes for a sad situation.

The entire scandal is disturbing and it also looks like the second mile did not have good controls in place to help prevent this type of action either as an organization.

Kind of like the Roman Catholic church.
Yakuza Rich;4231864 said:
Sandusky was on campus *last week*.

Read this timeline and connect the dots.
I didn't know that much about this case and although I obviously knew it was awful already, I really wish I hadn't read those details. :puke:

That might be the worst thing I've ever read in my life. So freaking disgusting. How the *** is that guy out on bail? Are you kidding me? :mad:

Sadly, he'll probably commit suicide before he can be taken to trial. Not kidding.

Really, Saltwater had the right idea with the shotgun and feral hogs.
Does anyone here really know exactly what Paterno knew and when he knew it?
WV Cowboy;4232010 said:
Paterno may have fulfilled his legal requirement to report suspected abuse by Sandusky, but somebody has to question about what I consider the moral requirements for a human being that knows sexual things that are taking place with a child.
I am not even so sure that's the case. If someone finds out about child molestation taking place, I don't think the legal requirement is to report it to your school's athletic director and then wipe your hands clean of the matter when he decides not to do a darn thing.
WV Cowboy;4232010 said:
This case goes beyond football and Penn State university.
Absolutely 100% true. But the University is sure going to take one heck of a hit for this one; a hit which will last years, if not decades. And I imagine State College's endowment will be shrinking significantly when they lose tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars in the upcoming lawsuits.
Chocolate Lab;4232024 said:
Really, Saltwater had the right idea with the shotgun and feral hogs.

Only after he tours every prison in America and any willing inmate has a turn with him.
ZeroClub;4232029 said:
Does anyone here really know exactly what Paterno knew and when he knew it?
Allegedly that McQueary guy (now the Penn St. WR coach) told Paterno in 2002 that he personally witnessed a despicable act of what can really only be called forceable rape of a minor. (When I say he "witnessed" it, what I mean is that he walked into the locker room and stumbled onto it completely by accident). Allegedly Paterno passed that information on to the athletic director but none of those 3 men decided to take it any further than that.

Paterno is denying that McQueary told him exactly what happened, but I find it rather hard to believe that McQueary went into JoePA's office all shaken up and said "I just saw something horrible!" to which Paterno replied "well, don't tell me anything specific, son, I'd rather not know!"
Chocolate Lab;4232024 said:
Really, Saltwater had the right idea with the shotgun and feral hogs.


Send Sandusky to a hardcore prison. They don't take too kindly to child molestors there. He'll get a receipt and then some.

ZeroClub;4232029 said:
Does anyone here really know exactly what Paterno knew and when he knew it?

I don't think they do... At least nothing that's been reported.

Maybe it's my faith in humanity, but I have to believe it was more what Stanley said, that Paterno was told a highly sterilized version and even then he, not being a sicko, never considered anything like that was the real story.

I mean, I just can't imagine that he or any human could know that had happened and not do more about it. There's no way.

Of course, someone had to know, even if it wasn't Paterno. :banghead: :mad:

But how did that janitor or GA not go find a 2x4 or grab a helmet out of a locker and bash that old man into oblivion right then and there? UGH!

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